Showing posts with label Video. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Video. Show all posts

Saturday, September 22, 2012

How to design Aquarium with illustrator with video كيفية تصميم حوض السمك ببرنامج اليوستريتور بالفيديو

An aquarium is a vivarium consisting of at least one transparent side in which water-dwelling plants or animals are kept. Fish-keepers use aquaria to keep fish, invertebrates, amphibians,marine mammals, turtles, and aquatic plants. The term combines the Latin root aqua, meaning water, with the suffix -arium, meaning "a place for relating to".

تصميم حوض سمك مجسم باليوستريتور

An illustrator design for aquarium

To make that design;
  • Open new illustrator document with dimensions of 300X300
  • With the Ellipse Tool draw an oval shape  with diameters 200X200,with 2 pt stroke and leaner gradient fill.

Friday, August 24, 2012

Illustrator Symbolism Tools Options with video خيارات أدوات الرموز فى اليوستريتور مع الفيديو التوضيحى

Symbolism tool options
You access symbolism tool options by double-clicking a symbolism tool in the Tools panel.

Symbolism Tools gallery  
General options, such as diameter, intensity, and density, appear at the top of the dialog box. Tool-specific options appear at the bottom of the dialog box. To switch to options for a different tool, click a tool icon in the dialog box.
 Symbolism Tools Options
General options

Tuesday, August 07, 2012

How to design three-dimensional character in Illustrator,with video.كيفة عمل حروف مجسمة بإليوستريتور

3D effects enable you to create three-dimensional (3D) objects from two-dimensional (2D) artwork.
You can control the appearance of 3D objects with lighting, shading, rotation, and other properties. You can also map artwork onto each surface of a 3D object

We will use both Illustrator and Photoshop.

How to design it?

Sunday, May 27, 2012

Drawing with the Pen tool In Illustrator with video إستعمال القلم فى الرسم فى برنامج اليوستريتور مع الفيديو التفصيلى

Pen Tool is one of Drawing Tools in Illustrator , for drawing simple lines and shapes.
For some people pen tool is little bit confusing.

With Pen Tool you can draw  straight line segments  and, curves.    

Draw straight line segments with the Pen tool.
The simplest path you can draw with the Pen tool is a straight line, made by clicking the Pen tool to create two anchor points. By continuing to click, you create a path made of straight line segments connected by corner points.


Monday, March 19, 2012

Nondestructive Editing For Your photos With Photoshopتحرير الصور و تعديلها بطرق غير اتلافيه و غير تدميريه بالفوتوشوب

Nondestructive editing allows you to make changes to an image without overwriting the original image data, which remains available in case you want to revert to it. Because nondestructive editing doesn’t remove data from an image, the image quality doesn’t degrade when you make edits.

Ways of Nondestructive editing :
  • Working with adjustment layers: Adjustment layers apply color and tonal adjustments to an image without permanently changing pixel values.
  • Transforming with Smart Objects: Smart Objects enable nondestructive scaling, rotating, and warping. 
  • Retouching on a separate layer: Clone Stamp, Healing Brush, and Spot Healing Brush tools let you retouch non-destructively on a separate layer. Be sure to select Sample All Layers from the options bar (select Ignore Adjustment Layers to ensure that adjustment layers won’t affect the separate layer twice). You can discard unsatisfactory retouching, if necessary.
  • Filtering with Smart Filters: Filters applied to Smart Objects become Smart Filters and allow for nondestructive filter effects.
  • Masking Layer and vector masks : are nondestructive because you can re-edit the masks without losing the pixels they hide. Filter masks let you mask out the effects of Smart Filters on Smart Object layers. 
  • Adjusting variations, shadows, and highlights with Smart Objects: Shadow/Highlight and Variations commands can be applied to a Smart Object as Smart Filters.
  • Cropping non-destructively: After you create a cropping rectangle with the Crop tool, select Hide from the options bar to preserve the cropped area in a layer. Restore the cropped area anytime by choosing Image > Reveal All or by dragging the Crop tool beyond the edge of the image. The Hide option is unavailable for images that contain only a background layer.
That is how you can edit your photos non-destructively. I will explain more in the next post.

تحرير الصور بطرق غير إتلافية يسمح لك بإجراء تغييرات على صورة دون الكتابة فوق بيانات الصورة الأصلية، والتي لا تزال متوفرة فإذا كنت تريد أن إستعادة الصوره الأصليه يمكنك هذا. وهذا التحرير الغير تدميري لا يزيل بيانات الصورة و لا يغيرها ،كما أن جودة الصورة لا تتدهور عند إجراء التعديلات. 

تحرير الصور قد يكون بطرق تدميريه و اتلافيه و قد لا تستطيع استعادة الصوره الأصليه مره اخرى و لهذا اقدم لكم طرق حمايه الصور اثناء تناولها بالفوتوشوب.

