Showing posts with label Photoshop Lesson. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Photoshop Lesson. Show all posts

Friday, December 31, 2010

King Khufu And Adding Photoshop Frame to his picture

 Khufu was a Pharaoh of Ancient Egypt's Old Kingdom,from around 2589 to 2566 BC. Khufu was the second pharaoh of the Fourth Dynasty after his father Sneferu . He is generally accepted as being the builder of the Great Pyramid of Giza which is one of the Seven Wonders of the Ancient World .
Khufu's full name was "Khnum-Khufu" which means "the god Khnum protects me.
was the son of King Sneferu and Queen Hetepheres . 

Khufu had nine sons, one of whom, Djedefra, was his immediate successor. He also had fifteen daughters, one of whom would later become Queen Hetepheres II. 

His Life 
Khufu came to the Egyptian throne in his twenties, and reigned for about 23 years,some other sources reported 63 years and some others mentions 50 years .

Funerary monuments. 
Most likenesses of Khufu are lost to history. Only one miniature statuette has been fully attributed to this pharaoh.He is credited with building the single largest building of ancient times The Great Pyramid.
There are some other pieces discovered is now on display in the Egyptian Museum, Cairo.
An empty sarcophagus is located in the King's Chamber inside the pyramid though it is unclear if it had ever been used for such a purpose as burial.
Three small pyramids to the east of Khufu's pyramid are tentatively thought to belong to two of his wives, and the third has been ascribed to Khufu's mother Hetepheres I.
 A series of mastabas [ A mastaba is a type of Ancient Egyptian tomb in the form of a flat-roofed, rectangular structure with outward sloping sides that marked the burial site of many eminent Egyptians of Egypt's ancient period. Mastabas were constructed out of mud-bricks or stone. ] were created adjacent to the small pyramids, and tombs have been found in this "cemetery". The closest tombs to Khufu's were those belonging to Prince Kawab and Khufukhaf I and their respective wives .

Khufu ship 
The Khufu ship is an intact full-size vessel from Ancient Egypt that was sealed into a pit in the Giza pyramid complex at the foot of the Great Pyramid of Giza around 2500 BC. The ship was almost certainly built for Khufu (King Cheops), the second pharaoh of the Fourth Dynasty of the Old Kingdom of Egypt.

  I searched some resources to get that informations 

You can notice now the original picture of king Khufu , how it is very simple. I wanted to add to it different look so I make it a stamp.


Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Akhenaten The King,and how to enhance his photo with Photoshop الملك إخناتون و كيفية تعديل صورته بالفوتوشوب

 Ikhnaton's photo before 
photoshop manipulation 

Known also as Ikhnaton; meaning Effective spirit of Aten was known before the fifth year of his reign as Amenhotep IV [Amenhotep the fourth] [meaning Amun is Satisfied].

He was a Pharaoh of the Eighteenth dynasty of Egypt. He is especially noted for attempting to compel the Egyptian population in the monotheistic worship of Aten .He was born to Amenhotep III and his Chief Queen Tiye and was their younger son, ruled for 17 years and died in 1336 BC or 1334 BC.

  Akhenaten's chief wife was Nefertiti, made world-famous by the discovery of her exquisitely molded and painted bust, now displayed in the Altes Museum of Berlin, and among the most recognised works of art surviving from the ancient world.Akhenaten tried to bring about a departure from traditional religion, but it was not accepted. After his death, traditional religious practice was gradually restored, and when some dozen years later rulers without clear rights of succession from the Eighteenth Dynasty founded a new dynasty, they discredited Akhenaten and his immediate successors, referring to Akhenaten himself as "the enemy" in archival records.

He built a city for the Aten name it Akhetaten .
Pharaoh Akhenaten was known as the Heretic King .

Akhenaten lived at the peak of Egypt's imperial glory. Egypt had never been richer, more powerful, or more secure. Up and down the Nile, workers built hundreds of temples to pay homage to the Gods. They believed that if the Gods were pleased, Egypt would prosper. And so it did.

Akhenaten and his family lived in the great religious center of Thebes, city of the God Amun. There were thousands of priests who served the Gods. Religion was the 'business' of the time, many earning their living connected to the worship of the gods.

In 1352 BC. Akhenaten follow his father Amenhotep III who had died. Akhenaten was just a teenager at the time, but it was the desire of Queen Tiy that he rule .Akhenaten's reign lasted 16 years. 

Akhenaten built a temple to his god Aten immediately outside the east gate of the temple of Amun at Karnak,but clearly the coexistence of the two cults could not last. He therefore proscribed the cult of Amun, closed the god's temples, took over the revenues.

He then sent his officials around to destroy Amun's statues and to desecrate the worship sites.

These actions were so contrary to the traditional that opposition arose against him. The estates of the great temples of Thebes, Memphis and Heliopolis reverted to the throne. Corruption grew out of the mismanagement of such large levies.

