Thursday, November 18, 2010

How To Design Flora With Illustrator ?

I like to see flowers everywhere so I design that picture. 
We can use it as a card also and print it on photo paper with photo printer and send it as a card 

لأننى احب ان ارى الزهور دائما وفى كل مكان فقد صممت هذه الباقه
و تستطيع ان تقوم بطباعتها و تقدمها كبطاقة تهنئة

 How to design it with illustrator?                                                                                                

  1. Start with, open new print document in illustrator, with size 800 x 600 pixels ,and light yellow background.
  2. From the windows menu in the menu bar choose symbols , to open the symbol panel .
  3. In the left side go down and click the symbol libraries menu choose the flower .
  4. Choose the flower you like and start drawing.
  5. Save your work.
  6. If you want to add frame, you can use that frames in the Brush’s Panel, or save it as PDF, then open it in Photoshop.
Manal Raafat

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