Showing posts with label فوتوشوب. Show all posts
Showing posts with label فوتوشوب. Show all posts

Sunday, August 14, 2011

Menes The Ancient Egyptian Pharaoh مينا موحد القطرين ... مع درس فوتوشوب

 تاريخ الملك العظيم مينا موحد القطرين مع درس فى الفوتو شوب

The history of Menes with a Photoshop lesson

The original picture of Menes 

The Photoshop manipulated picture 

King Menes is traditionally believed to have begun Egyptian history.Ancient tradition ascribed to Menes the honour of having united Upper and Lower Egypt into in a single kingdom and becoming the first pharaoh of Dynasty I 

 Actually, Menes is the Greek form of the name provided by the third century BC Egyptian historian, Manetho.The name, Menes, means "He who endures" ,denoting a semi-legendary hero .

Menes was the founding king of the 1st Dynasty, and was the first king to unify Upper and Lower Egypt into one kingdom. Ancient Egypt's most predominant form of civilization began with his crowning, and did not end permanently until the beginning of the  Roman era, which started with Augustus Caeser. Menes founded the city of Memphis, and chose as its location an island in the Nile, so that it would be easy to defend. He was also the founder of Crocodopolis. During his time, the Egyptian army performed raids against the Nubians in the south and expanded his sphere of influence as far as the First Cataract.

However, his name does not appear on extant pieces of the Royal Annals (Cairo Stone and Palermo Stone), which is a now-fragmentary king's list that was carved onto a stela during the Fifth dynasty. He typically appears in later sources as the first human ruler of Egypt, directly inheriting the throne from the god Horus. He also appears in other, much later, king's lists, always as the first human pharaoh of Egypt. Menes also appears in demotic novels of the Graeco-Roman Period, demonstrating that, even that late, he was regarded as important figure.

Who is Menes ?
Menes and Narmer 
The almost complete absence of any mention of Menes in the archaeological record, and the comparative wealth of evidence of Narmer, a protodynastic figure credited by posterity and in the archaeological record with a firm claim to the unification of Upper and Lower Egypt, has given rise to a theory identifying Menes with Narmer.

Aha (the pharaoh Hor-Aha)
The relationship between Hor-Aha and Menes (as one person or as successive pharaohs) have arisen.

The Palermo stone, inscribed on both sides of a black basalt slab, dates from the  Fifth Dynasty and records names of the kings of the 1-5th Dynasties. The first three dynasties consist almost exclusively of events that give the years their names.
The King-list on this stone mentions several pre-dynastic kings as well as the name of Narmer, Menes, and Aha.

Some states that "Menes is Narmer and the First Dynasty begins with him". However,some others states that it is "a fairly safe inference" that Menes was Hor-Aha.

His Family :
His chief wife was Queen Berenib, though she was not the mother of his heir, King Djer, and his mother was probably Neithotepe, if that lady was not also his wife. His death is a mystery, for, according to legend he was attacked by wild dogs and  Nile crocodiles in the  Faiyum . Aha's tomb resides at Saqqara, the famed necropolis of Memphis.

Manetho associates the city of Thinis with the first dynasties (Dynasty I and Dynasty II) and, in particular, Menes, a "Thinite" or native of Thinis. Herodotus contradicts Manetho in stating that Menes founded the city of Memphis as his capital after diverting the course of the River Nile through the construction of a dyke. Manetho ascribes the building of Memphis to Menes' son, Athothis, and calls no pharaohs earlier than Dynasty III "Memphite".

His Death
Menes, we are told ruled for about 62 years, led the army across the frontier and won great glory. He was killed by a crocodile.

الملك مينا صاحب التاجين و موحد القطرين
سمى هذا العصر بالعصر العتيق وهو يشمل الأسرتين الأولى والثانية من تاريخ مصر القديم 
الملك مينا موحد القطرين فرعون من الأسرة المصرية الأولى مدينة طيبة (الأقصر
 حاليا)، استطاع أن يوحد القطرين(المملكتين الشمال والجنوب) حوالي عام 3200 ق.م ولقب لهذا الفضل العظيم بعدة ألقاب مثل ملك الأرضين، صاحب التاجين، نسر الجنوب، ثعبان الشمال
 أصبح الملك "مينا" مؤسس أول أسرة حاكمة فى تاريخ مصر الفرعونية، بل فى تاريخ العالم كله، ولبس التاج المزدوج لمملكتي الشمال والجنوب

أصل اسم مينا
يذكر اسم مينا في بعض الكتابات المصرية القديمة باسم (ميني)، ومن ثم حرف المصريون الاسم إلى مينا و كلمة (ميني) تعنى باللغة المصرية القديمة "يؤسس" أو "يشيد"، فكأن المصريين أرادوا أن يبجلوا عمله في اسمه  وبعض المؤرخين يؤكدون أن (ميني) فعل أو لقب وليس اسما. أما في اللغه القبطية(المصرية القديمه) فاسم مينا له مرادفات كثيرة منها  ثابت أو راسخ أو مكين أو دائم أو باق