ملاحظه هامه
أولا و قبل أى شئ احفظ الصوره فى ملف آخر و بإسم آخر فتكون فى مأمن من التلف .

طرق التحرير الغير تدميرى للصور بالفوتوشوب :
أولا :  
العمل مع طبقات التعديل Adjustments Layers:
 طبقات التعديل تقوم تطبيق لون وتعديلات الدرجات اللونية على الصورة من دون تغيير قيم البكسل بطريقه دائمة .

ثانيا :
تحويل الكائنات الى كائنات ذكية Smart Objects:
فالكائنات الذكية تمكن من التحجيم ( تغيير الحجمscaling) ، و الإستداره(rotating) ، والالتواء(warping) , و غيرها بطرق غير تدميريه. 

ثالثا : 
يجب ان يكون التصحيح على طبقة منفصلة : 
مثلا فى حالة استعمال اداة ختم النسخ clone stamp tool، 
و اداة فرشاة المداواة healing brush tool، 
وأداة الفرشاة الفوريه spot healing tool 
تمكنك من تنميق و تهذيب الغير المدمر على طبقة منفصلة. تأكد من تحديد اختر كل الطبقات في شريط الخيارات .

رابعا :
استمعال الفلاتر او المرشحات الذكية smart filters :

إستعمال طبقات الأقنعه (layer mask ) والاقنعة الواقية غير تدميريه لأنه يمكنك إعادة تحرير الأقنعة الواقية من دون أن تفقد البكسلات المخفيه.

خامسا :
استعمال أقنعة المرشحات ( filter mask) .

سادسا :
الاقتصاص الغير مدمر( crop) :
بعد إنشاء مستطيل الاقتصاص بأداة الإقتصاص، حدد إخفاء ( hide)من شريط الخيارات للحفاظ على مساحة الصوره كامله في طبقة فنقوم بإخفائها بدلا من اقتصاصها و فقدها نهائيا .
و هكذا يمكننا استعادة المساحة المقطوعة في أي وقت عن طريق اختيار صورة> الكشف عن جميع ( reveal all)أو عن طريق سحب أداة اقتصاص ما وراء حافة الصورة.
إذا لم كان خيار( hide) غير متوفر فى شريط الخيارات فإعلم انك   تعمل على طبقة الخلفية.

هذه بعض النقاط الهامه و سوف اضيف فيديو 

Saturday, March 03, 2012

Reshaping Tools ,and Symbolism Tool Gallery with video .

Reshaping tools. 
Reshaping tools. 

  1. The Rotate tool (R) : rotates objects around a fixed point.
  2. The Reflect tool (O) :flips objects over a fixed axis.
  3. The Scale tool (S) : resizes objects around a fixed point.
  4. The Shear tool: skews objects around a fixed point .
  5. The Reshape tool : adjusts selected anchor points while keeping the overall detail of the path intact.
  6. The Free Transform tool (E) : scales, rotates, or skews a selection.
  7. The Blend tool (W) : creates a series of objects blended between the color and shape of multiple objects.
  8. The Warp tool (Shift+R) : molds objects with the movement of the cursor.
  9. The Twirl tool : creates circular distortions within an object. 
  10. The Pucker tool : deflates an object by moving control points towards the cursor.
  11. The Bloat tool : inflates an object by moving control points away from the cursor.
  12.  The Scallop tool : adds random curved details to the outline of an object.
  13. The Crystallize tool : adds random spiked details to the outline of an object. 
  14. The Wrinkle tool : adds wrinkle-like details to the outline of an object. 

    Symbolism tool gallery .

    Symbolism tool gallery .

    It let you create and modify sets of symbol instances. You create a symbol set using the Symbol Sprayer tool. You can then use the other symbolism tools to change the density, color, location, size, rotation, transparency, and style of the instances in the set  .

    1. The Symbol Sprayer tool (Shift+S) places multiple symbol instances as a set on the artboard .
    2. The Symbol Shifter tool moves symbol instances .
    3. The Symbol Scruncher tool moves symbol instances closer together or apart . 
    4. The Symbol Sizer tool resizes symbol instances .
    5. The Symbol Spinner tool rotates symbol instances.
    6. The Symbol Stainer tool colorizes symbol instances.
    7. The Symbol Screener tool applies opacity to symbol instances.
    8. The Symbol Styler tool applies the selected style to symbol instances.
    Manal Raafat

    Tuesday, February 28, 2012

    How to add a shadow to your pictures with Photoshop ?كيفية اضافة خيال للصور بالفوتوشوب

    It is so easy to add realistic shadow to your pictures with Photoshop . I had used a picture designed by Illustrator to be clear and easy .

