Showing posts with label Illustrator design. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Illustrator design. Show all posts

Thursday, March 17, 2011

Mother's Day يوم الام

Mothers Day is celebrated in several country across the globe,but it varies .Most countries celebrate Mothers Day on second Sunday in the Month of May.In Egypt they celebrate it on March 21 n many countries the way Mothers Day is celebrated varies and is quite different from the manner in which Mothers Day is celebrated in US. But what is more important than the date and fashion of celebration is the feeling behind the festival. The idea of celebrating Mother's Day the world over is to pay tribute to mothers for all their love and support and to make them feel special.n many countries the way Mothers Day is celebrated varies and is quite different from the manner in which Mothers Day is celebrated in US. But what is more important than the date and fashion of celebration is the feeling behind the festival. The idea of celebrating Mother's Day the world over is to pay tribute to mothers for all their love and support and to make them feel special.

Dates around the world
 The date was changed to fit already existing celebrations in every country .
  • African countries
Many African countries adopted the idea of one Mother's Day from the British tradition.

  • Arab World 
Mother's Day in most of Arab countries is celebrated on March 21. It was introduced in Egypt by Mostafa Amin in his daily column Fikrah ("idea"). The first celebration was held in Egypt in 1956, and it has since been copied by the other Arab countries.

  • Australia

    In Australia, Mother's Day is celebrated on the second Sunday in May. It is not a public holiday
  • Brazil

    In Brazil, Mother's Day is celebrated on the second Sunday of May.
  • India

    Mother's Day is celebrated on the second Sunday of May.
  •  United Kingdom and Ireland
 In the United Kingdom and Ireland, there was a celebration called Mothering Sunday, which fell on the fourth Sunday of Lent (3 April in 2011), exactly three weeks before Easter Sunday. 

  • United States
 The United States celebrates Mother's Day on the second Sunday in May. 

Mother's Day Gifts 
Mother's Day is an occasion to pamper the mothers anywhere .All the people are giving gifts to their mothers in that day to express their love for their mothers ,and to say thanks to Mothers for all  what they are doing for them .Your gift must clearly reflect your inner feelings for your mother ,even simple gift just to show her your love .
It depends upon you and your choice you can choose expensive gifts like jewelry or simple gifts like flowers ,or perfumes .Whatever your gift is, you should put a card with your gift with a some nice words from your heart .

you will find one more card in Arts Of Photos 

عيد الام ، عيد سنوى يحتفل به فى مصر و اوروبا و امريكا و بلاد كثيره فى العالم. فى مصر يحتفل به فى يوم 21 مارس لتكريم الأمهات بدأ الاحتفال به سنة 1956. اول دعوه لعيد الأم فى مصر قام بيها الصحفى و الكاتب المصرى مصطفى امين سنة 1943 فى كتابه "امريكا الضاحكه" و لكن بدأ الاحتفال بعيد الام فى مصر فى 21 مارس  1956
و عيد الام هو يوم للتعبير عن حب الام فكل انسان شغلته امور الحياه و المعيشه عن تقديم هديه لامه يجد فى هذا اليوم فرصه رائعه لهذا حيث تجتمع الاسره كلها فى جو من المحبه الخالصه لتقديم الهدايا للام التى تعبت كثيرا من اجل ابنائها وحان وقت تكريمها 
اقدم هذا الكرت هديه لكل ام.

شكرا لكم 
منال رأفت 

Friday, February 25, 2011

Hurghada الغردقه - مصر

Hurghada is a city in the Red Sea Governorate of Egypt. It is a main tourist center and second largest city (after Suez) in Egypt located on the Red Sea coast.Hurghada stretches for about 36 kilometres (22 mi) along the seashore, and it does not reach far into the surrounding desert. 