End Times And Death of the king  
Akhenaten lived in his dream in Amarna for ten years as conditions grew worse in Egypt. He remained isolated from the true problems of the people. Akhenaten apparently neglected foreign policy, allowing Egypt's captured territories to be taken back.

In 1335 BC Nefertiti, Akhenaten's wife and companion, is said to have disappeared and most likely died. His mother Tiy had also died as did his minor wife, Kia. That combined with the loss of his daughter made Akhenaten feel alone and depressed.Akhenaten died in Year 17 of his reign.

Tutankhaten came to the throne when he was about eight years old and became known as "The boy king" by modern people .

I collected that items from many sources .
I hope  it is nice and useful . 


كان إخناتون الأبن الأصغر للملك أمنحوتب الثالث من الملكة تي التي كانت الزوجة العظمى المفضلة لدى أمنحوتب الثالث.

بدأ حكمه باسم امنحتب الرابع هو عاشر فراعنة الأسرة الثامنة عشر حكم مع زوجته الرئيسية نفرتيتي لمدة 17 سنة منذ عام 1369 ق.م. (توفي 1336 قبل الميلاد أو 1334 قبل الميلاد)، كلمة إخناتون معناها المخلص لآتون.
حاول توحيد آلهة مصر القديمة بما فيها الإله أمون رع في شكل الإله الواحد آتون.
إنشغل الملك إخناتون بإصلاحاته الدينية وانصرف عن السياسة الخارجية وإدارة الإمبراطورية الممتدة حتي أعالي الفرات والنوبة جنوبا، فانفصل الجزء الآسيوي منها، ولما مات خلفه سمنخ كا رع ثم أخوه توت عنخ أمون الذي ارتد عن عقيدة آتون وترك العاصمة إلى طيبة وأعلن عودة عقيدة أمون معلنا أنه توت عنخ آمون، وهدم كهنة طيبة آثار إخناتون ومدينته ومحوا اسمه من عليها.
حاول إخناتون عند توليه عرش البلاد توحيد آلهة مصر القديمة بما فيها الإله أمون رع في شكل عبادة إله الشمس وحده, ورمز له بقرصها الذي سماه آتون, وقال عن معبوده (أنه واحد لا شريك له)، وفي العام الرابع لحكمه اختار اخناتون موقعا لعاصمته الجديدة، وشرع في بنائها في العام التالي، وأطلق عليها اسم أخيتاتون أي أفق أتون، وموقعها الحالى هو تل العمارنة
 وقد لعب الملك وزوجته الجميلة نفرتيتي، دور الوسيط، بين الرب آتون والشعب.

 زوجات أخناتون
* نفرتيتي وهي الزوجة الملكية لأخناتون وقد تزوجها في بداية حكمه، وأنجب منها ست بنات 
* كيا وهي زوجة ثانوية اتخذها أخناتون ويرجح انها والدة توت عنخ أمون

The photo after photoshop manipulation 

 That is the photoshop picture I design I just changed the background and added frame .Look its really different ,what do you think?If you feel that , just go to read more,to know how to make.


Tuesday, December 14, 2010

A simple design for Desert with photoshop

That is my new post for you the desert.
Again I was back to imagination.

My simple design

I imagine that I am in the desert, so I thought what I will need there. 
Number one I need shelter, so I draw my small house.

Really the children are helpful, my grandson is about four years old chose the colors with me and requested the door and window. 

I wanted also to feel secure so I draw the dog as I was back with the ancients, remembering the simple primitive life.

As I looked around I saw the blue sky, grayish white clouds, and the yellow sand so, I liked to add some other colors. 

I added that simple flowers red and green. 

At last I wanted to feel privacy so I added that small wall. 

I hope you will like the idea .

عوده للتخيل مرة اخرى تخيلت ماذا لو اننى كنت فى الصحراء ماذا كنت سوف احتاج؟

وجدت أن أول شيء نحتاجه هو المأوى, فصممت هذا البيت الذي يشبه الكوخ الصغير وعندما وجدت نفسي وحيدة فكرت فى تأمين المكان فوضعت هذا الكلب وكأنني عدت للحياة البدائية مع أجدادنا الأوائل, وعندما اردت ان اجد بعض الخصوصية صممت هذا السور الصغير.

نظرت حولي فوجدت لون السماء الأزرق الصافى ومعه بعض السحب ووجدت لون الرمال الصفراء فاحببت ان اضيف بعض الألوان للمكان فاضفت بعض الزهور باللونين الاحمر والاخضر.

وفى الحقيقة فقد ساعدني حفيدى الذى قارب الرابعة من العمر فى تصميم هذه الصوره فاختار معى الالوان واقترح اضافة الباب و الشباك للبيت وبهذا اكتشفت أحد أهم فوائد الطفوله البريئه .


The Quote Of The Day.

You lie the loudest when you lie to yourself.

One thing you can give and still your word.

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