    How to do it .
    1. Select the shape with the Quick Selection Tool ,or with the color range .
    2. Cut the shape and paste it to new layer,and name it picture . 
    3. With the Paint Bucket Tool, fill the space of cut picture with black . Select the black shape and cut it also.
    4. Add new layer above the background layer and paste the black shape to it.Name the layer with shadow.  
    5. Select the  background layer in the layer panel, then clean the picture and fill the space of cut with the same color .[ in the background layer]
    6. Select the  shadow layer and apply Transform - Distort .[ Edit - Transform - Distort ].
    7. From the layer panel, add layer mask to the shadow layer .Then add gradient overlay.
    8. Blur the shadow [Filter -Blur -Gaussian Bur].
    9. Reduce the layer opacity and fill  in the layer panel 
    10. Save your work.

    الطريقه :
    اولا نفتح الصوره فى برنامج الفوتوشوب 
    1 - حدد الشكل باستخدام أداة التحديد السريع، أو بطريقه اختيار نطاق اللون المشروحه فى الفيديو .و نفتحها من قائمة selection 
    نختار color range
    2 - قص الشكل المحدد  Ctrl+X
    ثم اضف طبقه جديده من لوحة الطبقات
    الصقه على الطبقة الجديدة  Ctrl +V. 
    3 - بأداة دلو الطلاء Paint Bucket Tool إملء المساحة الفارغه مكان الصوره المقصوصه بالأسود.
     4 - حدد الشكل الأسود كما سبق وقصه ايضا بنفس الطريقه السابقه .و اضف طبقه جديده بين طبقة الصوره وطبقة الخلفيه و الصق الشكل الأسود بها.
    5 - حدد طبقة الخلفيه فى لوحة الطبقات ثم قم بتنظيف الصورة و إملء الفراغ مكان الصوره المقصوصه مره اخرى و لكن الآن بالأبيض او نفس اللون الخلفية.
    6 - حدد الطبقه التى تحتوى على الظل الأسود ثم طبق عليها بعض التعديلات Edit - Transform - Distort 
    اضبط الارتفاع المناسب و الميل المناسب كما فى الفيديو .
    7 - حدد الطبقه التى تحتوى على الظل الأسود ثم اضف لها قناع كما فى الفيديو .ثم اضف لها تدرج لونى اسود فى ابيض .
    8 - اضف بعض الضبابيه على الظل من قائمة Filter 
    Filter - Blur - Gaussian Burكما فى الفيديو .
    9 - قلل الشفافيه و ملئ اللون Fill من لوحة الطبقات .
    10 - احفظ الصوره 
    ارجو ان تكون سهله و اعجبتكم .

    شكرا لكم

    Wednesday, February 01, 2012

    Amenemhat III the builder of the Black Pyramid in Dashur with Photoshop lesson أمنمحات الثالث باني الهرم الأسود في دهشور

    He was a pharaoh of the Twelfth Dynasty of Egypt. He ruled from c.1860 BC to c.1814 BC.He was regarded as the greatest monarch of the Middle Kingdom. He may have had a long coregency (of 20 years) with his father, Senusret III [ multiple sovereigns or kings of a single state ].
    Amenemhet III was handed a peaceful reign, his father Sesostris III had given him a land on good diplomatic terms with her northern neighbours, Nubia firmly under Egypt's control and the power of the Nomarchs finally ended.
    The original picture

    Towards the end of his reign he instituted a coregency with his successor Amenemhet IV, as recorded in a now damaged rock inscription at Konosso in Nubia, which equates Year 1 of Amenemhet IV to either Year 46, 47 or 48 of his reign. His daughter, Sobekneferu, later succeeded Amenemhat IV, as the last ruler of the 12th Dynasty. Amenemhat III's throne name, Nimaatre, means "Belonging to the Justice of Re."

    His Family :-
    His father: The pharaoh Sesostris III [the builder of the Sisostris Canal].

    His principle wife: was Aat.
    His daughters: Neferuptah and her sister, the Pharaoh Sobekneferu (“Beauty of Sobek”).
    His son: The Pharaoh Amenemhat IV .

    His reign :-
    - His long reign of 45 years followed the policies of his predecessors of the 12th Dynasty - economic growth in Egypt was at an all time high, agriculture increased at the Fayum (it was here that Amenemhet III completed a land reclamation scheme probably started by his father, Sesostris III, this scheme was to gain 17,000 acres of farm land from the lake).

    -He built his first pyramid at Dahshur "Black Pyramid" but there were construction problems and this was abandoned. Around Year 15 of his reign the king decided to build a new pyramid at Hawara near the Fayum . The pyramid at Dahshur was used as burial ground for several royal women.
    His mortuary temple at Hawara, is accompanied by a pyramid and may have been known to Herodotus who praised it as a wonder of the world.
    The king's pyramid at Hawara contained some of the most complex security features of any found in Egypt and is perhaps the only one to come close to the sort of tricks Hollywood associates with such structures. Nevertheless, the king's burial was robbed in antiquity.

