Tuesday, November 16, 2010

festival الطيور المغرده مع طريقة رسمها بالفوتوشوب

 During festival we are happy  we are dancing ,singing as if we are with the birds ,or as we are birds.
I had draw colored singing birds ,do you like it. 

فى الاعياد نكون سعداء نرقص نغنى وكاننا مع الطيوراو كأننا طيور 
حاولت اظهار الطيور المغرده بإضافة هذه الرموز الموسيقيه
ماذا ترون؟

How to make with Photo shop? 


  1. Open new document 850 x 625 pixels,with that dark orange background .
  2.  Use custom shape tool choose from the shapes that musical signs and birds and choose the style,then start to draw.
  3. Use the transformer tool to scale ,resize,and rotate.
  4. Use the add layer style button under the layer panel to add stroke ,bevel and emboss and more.
  5. Use the same procedure to add frame if you like.
  6. Save your work. 

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