Hurghada was founded in the early 20th century, and until a few years ago, remained a small fishing village. But today, it has gone on to become the foremost tourist resort of the Red Sea coast and an international center for aquatic sports. If it takes place in or on the water you can do it here, like windsurfing, sailing, deep-sea fishing, swimming, but, above all, snorkeling and diving. The unique underwater gardens offshore are some of the finest in the world, justifiably famous amongst divers. The warm waters here are ideal for many varieties of rare fish and coral reefs, which may also be observed through glass bottom boats. 

Its Climate 
Hurghada has a Subtropical-Desert climate, with mild-warm winters and hot to very hot summers. 

About Hurghada
- located on the West Cost of the Red Sea around 40 km cost line.

- population: 55.000 including around 7.000 foreigners.

- There are around 200 hotels in Hurghada.

- there are 70.000 tourists from Europe coming every week to Hurghada.

- sun is shining 99% days in the year

- hotest months: July, August, coldest months:
 January, February.

Holiday in Hurghada 
Hurghada is an exciting and vibrant holiday destination suitable for all ages and can be found on the western side of Egypt's Red Sea Riviera. 
Hurghada is known as a party town, particularly among Europeans.Locals and others will tell you that life begins at night in Hurghada, with the many, many clubs.  
Hurghada is perfect for those seeking total relaxation with fantastic weather and warm sea temperatures throughout the year.

Things to Do in Hurghada 
There is plenty to do in Hurghada ranging from day trips to watersports. 
--Hughada Diving is also popular as many people look forward to exploring the underwater marine life. 
--In the meantime, take advantage of the relaxing atmosphere and stunning scenery and spend time exploring Hurghada and the area around this fascinating city.
--Excursions are always available for visitors. With day trips to other parts of Egypt.
--Enjoy sea and sand .
--Hurghada Diving:Enjoy fantastic underwater marine life.
-- Hurghada Watersports: Choose from sailing, fishing and windsurfing, and more like banana rides, pedal boats and canoeing.
--Hurghada Shopping 
--Hurghada Nightlife :Beside hotels, duty free shops and some restaurants ,and discos,and cafe shops .

الغردقة مدينة مصرية على ساحل البحر الأحمر وعاصمة محافظة البحر الأحمر. فيها ميناء تجاري ويقصدها السياح لشواطئها والأنشطة البحريةالعديده بها 

 اكتسبت الغردقة اسمها من شجرة الغردق، كما هي عادة تسمية الأماكن (و خصوصا الصحراوية) بأسماء النباتات المنتشرة فيها أو الأشجار الميزة 
نشأت الغردقة في أوائل القرن العشريــن كعباره عن وديان صحراويه ، يسكنها بدو مصرييـن يعملون في الصيد والبداوة من عرب الرشنديه وجهينه القادمين من الجزيره العربيه والعبابده على ساحل البحر الاحمر وبـدأ نموهـا باكتشــاف النفط في تلك المنطقة سنة 1913 إلا أن طفرة حدثت في أوائل ثمانينيات ثمانينيات القرن عندما بدأت تُعرف كمنطقة جاذبة لهواة الغطس، وتسارع نموها في العقدين التاليين لتصبح أحد أهم المدن السياحية في مصر. وكانت مدينة الغردقة تنقسم إلى ثلاثة أحياء رئيسية: حي السقالة (الميناء) جنوب المحافظة وهو الذي كان يضم أغلب السكان العاملين بالصيد ؛ وحي الدهار وهو الذي كان يضم مبنى المحافظة والجهات الحكومية الأخرى والسوق التجاري ؛ وحي الأحياء شمالا وهي منطقة منعزلة يقطنها السكان الذين كان يعمل معظمهم في المعهد القومي لعلوم البحار والمصايد الذي تم إنشاؤه في 1930 أو مركز الشباب المجاور للمعهد