    -Amenemhet III also built temples at the Faiyum to the god Sobek and a temple to the cobra goddess at Maadi near Cairo.

    -Mining operations also were concentrated on heavily - inscriptions show that mining in either the quarries of Egypt or in the Sinai date from Year 2 right up to Year 45 of his reign.

    -At the Sinai Amenemhet III enlarged the temple to Hathor.

    with new background picture
    with colored background and
     layer style 

    How to change the  background of the picture.

    with colored background and
     layer style 

    1. Select the statue of the pharaoh in the photo with the Quick Selection Tool ,then refine it .
    2. Copy the selection ( Ctrl+C).
    3. Open new document , then paste the layer to it(Ctrl+V ) .
    4. Add new layer under the pasted layer .
    5. Add the background picture that you like to the new layer or add color and a layer style .
    6. If you like add a frame in new layer.
    7. Save your work.

    وكان فرعون من الأسرة الثانية عشرة في مصرالفرعونيه. حكم فيها من 1860 الى 1814 قبل الميلاد كان يعتبر أعظم ملك من ملوك الوسطى.و حكم مع ابيه مدة 20 عاما قبل ان يحكم منفردا سنوسرت الثالث .
    تسلم امنمحات الثالث فترة حكمه من والده سلميه و على اسس دبلوماسيه جيده مع جيرانهم .
    في نهاية عهده أقام فترة حكم مشتركه ايضا مع مع خليفته أمنمحات الرابع ، كما هو مسجل في النقوش الصخرية التالفة الموجوده في النوبة .
    اعقبت ابنته ،( Sobekneferu) سوبكى نفرو، في وقت لاحق أمنمحات الرابع، و كانت آخر حاكم من سلالة الأسرة الثانية عشرة.
    كان إسم عرش أمنمحات الثالث Nimaatre،و هو يعني "الانتماء الى عدالة رع "

    اسرته :-
    والده :الفرعون سيزوستريس (Sesostris) الثالث [باني قناة سيزوستريس].
     زوجته الرئيسيه: Aat آت
    بناته : Neferuptah وشقيقتها،  الفرعون Sobekneferu ("جمال سوبك").
    ابنه : إن فرعون أمنمحات الرابع.

    حكمه : -- 
    كان فى خلال فترة حكمه الطويلة (حوالى 45 عاما) يتبع سياسات أسلافه من سلالة الأسرة الثانية عشرة وكان النمو الاقتصادي في مصر في كافة الأوقات عالياً .

    *فى الزراعه : 
    زيادة الزراعة في الفيوم ( أكمل أمنمحات الثالث خطة استصلاح الأراضي التي بدأها والده  سيزوستريس  الثالث ، وكان هذا المشروع للحصول على 17000 فدان من الأراضي الزراعية من البحيرة ( بحيرة قارون).

    *فى التعدين :
    تركزت عمليات التعدين بشكل كبيرفي المحاجر إما في مصر أو في سيناء بدأً من السنة الثانيه و حتى 45 سنة من حكمه ,كما اوضحت النقوش الأثريه.

    *فى التعمير :
    بنى الهرمه الأول في دهشور "الهرم الأسود" ولكن كانت هناك مشاكل فى البناء وتم التخلي عن هذاالبناء و لم يدفن الملك به .

    بعد حوالي 15 سنة من حكمه قرر الملك بناء هرما جديد في هوارة بالقرب من الفيوم. وقد استخدم الهرم في دهشور كمقبره ملكية للعديد من النساء من العائله الحاكمه.
    انشأ معبده الجنائزي في هوارة و انشأ هرما مصاحبا له. وربما كان معروفا لهيرودوت الذي اثنى عليه قائلا أنه من عجائب الدنيا .
    يتضمن هرم الملك في هوارة بعض الميزات الأمنية الأكثر تعقيدا من أمثالها و التى وجدت في مصر ، ومع ذلك فقد سرقت في العصور القديمة.
     كما شيد أمنمحات الثالث المعابد في الفيوم للإله سوبك، ومعبد للإلهة الكوبرا في المعادي قرب القاهرة.

    وايضا فى سيناء اضاف توسعة لمعبد حتحور.

    و له انشاءات أخرى كثيره اكثر من ان تقال فى مقال قصير مثل هذا.

    تعليقى الخاص على الموضوع :-
    تستطيع ان تدرك كيف ان الفراعنه الاجداد كانوا يعملون بجد فى كل مجالات الحياة و لهذا تركوا هذه الحضاره العظيمه الخالده.
    مع العلم انهم كانوا موحدين فى أغلب العصور و ما الآلهه بالنسبه لهم إلا تجسيد لصفات الإله الواحد الأحد بقدر إدراكهم فى هذه العصور و الدليل على ما أقول وجود انبياء كثر فى مصر الفرعونيه و القديمه و بالتأكيد كان هناك اتباع و مؤمنين بهؤلاء الأنبياء مثل سيدناابراهيم و يوسف و عيسى و موسى و ذا النون المصرى و ذا الكفل و ادريس عليهم السلام. 
    شكرا لكم

    Saturday, August 13, 2011

    How to create your own icon with Photoshopكيف تصمم رمزك على الفيس بوك

    It is so easy to create your own icon to use in many places like facebook and any other place there are two ways to do that .