 انشاء قلعة الجدار الأبيض و العاصمه الموحده
أدرك الملك "مينا" ضرورة بناء مدينة متوسطة الموقع، يستطيع منها الإشراف على الوجهين القبلى والبحري، فقام بتأسيس مدينة جديدة على الشاطئ الغربي للنيل مكان قرية "ميت رهينة" الحالية بمحافظة الجيزة، وقد كانت في أول الأمر قلعة حربية محاطة بسور أبيض، أراد بها صاحبها أن يحصن ويحمى المملكة من غارات أصحاب الشمال، وكان "مينا" قد أسماها "نفر" أى الميناء الجميل، وفيما بعد سميت باسم "ممفيس" عصراليونان، ثم اطلق عليها العرب "منف" عند فتح مصر، وقد أصبحت مدينة "منف" عاصمة لمصر كلها فى عهد الدولة القديمة حتى نهاية الأسرة السادسة

لوحة نارمر
تم تسجيل انتصارات الملك مينا على مملكة الشمال وتوحيده البلاد على هذه اللوحه   ويرجح المؤرخون أن نارمر هو مينا

How to manipulate the picture ?

Saturday, May 21, 2011

Eye , Eye color,and How To Draw Eyes ? العيون و الوانها وكيفيه رسمها

Eyes are organs that detect light, and convert it to electro-chemical impulses in neurons.In higher organisms the eye is a complex optical system which collects light from the surrounding environment; regulates its intensity through a diaphragm; focuses it through an adjustable assembly of lenses to form an image; converts this image into a set of electrical signals; and transmits these signals to the brain, through complex neural pathways that connect the eye, via the optic nerve, to the visual cortex and other areas of the brain.The simplest "eyes", such as those in microorganisms, do nothing but detect whether the surroundings are light or dark, which is sufficient for the entrainment of circadian rhythms.
From more complex eyes, retinal photosensitive ganglion cells send signals along the retinohypothalamic tract to the suprachiasmatic nuclei to effect circadian adjustment.

Types of eyes
There are ten different eye layouts .Eye types can be categorized into "simple eyes", with one concave photoreceptive surface, and "compound eyes", which comprise a number of individual lenses laid out on a convex surface. Note that "simple" does not imply a reduced level of complexity or acuity.
It will be so long and complicated to write the types .

Eye color 
Eye color is a polygenic phenotypic character and is determined by the amount and type of pigments in the eye's iris.Humans and other animals have many phenotypic variations in eye color, as blue, brown, gray, green, and others.
The genetics of eye color are complicated, and color is determined by multiple genes. 
Three main elements within the iris contribute to its color: the melanin content of the iris pigment epithelium, the melanin content within the iris stroma, and the cellular density of the iris stroma.In eyes of all colors, the iris pigment epithelium contains the black pigment, eumelanin.
Eye colors can range from the most common color, brown, to the least common, green.Eye colors range from the darkest shades of brown to the lightest tints of blue .

Changes in eye color 
In all populations, children are most commonly born with unpigmented eyes.
Changes (lightening or darkening) of eye colors during puberty, early childhood, pregnancy, and sometimes after serious trauma (like heterochromia) do represent cause for plausible argument to state that some eyes can or do change, based on chemical reactions and hormonal changes within the body.

العين، عضو الإبصار 
العين هي شبكة كروية وقطر عين الإنسان البالغ يصل إلى 2.5 سم تقع العين في مقدمة الجمجمة محمية داخل محجر العظمي، والعين قادرة على التحرك داخل المحجر بصورة حرة بمساعدة جهاز معقد من العضلات الطولية والعرضية المحيطة بالعين داخل المحجر.و في منطقة الحاجبين يبرز عظم الجمجمة لحماية العين من الاصابات الخارجية ومعروف ان للعين 6 عضلات خاصة تحركها 
العين هي عضو يلتقط الضوء الذي تعكسه الأشياء، وهي المسؤولة عن الإبصار. وهي عبارة عن مستقبل حسي يتفاعل مع الضوء الصادر من الشيء المريء أو المنعكس منه ويقوم عضو(الشبكية) في العين بتحويل هدا الضوء لسيالة عصبية التي تنقل عبر الاعصاب ومن تم نحو الباحة البصرية الموجودة في الدماغ 

 Now our design today is the eye.
That is a combination of photoshop and illustrator design .Mainly using the Transform and Free Transform Tools

The video.

