Showing posts with label Photoshop Design. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Photoshop Design. Show all posts

Sunday, April 03, 2011

Tourism in Egypt with a Photoshop lesson السياحه فى مصر مع درس فوتوشوب

Tourism is one of the most important sectors in Egypt's economy. Million of tourists are visiting Egypt yearly.Egypt has been an important destination for people in the Middle East, Africa and Europe from ancient times. The Beginning was in the early 19th century with Napoleon's invasion of Egypt .
This picture shows hieroglyphs board at the back and some nice places to visit in Egypt.

Egypt enjoys a deep-rooted civilization which began when the ancient Egyptians established on the bank of the River Nile the first central state. Throughout centuries, the Egyptians interacted with other civilizations and peoples.

Egypt today transfer from tradition to modernity, Egypt is a country which has succeeded in creating a present that is as fascinating as its past .

Egypt has been always a country of tourism where Europeans used to ‎visit and see its antiquities dating back to the various eras and ‎civilizations. In the recreational tourism domain, there are scores of ‎unique tourist destinations such as Sharm -el-Sheikh, Hurghada, Safaga ‎and others. Moreover, Egypt is renowned for therapeutical and ‎environmental tourism as well as other kinds such as Safari, conferences ‎and sports.‎

Egypt [ The Arab Republic of Egypt] occupies a very important and nice location in the north-eastern corner of Africa and south-western Asia ,so Egypt enjoys a distinguished geographical location at the juncture of the ancient world continents of Africa, Asia and Europe. It has always been a place of inter-civilization reactivation between the East and the West as well as the North and the South. Egypt was also the crossing road of the heavenly religions of the world.
Cairo is the glorious capital of Egypt .

The Egyptian society is one of the oldest of mankind societies. Egyptians discovered agriculture five thousand years ago. With this discovery they came up with the necessity of discipline in a cooperative society.

The Language :Arabic is the official language spoken by all Egyptians. When Arabic is spoken in the streets, it's like a dialect and differs a great deal from classical Arabic.

The Religion : Though the majority of Egyptians are Muslims, there are over 12 million Egyptian Christians .The over all population of the Egyptians almost 85 millions.

What to visit in Egypt?
You can find many things to visit one visit will not be enough .

Major attractions
The celebrated tourist attractions of Egypt are the millennia-old monuments for which the Nile Valley is world famous. Principal among them are

Giza : to visit the Great Sphinx, the Great Pyramid of Giza, and a number of other large pyramids and temples.
Saqqara : to visit ancient burial ground which served as the necropolis for the Ancient Egyptian capital of Memphis. It features numerous pyramids, including the world's oldest standing step pyramid, as well as a number of mastabas.
Luxor : is the site of the ancient city of Thebes and has sometimes been called "the world's greatest open air museum". It includes the ruins of the temple complexes at Karnak and Luxor, which stand within the modern city. On the opposite side of the Nile River lie the monuments, temples and tombs on the West Bank Necropolis, which include the Valley of the Kings and Valley of the Queens.
Abu Simbel : is an archaeological site comprising two massive rock temples originally carved out of a mountainside during the reign of Pharaoh Ramesses II .
Alexandria : is a main summer resort, due to its beaches, ancient history and Museums.
Sinai Peninsula : Sinai has become a tourist destination due to its natural setting, rich coral reefs, and biblical history. Most popular tourist destination in Sinai are Mount Sinai (Jabal Musa) and St. Catherine's Monastery, which is considered to be the oldest working christian monastery in the world, and the beach resorts of Sharm el-Sheikh, Dahab, Nuweiba and Taba.
El-Sokhna : has a number of beach resorts as Stella , Hijaz , Porto El-Sokhna .