 شهرة الغردقه 
تشتهر الغردقه  بصيد أسماك القرش البراكودا* أبوشراع – أبوسيف * بياض – قاروق – مرجان 
  اكتسبت الغردقه شهره كبيره فى مجال السياحه و خاصه سياحة الشواطئ والمنتجعات وقد اكتسبت الغردقة هذه السمعة الكبيرة في سنوات قليلة، ويرجع ذلك الى القيمة السياحية والجمالية للغردقة والتي ليس لها مثيل وكذلك و توفر التسهيلات السياحية والرياضية بسرعة كبيرة وبمستويات رائعة في هذه المنطقة
من اهم الانشطه التى تمارس فى الغردقه الرياضات البحرية من تزلج وإبحار وغوص فمياهها الدافئة تحتضن أنواعا نادرة من الاسماك والشعاب المرجانية 

       اشهر المعالم السياحيه
 أثار رومانية بجبل الدخان على بعد 65 كم شمالاً
متحف الأحياء المائية على بعد 4 كم من شمال ميناء الغردقة
الشعاب المرجانية
المعهد القومي لعلوم البحار والمصايد

اهم المزارات
 وادي الحمامات
دير الأنبا أنطيونيوس
دير الأنبا بولا
ضريح أبو الحسن الشاذلي

  I designed that card as an invitation card to visit my lovely and favorite place .You can fold it in the middle.


 Please visit Arts Of Photos  

Monday, February 21, 2011

Sharm el-Sheikh شرم الشيخ

Sharm el-Sheikh is one of the most popular tourist places in the Arab world. But there are also some very good reasons to visit it if you are not the common tourist, who likes to lie on the beach all day. It is one of the finest diving spots in the world and a trip into the desert is an unforgettable adventure. 

Sharm el-Sheikh is a city situated on the southern tip of the Sinai Peninsula, in South Sinai Governorate, Egypt, on the coastal strip along the Red Sea. Its population is approximately 35,000 (2008). It is popular with package holiday makers and divers.

Its Name 
Sharm el-Sheikh is sometimes called the "City of Peace", referring to the large number of international peace conferences that have been held there.It is also transliterated as Sharm ash- Shaykh and popularly known simply as "Sharm".It means bay of the Sheikh.

 Its History and Geography 
Sharm el-Sheikh is on a promontory overlooking the Straits of Tiran at the mouth of the Gulf of Aqaba
About 40 years ago, Sharm el-Sheikh was nothing but a small fishing village with about 100 Bedouin citizens,but its strategic importance led to its transformation from a fishing village into a major port .
Sharm el-Sheikh city has been subdivided into five homogeneous centers, namely Nabq, Ras Nusrani, Naama Bay, Umm Sid and Sharm El Maya[ Na'ama Bay part of the city is the center of nightlife and dining: most of Sharm's clubs, cafes, restaurants and shops are here].There is also an airport in Sharm el-Sheikh. Sharm el-Sheikh Airport is the largest in the Sinai, and receives plane-loads of charter tourists daily in the winter high season. The only airline for local flights is Egypt Air .
The land plan shows that the total area of Sharm el-Sheikh is expected to be about 42 square kilometres by the year 2017.

 During the 2011 Egyptian protests, President Hosni Mubarak reportedly went to Sharm el-Sheikh and resigned there on 11 February 2011.

The average temperatures during the winter months (November to March) range from 15 to 35 degrees Celsius (59-95°F) and during the summer months (April to October) from 20 to 45 degrees Celsius (68-113°F). The temperature of the Red Sea in this region ranges from 21 to 28 degrees Celsius (70-84°F) over the course of the year. 

Tourism  in Sharm
Sharm el-Sheikh's major industry is foreign and domestic tourism, owing to its dramatic landscape, year-round dry and temperate climate and long stretches of natural beaches. Its waters are clear and calm for most of the year and have become popular for various watersports, particularly recreational scuba diving and snorkeling which some consider to be among the best in the world.There is great scope for scientific tourism with diversity in marine life species; 250 different coral reefs and 1000 species of fish.

Diving is the main activity in Sharm el-Sheikh. When you dive into the warm water of the Red Sea and leave the remote desert behind, you will enter a world full of life and colors.