Thursday, March 17, 2011

Mother's Day يوم الام

Mothers Day is celebrated in several country across the globe,but it varies .Most countries celebrate Mothers Day on second Sunday in the Month of May.In Egypt they celebrate it on March 21 n many countries the way Mothers Day is celebrated varies and is quite different from the manner in which Mothers Day is celebrated in US. But what is more important than the date and fashion of celebration is the feeling behind the festival. The idea of celebrating Mother's Day the world over is to pay tribute to mothers for all their love and support and to make them feel special.n many countries the way Mothers Day is celebrated varies and is quite different from the manner in which Mothers Day is celebrated in US. But what is more important than the date and fashion of celebration is the feeling behind the festival. The idea of celebrating Mother's Day the world over is to pay tribute to mothers for all their love and support and to make them feel special.

Dates around the world
 The date was changed to fit already existing celebrations in every country .
  • African countries
Many African countries adopted the idea of one Mother's Day from the British tradition.

  • Arab World 
Mother's Day in most of Arab countries is celebrated on March 21. It was introduced in Egypt by Mostafa Amin in his daily column Fikrah ("idea"). The first celebration was held in Egypt in 1956, and it has since been copied by the other Arab countries.

  • Australia

    In Australia, Mother's Day is celebrated on the second Sunday in May. It is not a public holiday
  • Brazil

    In Brazil, Mother's Day is celebrated on the second Sunday of May.
  • India

    Mother's Day is celebrated on the second Sunday of May.
  •  United Kingdom and Ireland
 In the United Kingdom and Ireland, there was a celebration called Mothering Sunday, which fell on the fourth Sunday of Lent (3 April in 2011), exactly three weeks before Easter Sunday. 

  • United States
 The United States celebrates Mother's Day on the second Sunday in May. 

Mother's Day Gifts 
Mother's Day is an occasion to pamper the mothers anywhere .All the people are giving gifts to their mothers in that day to express their love for their mothers ,and to say thanks to Mothers for all  what they are doing for them .Your gift must clearly reflect your inner feelings for your mother ,even simple gift just to show her your love .
It depends upon you and your choice you can choose expensive gifts like jewelry or simple gifts like flowers ,or perfumes .Whatever your gift is, you should put a card with your gift with a some nice words from your heart .

you will find one more card in Arts Of Photos 

عيد الام ، عيد سنوى يحتفل به فى مصر و اوروبا و امريكا و بلاد كثيره فى العالم. فى مصر يحتفل به فى يوم 21 مارس لتكريم الأمهات بدأ الاحتفال به سنة 1956. اول دعوه لعيد الأم فى مصر قام بيها الصحفى و الكاتب المصرى مصطفى امين سنة 1943 فى كتابه "امريكا الضاحكه" و لكن بدأ الاحتفال بعيد الام فى مصر فى 21 مارس  1956
و عيد الام هو يوم للتعبير عن حب الام فكل انسان شغلته امور الحياه و المعيشه عن تقديم هديه لامه يجد فى هذا اليوم فرصه رائعه لهذا حيث تجتمع الاسره كلها فى جو من المحبه الخالصه لتقديم الهدايا للام التى تعبت كثيرا من اجل ابنائها وحان وقت تكريمها 
اقدم هذا الكرت هديه لكل ام.

شكرا لكم 
منال رأفت 

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

A simple design for Desert with photoshop

That is my new post for you the desert.
Again I was back to imagination.

My simple design

I imagine that I am in the desert, so I thought what I will need there. 
Number one I need shelter, so I draw my small house.

Really the children are helpful, my grandson is about four years old chose the colors with me and requested the door and window. 

I wanted also to feel secure so I draw the dog as I was back with the ancients, remembering the simple primitive life.

As I looked around I saw the blue sky, grayish white clouds, and the yellow sand so, I liked to add some other colors. 

I added that simple flowers red and green. 

At last I wanted to feel privacy so I added that small wall. 

I hope you will like the idea .

عوده للتخيل مرة اخرى تخيلت ماذا لو اننى كنت فى الصحراء ماذا كنت سوف احتاج؟

وجدت أن أول شيء نحتاجه هو المأوى, فصممت هذا البيت الذي يشبه الكوخ الصغير وعندما وجدت نفسي وحيدة فكرت فى تأمين المكان فوضعت هذا الكلب وكأنني عدت للحياة البدائية مع أجدادنا الأوائل, وعندما اردت ان اجد بعض الخصوصية صممت هذا السور الصغير.

نظرت حولي فوجدت لون السماء الأزرق الصافى ومعه بعض السحب ووجدت لون الرمال الصفراء فاحببت ان اضيف بعض الألوان للمكان فاضفت بعض الزهور باللونين الاحمر والاخضر.

وفى الحقيقة فقد ساعدني حفيدى الذى قارب الرابعة من العمر فى تصميم هذه الصوره فاختار معى الالوان واقترح اضافة الباب و الشباك للبيت وبهذا اكتشفت أحد أهم فوائد الطفوله البريئه .


The Quote Of The Day.

You lie the loudest when you lie to yourself.

One thing you can give and still your word.

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