Showing posts with label Saudia. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Saudia. Show all posts

Monday, January 17, 2011

Tarut Island and Tarut Castle in Saudia قلعه تاروت بالسعوديه


It is the second longest island in the Persian Gulf after Qeshm Island which is the biggest island in the Gulf,in the Eastern Province of Saudi Arabia.It extends from Ras Tanura in the north to Qatif in the west.The island includes many smaller towns and villages such as Tarut town


The Island's climate is unlike other Saudi Arabian cities, Tarut retains its warm temperature throughout winter, during which it gets around 0c (32F) at midnight to +25c (77F) in the afternoon.Since the island is near the Arabian coast, the humidity is very high; sometimes reaching 96% humidity. Rainfall on the island is rare, but when it does rain, it is usually in December and January.


 If you would like to look at the deep past of Eastern Saudi Arabia, your mind will go to a small island in the Persian Gulf. Present time has forgotten it and its treasures and it needs to be dusted off. When you are walking in its old villages, you will see adjoining houses that are built from mud and stone with narrow alleyways, too. Their presence is in the distant past. When looking at the houses, you draw memories from generation after generation that have long passed. This island is Tarut. Tarut or Tarout means goodness and beauty in the Semitic languages. Additionally, the town’s name is recorded as "TARU" in historical Chinese texts and "Ashtarut" in Arabic history. Today, however, most of the new researchers argue that the correct name is "Ashtarut" because the Canaanites and Phoenicians, who originally lived there, idolized the beauty of the town and called it Ashtarut. The term Ashtarut is also very similar to the new name Tarut , if we delete the first syllable.

Tarut Castle 
It is the most famous castle in the Eastern Province of Saudi Arabia and the oldest castle in the Persian Gulf. It was built by the Portuguese in the 16th century, It is located in the center of Tarut Island .On the towers of the castle, the viewer can see most of the island.

Donkeys Bath

Donkeys Bath was located in Aldeerah Town at the end of the Ein Al-aoudeh channel. Tourists would wash their donkeys since donkeys were the main transportation on Tarut Island before cars. It was destroyed in 1996 and there are no remains.

Mohammed Abdelwahab Castle in Dareen 

Sheikh Mohammed Abdelwahab, who is one of the famous pearl traders in the Persian Gulf built a castle in 1885. The castle was a place for meeting, hospitality, and trading. Today, ruins are the only evidence of the castle’s former existence.

قلعة تاروت هي قلعة آثرية عريقة واقعة في جزيرة تاروت شرق المملكة العربية السعودية وتحديدا شرق مدينة القطيف في الخليج العربي. يرجع تاريخ القلعة إلى خمسة آلاف ...سنة قبل الميلاد وكانت هيكلا لألهة الفينيقيين عشتاروت وقد سميت الجزيرة باسمها (عش تاروت). تم اعادة إنشاء القلعة في القرن السادس عشر الميلادي من قبل الغزاة البرتغاليي
تاريخ القلعة/القصر

تاريخ القلعة

في جزيرة تاروت بـمحافظة القطيف أو مدينة القطيف ويرجح أن القلعة بنيت بين عامي 1521 و 1525 تل مرتفع عثر فيه على آثار قديمة جدا من ضمنها تمثال الملكة السومرية عشتار. ويُعتقد أن هذا التل يقع تحته معبد الملكة عشتار حيث قامت ببنائه بعدما طردها الملك جلجامش من بلاد ما بين النهرين ويقال أيضا انها بنيت على أنقاض هيكل عشتاروت من آلهة الفينيقيين بجوار عين ماء اشتهرت باسم (عين العودة) وذلك في القرن السادس عشر الميلادي على أنقاض سابقة تعود إلى حوالي خمسة آلاف سنة.

I found the picture black and white so I add some colors for it for HOW TO ADD COLORS TO THE PHOTO ?  please visit  Arts Of Photos. 

The Quote Of The Day.

You lie the loudest when you lie to yourself.

One thing you can give and still your word.

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