 شرم الشيخ هي أكبر مدن محافظة جنوب سيناء هي مركز سياحي عالمي. تشتهر بالغوص. بالجنوب منها توجد محمية راس محمد الطبيعية 
وصف شرم الشيخ
توجد بها وحولها أهم المحميات الطبيعية في رأس محمد ونبق. وأمام شرم الشيخ توجد جزيرتا تيران وصنافير عند مدخل خليج العقبة.. ومن أهم مناطقها رأس نصرانى ورأس أم سيد إلى جانب رأس محمد 
فازت شرم الشيخ بجائزة اليونيسكو ضمن افضل خمس مدن سلام فى العالم من بين 400 مديته عالميه

    تعتبر شرم الشيخ من أحدث مناطق الاستجمام والاسترخاء في العالم، وفي خلال عشر سنوات أصبح فيها أكثر من 150 فندقا  
يستطيع السائح ايضا اختيار مايلائمه من النشاطات المتعدده هناك ركوب الخيل أو لعب التنس، أو ملاهي الأطفال، إلى التزلج على الماء، أو الغطس أو الغوص حيث أصبحت سياحة مراكز الغوص تمثل اليوم نشاطا سياحيا يلقى رواجا كبيرا وبأعداد غير عادية تعكسه زيادة عدد هذه المراكز.

 أرض السلام
 مدينة شرم الشيخ يشار إليها دائماً بأنها "أرض السلام" أو " مدينة السلام " وذلك لأن أرضها تشهد عقد مؤتمرات وقمم حول السلام والعديد من المؤتمرات السياسية والعلمية والسياحية 

After all of what I had mentioned about Sharm I decided to design an invitation card with its name .That you can fold like a book in the middle .
That card is designed with illustrator .


Saturday, February 12, 2011

Valentine's Day يوم الحب

It is an annual commemoration held on February 14 celebrating love,and affection between intimate companions,and friends.

Love You

Valentines Day is a day to express your love, and to celebrate the spirit of love.lovers express their love for each other by presenting flowers,gifts,sweets and also sending greeting cards .The day first became associated with romantic love.
Modern Valentine's Day symbols that have been used over a long period of time, include:
  •  The heart-shaped outline,because it was believed that the heart was the seat of all human emotions .
  • Roses ,and its red color .The color red is associated with strong emotions .
  • Ribbons,scarf or handkerchief.
  • Traditional symbols like Cupid,and birds.
 I designed that card to send for everybody in that occasion .
That card is designed with both illustrator and photo shop.
I got the flowers from illustrator and open it in photo shop ,then with the layer style and Type tool option I wrote the word  .

I wish for you all happy valentine's day and happy life . Please accept my card as a gift for you in that occasion,
you can find more in Arts Of Photos 

يوم الحب هو مناسبه سنوية عالميه هو يوم 14 فبراير فى هذا اليوم تقدم الهدايا و الورود كتعبير عن المحبه الصادقه 
بدا هذا اليوم للمتحابين ثم اصبح لكل الناس للاصدقاء والاقارب المقربين 
تستطيع تقديم ورود او ورود او هديه رقيقه تعبيرا عن المحبه الصادقه والمشاعر الرقيقه
وبصفة عامه الهديه ليست بقيمتها وانما بما ترمز اليه
ارجو ان تتقبلوا هذا الكرت هديه منى اليكم تعبيرا عن حبي للجميع 

Manal Raafat

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Queen Meresankh III, King Khafra's Wife... with Illustrator lesson.

She is the wife of the pharaoh Khafra and a grand-daughter of the Egyptian pharaoh Khufu.Her   parents were brother and sister[ Hetepheres II and Prince Kawab ].She had married the pharaoh Khafra of the Fourth dynasty of Egypt and bore him four sons and one daughter .  

Queen Meresankh III, King Khafra's Wife

That  photo for the statue of Queen Meresankh III [right ] and her mother Hetepheres II [left] .
I don't like the dullness of the photo ,It is very pale ,so again I changed the background and adjust the picture that is the way .Just read more.

