That is my new post for you the desert.
Again I was back to imagination.
I imagine that I am in the desert, so I thought what I will need there.
Number one I need shelter, so I draw my small house.
Really the children are helpful, my grandson is about four years old chose the colors with me and requested the door and window.
I wanted also to feel secure so I draw the dog as I was back with the ancients, remembering the simple primitive life.
As I looked around I saw the blue sky, grayish white clouds, and the yellow sand so, I liked to add some other colors.
I added that simple flowers red and green.
At last I wanted to feel privacy so I added that small wall.
I hope you will like the idea .
Again I was back to imagination.
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My simple design |
I imagine that I am in the desert, so I thought what I will need there.
Number one I need shelter, so I draw my small house.
Really the children are helpful, my grandson is about four years old chose the colors with me and requested the door and window.
I wanted also to feel secure so I draw the dog as I was back with the ancients, remembering the simple primitive life.
As I looked around I saw the blue sky, grayish white clouds, and the yellow sand so, I liked to add some other colors.
I added that simple flowers red and green.
At last I wanted to feel privacy so I added that small wall.
I hope you will like the idea .
عوده للتخيل مرة اخرى تخيلت ماذا لو اننى كنت فى الصحراء ماذا كنت سوف احتاج؟
وجدت أن أول شيء نحتاجه هو المأوى, فصممت هذا البيت الذي يشبه الكوخ الصغير وعندما وجدت نفسي وحيدة فكرت فى تأمين المكان فوضعت هذا الكلب وكأنني عدت للحياة البدائية مع أجدادنا الأوائل, وعندما اردت ان اجد بعض الخصوصية صممت هذا السور الصغير.
نظرت حولي فوجدت لون السماء الأزرق الصافى ومعه بعض السحب ووجدت لون الرمال الصفراء فاحببت ان اضيف بعض الألوان للمكان فاضفت بعض الزهور باللونين الاحمر والاخضر.
وفى الحقيقة فقد ساعدني حفيدى الذى قارب الرابعة من العمر فى تصميم هذه الصوره فاختار معى الالوان واقترح اضافة الباب و الشباك للبيت وبهذا اكتشفت أحد أهم فوائد الطفوله البريئه .
- Open new photoshop document with dimensions 640x480 transparent background .
- To add the background click the custom shape tool choose from the shapes any shape and from the style choose the Chromed Satin(Text) ,and draw the shape on the document with any size.
- In the layers panel select the Vector mask thumbnail and delete it from the delete button on the lower right side of the layers panel ,Now you will see the style fill all the document ,and now you can add the shape you like .
- For the house I chose the shape of arrow 12 and with the transformer tool I adjust the direction ,size, and dimensions .For the window and door I chose the shape of rounded square and I design the door and window in their place. For all choose the style you like .
- Its the same for the dog except that I added shadow behind the dog .To add that shadow click the (add layer style) button choose the drop shadow and adjust it as you can see in the diagram.You will notice that the dog has no eye ,to add the eye you should add new layer and choose the brush tool & choose size 9 ,in the place of the eye put one touch of the brush.Now the dog and eye in two layers to make it one layer click the dog layer then hold the shift key and click the layer of the eye ,now both layers are selected so go to the layer menu and click merge layers so it will become one layer. If you like to change the direction of the dog just select the layer of the dog ,go to the Edit menu and go to transform and Flip Horizontal.
- To add the clouds it is the same idea using the shape and style , and free transform .
- The wall is little bit different .After you add the wall by the same way again go to the Edit menu and choose Transform then choose Wrap ,you can move the corners and points to make the rounded effect of the wall.
- Save your work .
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Diagram 1 |
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Manal Raafat
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