Monday, December 06, 2010

New Year Stars Happy New Year With Photoshopنجوم السنه الجديده بالفوتوشوب

More cards for the new year.For you all so you can choose what you like and e-mail to your friends at that great occasion.It is completely different in design and technique.

لهذه المناسبه الجميله اقدم نموذج آخر من الكروت حتى تناسب جميع الاذواق للاهداء. 
وهى مصممه بطريقه مختلفه تماما عن سابقيها مع استعمال بعض النجوم او الاشكال 
   سوف احاول تقديم الجديد والمختلف مع اضافة الشرح وطريقه العمل لعموم الفائدة 


Start by opening new photo shop document.

  1. Open new document of dimensions 850 w x 650 h.with transparent background.
  2.  Add new layer ,click the custom shape tool , choose any shape from the options bar, and choose the style you like.and draw with your mouse .
  3. Select the vector mask thumbnail and delete it as shown in the diagram.
  4. You will see the style you choose covered all the working area .
  5. Add new layer.
  6. With the rectangle marquee tool(M)make a rectangle  selection all around the working area just leave a frame like space . Put the color of the foreground to that light blue color ,and from the Edit menu  choose> Fill then choose> foreground color.
  7. Under the custom shape tool you will find the ellipse tool,and polygon tool and some others to use for drawing .
  8.  Start to draw and design your art photo as you like.
  9. Use free transform tool and layer style to fix your design and give your own touch .
  10. Add new layer and use the type tool to write what you want.
  11.  Save your work and art photo .   
NOTE : you notice that the diagram is little  different in the color  but it is almost the same idea .
I hope it will be useful. 

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The Quote Of The Day.

You lie the loudest when you lie to yourself.

One thing you can give and still your word.

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