Mothers Day is celebrated in several country across the globe,but it varies .Most countries celebrate Mothers Day on second Sunday in the Month of May.In Egypt they celebrate it on March 21 n many countries the way Mothers Day is celebrated varies and is quite different from the manner in which Mothers Day is celebrated in US. But what is more important than the date and fashion of celebration is the feeling behind the festival. The idea of celebrating Mother's Day the world over is to pay tribute to mothers for all their love and support and to make them feel special.n many countries the way Mothers Day is celebrated varies and is quite different from the manner in which Mothers Day is celebrated in US. But what is more important than the date and fashion of celebration is the feeling behind the festival. The idea of celebrating Mother's Day the world over is to pay tribute to mothers for all their love and support and to make them feel special.
Dates around the world
The date was changed to fit already existing celebrations in every country .
- African countries
Many African countries adopted the idea of one Mother's Day from the British tradition.
- Arab World
Mother's Day in most of Arab countries is celebrated on March 21. It was introduced in Egypt by Mostafa Amin in his daily column Fikrah ("idea"). The first celebration was held in Egypt in 1956, and it has since been copied by the other Arab countries.
- Australia
In Australia, Mother's Day is celebrated on the second Sunday in May. It is not a public holiday
- Brazil
In Brazil, Mother's Day is celebrated on the second Sunday of May.
- India
Mother's Day is celebrated on the second Sunday of May.
- United Kingdom and Ireland
In the United Kingdom and Ireland, there was a celebration called Mothering Sunday, which fell on the fourth Sunday of Lent (3 April in 2011), exactly three weeks before Easter Sunday.
- United States
The United States celebrates Mother's Day on the second Sunday in May.
Mother's Day Gifts
Mother's Day is an occasion to pamper the mothers anywhere .All the people are giving gifts to their mothers in that day to express their love for their mothers ,and to say thanks to Mothers for all what they are doing for them .Your gift must clearly reflect your inner feelings for your mother ,even simple gift just to show her your love .
It depends upon you and your choice you can choose expensive gifts like jewelry or simple gifts like flowers ,or perfumes .Whatever your gift is, you should put a card with your gift with a some nice words from your heart .
you will find one more card in Arts Of Photos
you will find one more card in Arts Of Photos
عيد الام ، عيد سنوى يحتفل به فى مصر و اوروبا و امريكا و بلاد كثيره فى العالم. فى مصر يحتفل به فى يوم 21 مارس لتكريم الأمهات بدأ الاحتفال به سنة 1956. اول دعوه لعيد الأم فى مصر قام بيها الصحفى و الكاتب المصرى مصطفى امين سنة 1943 فى كتابه "امريكا الضاحكه" و لكن بدأ الاحتفال بعيد الام فى مصر فى 21 مارس 1956
و عيد الام هو يوم للتعبير عن حب الام فكل انسان شغلته امور الحياه و المعيشه عن تقديم هديه لامه يجد فى هذا اليوم فرصه رائعه لهذا حيث تجتمع الاسره كلها فى جو من المحبه الخالصه لتقديم الهدايا للام التى تعبت كثيرا من اجل ابنائها وحان وقت تكريمها
اقدم هذا الكرت هديه لكل ام.
شكرا لكم
منال رأفت
Thanks for this wonderful post. Mother's day is indeed a good time to celebrate the most wonderful women in the world.
Thanks John
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