Built by Pharaoh Sneferu in Dahshur .
That pyramid is unique amongst the approximately ninety pyramids to be found in Egypt .
The Bent Pyramid is an ancient Egyptian pyramid located at the royal necropolis of Dahshur, approximately 40 kilometres south of Cairo, built under the Old Kingdom Pharaoh Sneferu (c. 2600 BC). A unique example of early pyramid development in Egypt, this was the second pyramid built by Sneferu.
The lower part of the pyramid rises from the desert at a 55-degree inclination, but the top section is built at the shallower angle of 43 degrees, lending the pyramid its very obvious "bent" appearance.
Archaeologists now believe that the Bent Pyramid represents a transitional form between step-sided and smooth-sided pyramids.
The Bent Pyramid was probably the first planned from the outset to be a true pyramid, with smooth sides.
The Bent Pyramid has a small satellite pyramid which was the final resting place of Sneferu's queen; interestingly there is a connecting tunnel which runs twenty-five metres between the two pyramids, which was built so that Sneferu could visit his queen in the after life.
Interior passages
The Bent Pyramid has two entrances,one fairly low down on the north side. The second entrance is high on the west face of the pyramid. Each entrance leads to a chamber with a high, corbelled roof; the northern entrance leads to a chamber that is below ground level, the western to a chamber built in the body of the pyramid itself.
The new item today is HOW TO INCREASE THE IMAGE SIZE?
The manipulation of the picture of the pyramid .
Open the picture in photoshop
That pyramid is unique amongst the approximately ninety pyramids to be found in Egypt .
The Bent Pyramid is an ancient Egyptian pyramid located at the royal necropolis of Dahshur, approximately 40 kilometres south of Cairo, built under the Old Kingdom Pharaoh Sneferu (c. 2600 BC). A unique example of early pyramid development in Egypt, this was the second pyramid built by Sneferu.
The lower part of the pyramid rises from the desert at a 55-degree inclination, but the top section is built at the shallower angle of 43 degrees, lending the pyramid its very obvious "bent" appearance.
Archaeologists now believe that the Bent Pyramid represents a transitional form between step-sided and smooth-sided pyramids.
The Bent Pyramid was probably the first planned from the outset to be a true pyramid, with smooth sides.
The Bent Pyramid has a small satellite pyramid which was the final resting place of Sneferu's queen; interestingly there is a connecting tunnel which runs twenty-five metres between the two pyramids, which was built so that Sneferu could visit his queen in the after life.
Interior passages
The Bent Pyramid has two entrances,one fairly low down on the north side. The second entrance is high on the west face of the pyramid. Each entrance leads to a chamber with a high, corbelled roof; the northern entrance leads to a chamber that is below ground level, the western to a chamber built in the body of the pyramid itself.
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The entrance of the Bent Pyramid .
بناه الفرعون سنفرو والد خوفو بدهشور
هذا الهرم فريد من نوعه بين ما يزيد عن تسعين 90 هرم بمصر
كما ذكرت بناه الملك سنفرو بدهشور(سنفرو هو اول من بنى هرم حقيقى بتقنية جديدة في بلدة ميدوم وكان عبارة عن 8 طبقات. لكن بعد العمل فيه 14 سنة نقل مكان هرم شمالا لبلدة دهشور ) و بني هرمه الجديد فى دهشور من الحجارة علي شكل زوايا مائلة نحو الأرض كل زاوية 60 درجة. وجدرانه مائلة للداخل. ولما أقيم البناء بدأ يغوص بسبب الأحمال الحجرية والزوايا. ولتدارك هذه المشكلة قام البناؤن وضعوا جدرانا تدعيمية جعلت زاية الميل 55درجة للبناء الذي لم يكتمل بعد. ثم أكملوا البناء بزاوية منحنية قدرها 43 درجة مما جعله يطلق عليه الهرم المنحني
وفاء وايمان بعوده الروح والبعث
بنى الفرعون سنفرو هرم صغير لدفن زوجته الى جوار هرمه وانشاء نفق بين الهرمين طوله 25 متر حتى تلتقى روحيهما بعد الموت مما يدل على حب الملك لزوجته وايمانه بالبعث كذلك مما يؤكد ان المصريين القدماء كانوا مؤمنين و موحدين فى اكثر العقود التى مرت فى تاريخ مصر الفرعونيه.
The new item today is HOW TO INCREASE THE IMAGE SIZE?
The manipulation of the picture of the pyramid .
Open the picture in photoshop
- Right click the background layer[the layer of the picture] and select Convert to Smart Object.
- To increase the image size ,go to Image - image size and increase the dimentions as you like ,and as shown in the diagram .
- Apply sharpen to the image [filter -sharpen].
- Add frame to the picture [Custom shape tool] select the shape and style you like.
- Save your work.
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