    The First Method , with the use of the Actions Panel :
    Open new document in Photoshop [ if you like the icon for facebook so make it 300 x 300 dimensions ]
    1 - Open the Action Panel from the Window . From the menu of the panel select Textures , it will open the menu . select the one you like and click play , it will play the action until it will become stable . If you do not like just delete the layer .
    2 - Now you can add Style to the action if you like.
     Open the Style Panel ,from the Window Menu .
    Apply the style you like by just clicking it , if you do not like just do undo [ Ctrl + Z] .If you do not like any style do not apply it .
    3 - Now you can type what you like , with the type tool and apply layer style from the fx button in the menu panel .
    4 - You can also add shape to the icon .Use the Custom Shape Tool ,and add the shape you like with your favorite color and style from the option menu of the tool.
    5 - Save your work as usual .

    The Second Method , with the use of styles .
    Open new document .
    1 - With the Paint Bucket Tool add the color to the background .
    2 - Apply the style you like .
    3 - Continue applying shape and type as above

    Please watch the video , I hope it will be useful  

    هذه هى بعض التصميمات بالأسماء و الرموز وطريقه تصميمها سهله و لكنها بحاجه الى وعى بالألوان  و تنسيقها وسوف تشعر بالسعاده عندما تصمم بنفسك رمزك الخاص بك و بذوقك 

    وهذه هى الطريقه  
    افتح مستند جديد فى الفوتوشوب بأبعاد 300 فى 300
    Actions Panelحتى تفتح Actionsاختر Window من قائمه 
    Texturesمن القائمه اعلى اليمين كما فى الفيديو اختر 
    اختر من القائمه ما يناسبك لعمل خلفيه للصوره

    يتم الإجراءPlayاضغط المثلث الأسود الصغير
    اذا لم يعجبك فقط احذف الطبقه من قائمة الطبقات

    Styleيمكنك تغيير الخلفيه او اضافه لون لها من قائمة
     اختر ما تريد او بدون Styles Panelلفتح Stylesاختر Window من
    تستطيع الآن كتابه الإسم و تعديله و اضافه شكل كذلك للرمز كما فى الفيديوالمفصل 

    ملاحظه هامه
    و استبدالها بالطريقه التاليهActions يمكنك الإستغناء عن الخطوه الأولى
    بعد اختيار اللون المناسب Paint Bucket Toolاضافه لون للخلفيه الشفافه بإستعمال 
    Styles Panel المناسب من  Stylesثم اضف
    اكمل باقى الخطوات كالسابق 

    Styles panelغير موجوده فىActions Panelلاحظ ان الخلفيات الموجوده فى   

    Wednesday, July 06, 2011

    Rainbow , And How To Create A Realistic Rainbow Effect With Photoshop (with video) قوس قزح

    The original picture 

    The Photoshop picture

    What is a rainbow ?

    A rainbow is an optical ( Optics is the branch of physics which involves the behavior and properties of light,) and meteorological ( Meteorology is the scientific study of the atmosphere) phenomenon that causes a spectrum of light to appear in the sky when the Sun shines on to droplets of moisture in the Earth's atmosphere. It takes the form of a multicoloured arc. Rainbows caused by sunlight always appear in the section of sky directly opposite the sun.

    In a so-called "primary rainbow" (the lowest, and also normally the brightest rainbow) the arc of a rainbow shows red on the outer (or upper) part of the arc, and violet on the inner section. This rainbow is caused by light being reflected once in droplets of water. In a double rainbow, a second arc may be seen above and outside the primary arc, and has the order of its colours reversed (red faces inward toward the other rainbow, in both rainbows). This second rainbow is caused by light reflecting twice inside water droplets. The region between a double rainbow is dark. The reason for this dark band is that, while light below the primary rainbow comes from droplet reflection, and light above the upper (secondary) rainbow also comes from droplet reflection, there is no mechanism for the region between a double rainbow to show any light reflected from water drops.
    Triple rainbows are impossible.

    For colours seen by a normal human eye, the most commonly cited and remembered sequence, in English, is Newton's seven-fold red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo and violet. However, colour-blind persons will see fewer colors.