السياحه فى مصر
كانت ومازالت مصر من اهم الواجهات التى يتوجه اليها العالم شرقا و غربا   
السباحه فى مصر من اهم مصادر الدخل القومى ويعمل بها عدد غير قليل من قطاع الشباب المدرب 
يزور مصر سنويا العديد من السائحين من مختلف الدول العربيه و الاوروبيه و الاسيويه 
    وقد بدأت انظار العالم تتجه الى مصر مع الحمله الفرنسيه على مصر فى القرن الثامن عشر بقياده نابوليون بونابرت و اكتشاف حجر رشيد و فك شفره اللغه الهيروغليفيه 
 تحولت مصر فى وقت سريع من القدم الى الحداثه وواكبت العصر و التكنولوجيا الحديثه
قبل ان تزور مصر يجب ان تسأل نفسك ماذاتريد ان ترى و تفعل فى مصر 
هل تحب التاريخ القديم ؟ فتقوم بزياره الاماكن السياحيه القديمه وما اكثرها م مصر من اكبر المتاحف المفتوحه فى العالم فهناك الاهرامات التى يزيدعددها عن المئه اشهرها الثلاثه اهرامات و الهرم المدرج فى سقاره 
هناك ايضا المعابد الفرعونيه القديمه و الاثار المفتوحه بالاقصر و اماكن اخرى وهناك ايضا المتاحف مثل المتحف المصرى و الزراعى و الصناعى و الاسلامى والقيطى وغيرها 
اما ان كنت من هواة الحضاره الحديثه و الفنون فهناك الاوبرا و المسارح و السينيمات و الحدائق القديمه مثل الحديقه اليابانيه وهى من اجمل الحدائق التى تعرض تماثيل يابانيه  وهناك ايضا حديقه الحيوان يالجيزه وهى من اكبر حدائق الحيوان بالعالم وكذلك يمكنك زياره الكثير من الجوامع و الكنائس  وكذلك قلعه صلاح الدين وقصر الجوهره و القاهره الفاطميه و المملوكيه وكثير من الاماكن
اما اذا كنت من الذين يحبون الشمس و اليحر فهناك البحر المتوسط الذى يمكنك ان تستمتع يه فى الصيف ويتمثل فى الاسكندريه و الساحل الشمالى و مدن ساحليه شماليه اخرى
اما فى الشتاء فيمكنك الاستمتاع بالبحر الاحمر وشمسه الدافئه وشواطئه الممتده وكذلك الغطس تحت مائه و ممارسه الرياضات البحريه 
هذه هى نبذه عن مايمكنك رؤيته وزيارته فى مصر  غير الشعب المضياف الصديق  

Monday, March 21, 2011

Happy Mother's Day عيد ام سعيد


Today is the mother's day in Egypt . Happy mother's day for all the Egyptian mother's and all the mothers everywhere .
I had designed more cards for that special occasion .I hope you will like it .
I am offering the cards as a gift for all the mothers in Egypt and everywhere .

I hope next year will be more quite and peaceful ,full of love and hope, for all the mothers everywhere .
 For all the sons and daughters I am reminding you to go to your mothers and offer them a nice gift with a kind smile from open heart .Remember what your mother did for you.

With my love and hope of better future for us all ,happy mother's day 

For designing the blue card please visit Arts Of Photos .

عيد ام سعيد 
اليوم هو يوم الام المصريه و بعض الامهات العربيات كل سنه و انتن طيبات يا جميع الامهات فى كل مكان واتمنى ان تكون السنوات القادمه اكثر امنا و امانا وسلاما على العالم باكمله اتمنى لكن كذلك الصحه و السعاده لكل ام صغيره و كبيره اقدم لكن هديتى المتواضعه -هذه الكروت من تصميمى هديه منى لكل ام فى كل العالم العربى و الخارجى و كل عام و انتن جميعا بخير 
لكل الابناء اتمنى ان تسعدوا الامهات بزيارتكم التى ربما تكون قليله بسبب مشاغل الحياه اسعدوا الامهات بابتسامه جميله و هديه رقيقه تسعدها و اشكروها على ما قدمت لكم طيله حياتها و حياتكم ولا تنسوا ان الجنه تحت اقدام الامهات 
شكرا لكم منال رأفت

