Cleopatra VII Philopator was an ancient Greek queen and the last pharaoh of Ancient Egypt.
She was a member of the Ptolemaic dynasty, a Greek royal family which ruled Egypt after Alexander the Great 's death during the Hellenistic period. The Ptolemies, throughout their dynasty, spoke Greek and refused to learn Egyptian, which is the reason that Greek as well as Egyptian languages were used on official court documents like the Rosetta Stone. By contrast, Cleopatra did learn Egyptian and represented herself as the reincarnation of an Egyptian goddess Isis.
Cleopatra originally ruled jointly with her father Ptolemy XII [12th]and later with her brothers, Ptolemy XIII[13th] and Ptolemy XIV[14th] she had married as per Egyptian custom, but eventually she became sole ruler. As pharaoh, she contacted Julius Caesar that solidified her grip on the throne. She later elevated her son with Caesar, Caesarion, to co-ruler in name.
After Caesar's assassination in 44 BC, she aligned with Mark Antony in opposition to Caesar's legal heir, Gaius Julius Caesar Octavianus (later known as Augustus). With Antony, she bore the twins Cleopatra Selene II and Alexander Helios, and another son, Ptolemy Philadelphus.
After losing the Battle of Actium to Octavian's forces, Antony committed suicide.Cleopatra followed him, and killed herself by means of an Egyptian cobra bite on August 12, 30 BC.Cleopatra's son by Caesar, Caesarion, was proclaimed pharaoh by the Egyptians, after Alexandria fell to Octavian Caesarion was captured and killed.After short time Egypt became the Roman province of Aegyptus.
To this day, Cleopatra remains a popular figure in Western culture. Cleopatra is put forward as a great beauty and her successive conquests of the world's most powerful men are taken to be proof of her aesthetic and sexual appeal.
Her Death
There are two stories: that she applied a toxic ointment ,or drink a mix of poisons she had prepared by her self [she was a chemist ] or that she was bitten by an Egyptian cobra on her arm or breast.
The first photo is the original . I felt it is not good enough and pale. I loved Cleopatra very much so i found myself manipulating her picture in many ways , I will explain one for you and I think you can think for the others .
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Open the photo on photoshop
She was a member of the Ptolemaic dynasty, a Greek royal family which ruled Egypt after Alexander the Great 's death during the Hellenistic period. The Ptolemies, throughout their dynasty, spoke Greek and refused to learn Egyptian, which is the reason that Greek as well as Egyptian languages were used on official court documents like the Rosetta Stone. By contrast, Cleopatra did learn Egyptian and represented herself as the reincarnation of an Egyptian goddess Isis.
Cleopatra originally ruled jointly with her father Ptolemy XII [12th]and later with her brothers, Ptolemy XIII[13th] and Ptolemy XIV[14th] she had married as per Egyptian custom, but eventually she became sole ruler. As pharaoh, she contacted Julius Caesar that solidified her grip on the throne. She later elevated her son with Caesar, Caesarion, to co-ruler in name.
After Caesar's assassination in 44 BC, she aligned with Mark Antony in opposition to Caesar's legal heir, Gaius Julius Caesar Octavianus (later known as Augustus). With Antony, she bore the twins Cleopatra Selene II and Alexander Helios, and another son, Ptolemy Philadelphus.
After losing the Battle of Actium to Octavian's forces, Antony committed suicide.Cleopatra followed him, and killed herself by means of an Egyptian cobra bite on August 12, 30 BC.Cleopatra's son by Caesar, Caesarion, was proclaimed pharaoh by the Egyptians, after Alexandria fell to Octavian Caesarion was captured and killed.After short time Egypt became the Roman province of Aegyptus.
To this day, Cleopatra remains a popular figure in Western culture. Cleopatra is put forward as a great beauty and her successive conquests of the world's most powerful men are taken to be proof of her aesthetic and sexual appeal.
Her Death
There are two stories: that she applied a toxic ointment ,or drink a mix of poisons she had prepared by her self [she was a chemist ] or that she was bitten by an Egyptian cobra on her arm or breast.