    Causes And Visibility 
    Rainbows can be caused by many forms of airborne water. These include not only rain, but also mist, spray, and airborne dew( Dew is water in the form of droplets that appears on thin, exposed objects in the morning or evening.).
    The rainbow effect is also commonly seen near waterfalls or fountains. In addition, the effect can be artificially created by dispersing water droplets into the air during a sunny day.
    The rainbow effect is also commonly seen near waterfalls or fountains. In addition, the effect can be artificially created by dispersing water droplets into the air during a sunny day.

    N.B A moonbow (also known as a lunar rainbow, lunar bow or white rainbow) is a rainbow produced by light reflected off the surface of the moon rather than from direct sunlight. Moonbows are relatively faint, due to the smaller amount of light reflected from the surface of the moon. They are always in the opposite part of the sky from the moon.

    Its Variations
    * Double rainbow
    * Supernumerary rainbow or stacker rainbow
    * Reflected rainbow or reflection rainbow
    * Monochrome rainbow
    * Circumhorizontal arc

    قوس قزح
    قَوْسُ قُزح يسمى كذلك قوس المطر أو قوس الألوان وهو ظاهرة طبيعية فيزيائية ناتجة عن انكسار وتحلل ضوء الشمس خلال قطرة ماء المطر

    يظهر القوس قزح بعد سقوط المطر أو خلال سقوط المطر والشمس مشرقة
    تكون الألوان في القوس اللون الأحمر من الخارج ويتدرج إلى البرتقالي فالأصفر فالأخضر فالأزرق فأزرق غامق (نيلي) فبنفسجي من الداخل

    ضوء الشمس يحتوي علي العديد من الالوان الطيفية وهي عبارة عن أشعة ذات اطوال موجية مختلفة

    يظهر قوس القزح عادة بشكل نصف دائري وفي حالات نادرة يكون قمرياً حيث يكون انكسار ضوء القمر المسبب لهُ عبر قطرة الماء ملائماً مع مكان وجود القمر في تلك اللحظات. ويظهر للمشاهد نتيجة لضوئهِ الخافت أبيض لأن العين البشرية لا تستطيع ان ترى الألوان في الليل

    Open the landscape picture you like in Photoshop .

    • Add new layer and select the Gradient Tool , it will open the tool option bar up, select the shape like a rainbow ,and choose ,radial gradient and draw a horizontal line , it will draw the bow.Put the the blending mode of the layer to Screen . 
    • Go to Filter Menu - Blur - Motion Blur put the distance to 24to 26 .   
    • Add layer mask to that layer by selecting the layer and click the icon down( the diagram). Put the Foreground color to black and Background color to white .Go again to the Gradient Tool and select now black and white gradient and draw a line from down upward outside the bow .
    • Duplicate the layer and put the Opacity from 10-15.
    • Duplicate the second layer again and select the move tool and move it slightly outside the arc .
    • Select the lower two layers and put them in one group (Ctrl +G).
    • Add a layer mask to the group layer and put the color to black and select soft brush ( put the hardness to 0) and click on the area of the arc on the ground to eliminate it .
    • That's all , save your work .  

    Friday, June 24, 2011

    Obesity And Weight loss with Photoshop السمنه و معالجتها بالفوتوشوب



     Obesity is a medical condition in which excess body fat has accumulated to the extent that it may have an adverse effect on health, leading to reduced life expectancy and/or increased health problems.

    Body mass index  BMI :
     It is defined as the individual's body weight divided by the square of his or her height.
    BMI = mass( kg ) / height ( m )square
     Body mass index (BMI), a measurement which compares weight and height, defines people as overweight (pre-obese) if their BMI is between 25 and 30 kg/m2, and obese when it is greater than 30 kg/m2 .

    Obesity increases the likelihood of various diseases, particularly heart disease, type 2 diabetes, breathing difficulties during sleep, certain types of cancer, and osteoarthritis.

    The most commonly used definitions, established by the World Health Organization (WHO) using the BMI is :
    Any BMI between 20-25 is  overweight (pre-obese) and obese when it is greater than 30 kg/m2 .
    Any BMI ≥ 35 or 40 is severe obesity
    A BMI of ≥ 35 or 40–44.9 or 49.9 is morbid obesity
    A BMI of ≥ 45 or 50 is super obesity

    Causes of obesity :
     Obesity is most commonly caused by a combination of excessive food energy intake, lack of physical activity, and genetic susceptibility, although a few cases are caused primarily by genes, endocrine disorders, medications or psychiatric illness.

     Evidence to support the view that some obese people eat little yet gain weight due to a slow metabolism is limited; on average obese people have a greater energy expenditure than their thin counterparts due to the energy required to maintain an increased body mass.