Thursday, March 17, 2011

Mother's Day يوم الام

Mothers Day is celebrated in several country across the globe,but it varies .Most countries celebrate Mothers Day on second Sunday in the Month of May.In Egypt they celebrate it on March 21 n many countries the way Mothers Day is celebrated varies and is quite different from the manner in which Mothers Day is celebrated in US. But what is more important than the date and fashion of celebration is the feeling behind the festival. The idea of celebrating Mother's Day the world over is to pay tribute to mothers for all their love and support and to make them feel special.n many countries the way Mothers Day is celebrated varies and is quite different from the manner in which Mothers Day is celebrated in US. But what is more important than the date and fashion of celebration is the feeling behind the festival. The idea of celebrating Mother's Day the world over is to pay tribute to mothers for all their love and support and to make them feel special.

Dates around the world
 The date was changed to fit already existing celebrations in every country .
  • African countries
Many African countries adopted the idea of one Mother's Day from the British tradition.

  • Arab World 
Mother's Day in most of Arab countries is celebrated on March 21. It was introduced in Egypt by Mostafa Amin in his daily column Fikrah ("idea"). The first celebration was held in Egypt in 1956, and it has since been copied by the other Arab countries.

  • Australia

    In Australia, Mother's Day is celebrated on the second Sunday in May. It is not a public holiday
  • Brazil

    In Brazil, Mother's Day is celebrated on the second Sunday of May.
  • India

    Mother's Day is celebrated on the second Sunday of May.
  •  United Kingdom and Ireland
 In the United Kingdom and Ireland, there was a celebration called Mothering Sunday, which fell on the fourth Sunday of Lent (3 April in 2011), exactly three weeks before Easter Sunday. 

  • United States
 The United States celebrates Mother's Day on the second Sunday in May. 

Mother's Day Gifts 
Mother's Day is an occasion to pamper the mothers anywhere .All the people are giving gifts to their mothers in that day to express their love for their mothers ,and to say thanks to Mothers for all  what they are doing for them .Your gift must clearly reflect your inner feelings for your mother ,even simple gift just to show her your love .
It depends upon you and your choice you can choose expensive gifts like jewelry or simple gifts like flowers ,or perfumes .Whatever your gift is, you should put a card with your gift with a some nice words from your heart .

you will find one more card in Arts Of Photos 

عيد الام ، عيد سنوى يحتفل به فى مصر و اوروبا و امريكا و بلاد كثيره فى العالم. فى مصر يحتفل به فى يوم 21 مارس لتكريم الأمهات بدأ الاحتفال به سنة 1956. اول دعوه لعيد الأم فى مصر قام بيها الصحفى و الكاتب المصرى مصطفى امين سنة 1943 فى كتابه "امريكا الضاحكه" و لكن بدأ الاحتفال بعيد الام فى مصر فى 21 مارس  1956
و عيد الام هو يوم للتعبير عن حب الام فكل انسان شغلته امور الحياه و المعيشه عن تقديم هديه لامه يجد فى هذا اليوم فرصه رائعه لهذا حيث تجتمع الاسره كلها فى جو من المحبه الخالصه لتقديم الهدايا للام التى تعبت كثيرا من اجل ابنائها وحان وقت تكريمها 
اقدم هذا الكرت هديه لكل ام.

شكرا لكم 
منال رأفت 

Sunday, March 13, 2011

Petra Of Jordan البترا الاردنيه

Petra is considered the most famous and gorgeous site in Jordan located about 262 km south of Amman and 133 km north of Aqaba. It is the legacy of the Nabataeans, an industrious Arab people who settled in southern Jordan more than 2000 years ago. 
It is a vast, unique city, carved into the sheer rock face by the Nabataeans, an industrious Arab people who settled here more than 2000 years ago, turning it into an important junction for the silk, spice and other trade routes that linked China, India and southern Arabia with Egypt, Syria, Greece and Rome.