كانت كليوباترا السابعة المحببه لأبيها والملكة اليونانية القديمة وآخر فرعون لمصر القديمة
وكانت عضوا في أسرة البطالمة، والعائلة المالكة اليونانية التي حكمت مصر بعد وفاة الإسكندر الأكبر 'خلال الفترة الهلنستية.
كان البطالمه طوال هذه الفتره يتكلمون اليونانيه لغتهم الاصليه و رفضوا تعلم اللغه المصريه القديمه و كان هذا هو السبب فى استخدام اللغه اليونانيه فى الدواوين والمحاكم المصريه وكذلك حجر رشيد الا ان كليوباترا تعلمتها و مثلت نفسها بانها تمثيل للالهه ايزيس المصريه .
كليوباترا حكمت أصلا بصورة مشتركة مع والدها بطليموس الثاني عشر وفي وقت لاحق مع أشقائها، بطليموس الثالث عشر وبطليموس الرابع عشر وقد تزوجت حسب العرف المصري،واصبحت الحاكم الوحيد للبلاد و كان اتصالها كفرعون لمصر محكما لقبضتها على عرش البلاد بعد اغتيال قيصر في 44 قبل الميلاد اتحدت مع مارك انطونيو ضد اوكتافيوس الوريث الشرعى ليوليوس قيصر و الذى عرف فيما بعد باسم اوغسطس اى المقدس
كليوباترا حكمت أصلا بصورة مشتركة مع والدها بطليموس الثاني عشر وفي وقت لاحق مع أشقائها، بطليموس الثالث عشر وبطليموس الرابع عشر وقد تزوجت حسب العرف المصري،واصبحت الحاكم الوحيد للبلاد و كان اتصالها كفرعون لمصر محكما لقبضتها على عرش البلاد بعد اغتيال قيصر في 44 قبل الميلاد اتحدت مع مارك انطونيو ضد اوكتافيوس الوريث الشرعى ليوليوس قيصر و الذى عرف فيما بعد باسم اوغسطس اى المقدس
انجبت كليوباترا من انطونيو توأم هما كليوباترا سيلين الثاني وألكسندر هليوس، وابن آخر،هو بطليموس فيلادلفوس
قد اقدم انطونيو على الانتحار بعد خسارته فى معركة اكتيوم وتبعته كليوباترا بقتل نفسها
وتوج ابن كليوباترا من القيصر فرعونا لمصر الا انه قتل بعد سقوط الاسكندرية لقيصر أوكتافيان
وبعد وقت قصير أصبحت مصر مقاطعة رومانية
وحتى يومنا هذا تتمتع كليوباترا بشعبيه كبيره لدى الغرب و المصريين لما كان لها من ذكاء وعلم وثقافه بالاضافه الى جاذبيتها الشديده .
هناك قصتان لوفاتها
الاولى انها اتت بأفعى وجعلتها تلدغها فى ذراعها او ثديها
الثانيه انها تجرعت السم اللذى اعدته بنفسها لانها كانت عالمه كيمياء او انها وضعت السم على شكل مرهم اوكريم للجلد
ارجو ان اكون قد ساهمت فى ايضاح بعض النقاط عن حياة هذه الملكه الرائعه
هناك قصتان لوفاتها
الاولى انها اتت بأفعى وجعلتها تلدغها فى ذراعها او ثديها
الثانيه انها تجرعت السم اللذى اعدته بنفسها لانها كانت عالمه كيمياء او انها وضعت السم على شكل مرهم اوكريم للجلد
ارجو ان اكون قد ساهمت فى ايضاح بعض النقاط عن حياة هذه الملكه الرائعه
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Open the photo on photoshop
- Right click the background layer and select layer from background.
- With the Quick Selection Tool select the background and delete it [backspace key] .
- Adjust the level in the picture from the Adjustments Panel [the second button ].
- Select the photo layer and apply layer style[Bevel and Emboss]
- increase the background by Canvas size [image-canvas size]
- Add new layer under the photo layer and draw a rectangle with the Rectangle Tool select the color you like and no style .
- You can add frame if you like .
- Save your work .
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