    Treatment of obesity :
    • Dieting and physical exercise are the mainstays of treatment for obesity. Moreover, it is important to improve diet quality by reducing the consumption of energy-dense foods such as those high in fat and sugars, and by increasing the intake of dietary fiber. 
    • To supplement dieting and physical exercise  , or in case of failure, anti-obesity drugs may be taken to reduce appetite or inhibit fat absorption.
    • In severe cases, surgery is performed or an intragastric balloon is placed to reduce stomach volume and/or bowel length, leading to earlier satiation and reduced ability to absorb nutrients from food.
    Mortality : 
    Obesity is one of the leading preventable causes of death worldwide.Large-scale American and European studies have found that mortality risk is lowest at a BMI of 20–25 kg/m in non-smokers and at 24–27 kg/m2 in current smokers, with risk increasing along with changes in either direction .

    Morbidity : 
    Obesity increases the risk of many physical and mental conditions .It leads to Metabolic Syndrome,a combination of medical disorders which includes: diabetes mellitus type 2, high blood pressure, high blood cholesterol, and high triglyceride levels. 

      هو مرض يحدث فيه تكدس للدهون في الجسم بالحد الذى يضر الصحه بصفه عامه وتؤدى الى الاصابه بأمراض عديده مثل الضغط والسكر و يصلب الشرايين و زياده الدهون فى الدم مما يزيد ايضا من قابليه تكون الجلطات فى الدم بأماكن مختلفه من الجسم 

    مؤشر كتله الجسم BMI مقياس السمنه 
     Body mass indexاختصار ل 
      وهومن اشهر الطرق لقياس السمنه و هو غير دقيق بالنسبه للاعبين كمال الاجسام والحوامل  
    و يكون يقسمه  وزن الشخص علي مربع طوله ( وزن الجسم / مربع الطول ) و تكون النتائج كالآتى 

    من 20 - 25 وزن زائد و هى مرحله ماقبل السمنه   *
    وتبدأ السمنه بعد نسبه 30   متدرجه من مرض السمنه الى سمنه خطيره تهدد الحياه  *

    HOW TO DO THAT ? Please watch the video up .

    Tuesday, June 21, 2011

    Artificial Flowers And How To Designing It With Photoshop

    Artificial flowers and imitations of natural flowers are sometimes made for scientific purposes (the collection of glass flowers at Harvard University, for example, which illustrates the flora of the United States), but more often as articles for commercial or residential decoration.

    Materials used in their manufacture 
    It have included painted linen and shavings of stained horn in Egypt, gold and silver in ancient Rome, rice-paper in China, silkworm cocoons in Italy, colored feathers in South America, and also wax and tinted shells.

    Modern techniques involve carved or formed soap, nylon netting stretched over wire frames, ground clay, and mass-produced injection plastic mouldings. Polyester is the major material for manufacturing of artificial flowers since 1970s. Most artificial flowers in the market nowadays are made of polyester fabrics.

    Types of flowers according to its material 
    • Polyester and paper.
    Today the major material used in artificial flower production is polyester fabric.
    • Nylon Stocking Flowers .
    The basic materials needed to make nylon flowers include: wire, stem wire, nylon stocking, nylon threading, floral tape and stamen. Some flowers require cotton balls or sheets (or you can use batting), white glue, acrylic paint and paint brushes.
    • Silk Flowers.
    It make the flowers and the entire plant look more life-like .These days’ silk flowers make use of a real touch technique which gives the plant a fairly realistic look.
    • Colored Soap .
    Both Carved ,and Molded soap 
    • Clay.
    Clay flowers are made by hand from special air-dry polymer clay or cold porcelain, steel wire, paint, glue, tape and sometimes paper and foam as a filler. With the help of cutters .
    • Plastic.
    Injection moulding is used for mass manufacture of plastic flowers. Plastic is injected into a preformed metal die.
    • Glass ( the one I had imitated in my design) .
    Flowers made of glass are typically more stylized and contemporary. Glass is melted and blown by hand into the shapes of the flower. Working with glass at high temperatures to form the flower is very difficult which is why glass flowers are much more expensive than typical artificial flowers.

    This picture shows collection of artificial flowers with matching colors ,and glass appearance .
    I wanted to draw a garden but, it comes like this .That artwork can be a card design if we save it in jpeg format . 
    I liked it what is your opinion? 

    ورود صناعيه من الزجاج 
    حاولت رسم ورود الحديقه ولكنها اعجبتنى كذلك
    ماذا ترون؟

    أجمل ما يمكن ان تراه العيون هى الزهور  وخاصه الطبيعيه منها ولكن لصعوبه الامر  لدى البعض لتعذر العنايه بها او لارتفاع اسعارها   كان على الانسان ان يجد البديل فكانت الزهور الصناعيه 

    و تختلف الزهور الصناعيه فى الشكل و المواد المستخدمه بها   فهناك الزهور المصنوعة  من الورق او البورسلين وهناك المصنوعه من النايلون   و كذلك الحرير واخرى مصنوعه   من الطين و البلاستيك وغيرها  

    هناك ايضا الزهور المصنوعه من الزجاج و التى اردت رسمها و تجسيدها فى هذه   القطعه الفنيه ارجو ان تحوز اعجابكم  وقد اضفت فيديو توضيحى لكيفية رسمها بالفوتوشوب 

    Sunday, June 19, 2011

    Change The Look Of your Photos to hand draw look With Video Tutorial

    That is the original picture of the famous Egyptian actor Hussein Fahmi and his wife .