As I was preparing for the mother's day I found that picture .I fixed it and I felt it is nice for the mother's day as a mother and daughter true picture and story ,so I used it in designing my card .
I fixed it with photo-shop [you can fined that in Arts Of Photos] ,then  I designed the card  with illustrator 


Monday, January 03, 2011

Red Card

I had designed another card for the new year celebration .
It is different than the first one, it is simple and designed with illustrator .It got also some light decorations and it had some transparent layers .It contains a transparent bouquet of flowers surrounded by some decorations  and framed with a simple frame .
All this artwork is designed with the symbol panel of illustrator ,the frame by the brush panel and choose borders to choose the frame and the type tool and I used the wrap text option in the option bar of the text tool.
I just wanted to add  one more card for the group of cards on the blog . 
I explained in brief how to make test yourself and try to make on I gave you the key to start .If you have any question contact me on my email .

Enjoy trying .   
Manal Raafat

Sunday, December 26, 2010

How to Design a Happy New Year Illustrator Card with the Flare Tool?

I just wanted to say happy new year everybody. Hopping good new year for all of us. 
I had designed this card few days ago for that occasion if you like it just go down and read more. 
You can go also for illustrator tips to read more about the Symbols and Symbolism Tool.

A card designed with Illustrator 

How to Design ?

Monday, December 20, 2010

Create Your Own Fonts with Illustrator

You can create your own fonts and type with illustrator,by some tricks. In the diagram you can see that I create four different shapes from the same type. It is easy to do .Just use some illustrator options. If you like that topic, just go for read more. I hope you will find it clear and useful.

Illustrator Fonts



Open new illustrator document .
  1. Select the Type Tool ,select a simple type of fonts ,and start to write what you like .
  2. Select the type with the selection tool .Put the fill color to black and white stroke 2 pt .
  3. Go to the Object menu and select  Expand .Object - Expand .
  4. Select the type again then go again to the Object menu then choose Path  then choose offset path.. Object-Path -Offset path.. Choose offset=5  , Joins -Miter  and  Miter limit to 7 .
  5. Click  OK.
  6. Open the stroke panel from the window menu. 
For the type modification number 1  
Nothing  more to add , just repeat the step number 4 to add the thickness you like.

For the type modification number 2
Go to the stroke panel and choose dashed line with align stroke to center with the option dash to 8 and gap to 4.

For the type modification number 3
Do the same ,but put the align stroke to inside.  

For the type modification number 4
Do the same ,but put the align stroke to outside.

Manal Raafat

Saturday, December 11, 2010

How to Design Different Tree Leaves with Illustrator?

How to design different types of leaves on dark brown background, Surrounded by wooden frame? It was designed by illustrator. You can continue learning on the illustrator department .Here I will give you simple explanation for how to make.

Illustrator Design


Saturday, December 04, 2010

How to design Illustrator Card for The New Year 1432 HEJRIA?كرت مصمم باليوستريتور

Best wishes for all .

I hope next year all of you can get what he wants.
I designed this card yesterday with illustrator for that occasion .
I hope you will accept my gift to you and you will like it.

 لكل العالم الاسلامى اجمل التهانى والامنيات بالعام الهجرى الجديد اعاده الله على الجميع بالخير و اليمن والبركات.
قمت بتصمميم هذا الكارت باليوستريتور .


Thursday, November 18, 2010

How To Design Flora With Illustrator ?

I like to see flowers everywhere so I design that picture. 
We can use it as a card also and print it on photo paper with photo printer and send it as a card 

لأننى احب ان ارى الزهور دائما وفى كل مكان فقد صممت هذه الباقه
و تستطيع ان تقوم بطباعتها و تقدمها كبطاقة تهنئة

 How to design it with illustrator?                                                                                                

The Quote Of The Day.

You lie the loudest when you lie to yourself.

One thing you can give and still your word.

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