     Two colors of the Photoshop manipulated picture as if it was drawn by hand  

    1)    Open the picture in Photoshop
    2)    Duplicate the layer.
    3)    Go to Image - Adjustments - then select Invert.
    4)    ''    ''     Filter –Blur then - Gaussian Blur –OK. Change the blending mode of the layer to Color Dodge. Go to the create new fill or adjustment layer button at the bottom of the layer panel, and select Threshold adjust the image to the look you like ( about 240-242).


    5)    Add new layer,and adjust the blending mode to Multiply .Select the color of the foreground to the skin color. With the Paint Bucket Tool fill the layer with the skin color of the foreground (just click the working area ).
    6)    Duplicate the Background layer and move it to the top of the layers.

    7)    Put the Foreground color to the hair color (brown) ,and the Background color to white.

    8)    Go to Filter menu –Sketch – Halftone pattern.Adjust it as shown in the diagram Change the blending mode to Overlay or Multiply.

    9) Save your work

    I hope you will like it 

    Saturday, May 21, 2011

    Eye , Eye color,and How To Draw Eyes ? العيون و الوانها وكيفيه رسمها

    Eyes are organs that detect light, and convert it to electro-chemical impulses in neurons.In higher organisms the eye is a complex optical system which collects light from the surrounding environment; regulates its intensity through a diaphragm; focuses it through an adjustable assembly of lenses to form an image; converts this image into a set of electrical signals; and transmits these signals to the brain, through complex neural pathways that connect the eye, via the optic nerve, to the visual cortex and other areas of the brain.The simplest "eyes", such as those in microorganisms, do nothing but detect whether the surroundings are light or dark, which is sufficient for the entrainment of circadian rhythms.
    From more complex eyes, retinal photosensitive ganglion cells send signals along the retinohypothalamic tract to the suprachiasmatic nuclei to effect circadian adjustment.

    Types of eyes
    There are ten different eye layouts .Eye types can be categorized into "simple eyes", with one concave photoreceptive surface, and "compound eyes", which comprise a number of individual lenses laid out on a convex surface. Note that "simple" does not imply a reduced level of complexity or acuity.
    It will be so long and complicated to write the types .

    Eye color 
    Eye color is a polygenic phenotypic character and is determined by the amount and type of pigments in the eye's iris.Humans and other animals have many phenotypic variations in eye color, as blue, brown, gray, green, and others.
    The genetics of eye color are complicated, and color is determined by multiple genes. 
    Three main elements within the iris contribute to its color: the melanin content of the iris pigment epithelium, the melanin content within the iris stroma, and the cellular density of the iris stroma.In eyes of all colors, the iris pigment epithelium contains the black pigment, eumelanin.
    Eye colors can range from the most common color, brown, to the least common, green.Eye colors range from the darkest shades of brown to the lightest tints of blue .

    Changes in eye color 
    In all populations, children are most commonly born with unpigmented eyes.
    Changes (lightening or darkening) of eye colors during puberty, early childhood, pregnancy, and sometimes after serious trauma (like heterochromia) do represent cause for plausible argument to state that some eyes can or do change, based on chemical reactions and hormonal changes within the body.

    العين، عضو الإبصار 
    العين هي شبكة كروية وقطر عين الإنسان البالغ يصل إلى 2.5 سم تقع العين في مقدمة الجمجمة محمية داخل محجر العظمي، والعين قادرة على التحرك داخل المحجر بصورة حرة بمساعدة جهاز معقد من العضلات الطولية والعرضية المحيطة بالعين داخل المحجر.و في منطقة الحاجبين يبرز عظم الجمجمة لحماية العين من الاصابات الخارجية ومعروف ان للعين 6 عضلات خاصة تحركها 
    العين هي عضو يلتقط الضوء الذي تعكسه الأشياء، وهي المسؤولة عن الإبصار. وهي عبارة عن مستقبل حسي يتفاعل مع الضوء الصادر من الشيء المريء أو المنعكس منه ويقوم عضو(الشبكية) في العين بتحويل هدا الضوء لسيالة عصبية التي تنقل عبر الاعصاب ومن تم نحو الباحة البصرية الموجودة في الدماغ 

     Now our design today is the eye.
    That is a combination of photoshop and illustrator design .Mainly using the Transform and Free Transform Tools
    FOR HOW TO DESIGN PLEASE read more .

    The video.

    The Quote Of The Day.

    You lie the loudest when you lie to yourself.

    One thing you can give and still your word.

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