Petra meaning rock is a historical city in the Jordanian governorate of Ma'an that is known for its rock cut architecture and water conduits system. Established sometime around the 6th century BC as the capital city of the Nabataeans, it is a symbol of Jordan as well as its most visited tourism attraction. It lies on the slope of Mount Hor in a basin among the mountains which form the eastern flank of Arabah (Wadi Araba), the large valley running from the Dead Sea to the Gulf of Aqaba.Petra has been a UNESCO World Heritage Site since 1985. UNESCO has described it as "one of the most precious cultural properties of man's cultural heritage.Petra is known as the Rose-Red City for the color of the rocks in which Petra is carved .

Petra sights are at their best in early morning and late afternoon, when the sun warms the multicolored stones, you can view the majesty of Petra as it was seen first when discovered in 1812 after being lost by the 16th century for almost 300 years! 

Its History 
Evidence suggests that settlements had begun in and around Petra in the eighteenth dynasty of Egypt (1550-1292 BC). It is listed in Egyptian campaign accounts and the Amarna letters .

You can find there Roman-style theatre, which could seat 3,000 people. There are obelisks, temples, sacrificial altars and colonnaded streets, and high above, overlooking the valley, is the impressive Ad-Deir Monastery – a flight of 800 rock cut steps takes you there.

Within the site there are also two excellent museums; the Petra Archaeological Museum, and the Petra Nabataean Museum both of which represent finds from excavations in the Petra region and an insight into Petra's colourful past.


البتراء او المدينه الورديه 
 البتراء وكذلك تسمى سلع، مدينة تاريخية تقع في الأردن جنوب البلاد 225 كم جنوب العاصمة عمّان إلى الغرب من الطريق الرئيسي الذي يصل بين العاصمة عمّان ومدينة العقبة 
تعتبر البتراء من أهم المواقع الأثرية في الأردن وفي العالم لعدم وجود مثيل لها في العالم مؤخرا فازت بالمركز الثاني في المسابقة العالمية لعجائب الدنيا السبع وهي عبارة عن مدينة كاملة منحوته في الصخر الوردي اللون ومن هنا جاء اسم بترا وتعني باللغه اليونانية الصخر
 بناها الأنباط في العام 400 قبل الميلاد وجعلوا منها عاصمة لهم  وعلى مقربة من المدينة يوجد جبل هارون الذي يعتقد أنه يضم قبر النبي هارون عليه السلام والينابيع السبعة التي ضرب موسى بعصاه الصخر فتفجرت. واختيرت البتراء بتاريخ7/7/2007 كواحدة من عجائب الدنيا السبع الجديدة

   تاريخ البتراء

كانت البتراء عاصمة لدولة الأنباط وأهم مدن مملكتهم التي دامت ما بين 400 ق م وحتى 106 م، وقد امتدت حدودها من ساحل عسقلان في فلسطين غربا وحتى صحراء بلاد الشام شرقا.و من شمال دمشق وحتى البحر الاحمر جنوبا, شكل موقع البتراء المتوسط بين حضارات بلاد ما بين النهرين وبلاد الشام والجزيرة العربية ومصر أهمية أقتصادية فقد أمسكت دولة الأنباط بزمام التجارة بين حضارات هذه المناطق وسكانها وكانت القوافل التجارية تصل إليها محملة بالتوابل والبهارات من جنوب الجزيرة العربية والحرير من غزة ودمشق والحناء من عسقلان والزجاجيات من صور وصيدا واللؤلؤ من الخليج العربي.
نهاية دولة الأنباط كان على يد الرومان عندما حاصروها ومنعوا عنها مصادر المياه سنة 105 وأسموها الولاية العربية. وفي سنة 636 أصبحت البتراء تعيش على من تبقى من سكانها على الزراعة لكن الزلزال الذي أصابها سنة 746/748 وزلازل أخرى أفرغتها من أهله


Friday, March 11, 2011

Solar eclipse. How to make with Photoshop كسوف الشمس و كيفية تنفيذه بالفوتوشوب

As seen from the Earth [ Earth (or the Earth) is the third planet from the Sun and the densest and fifth-largest of the eight planets in the Solar System.], a solar eclipse occurs when the Moon passes between the Sun and the Earth, and the Moon [The Moon is Earth's only natural satellite and the fifth largest satellite in the Solar System.]fully or partially covers the Sun as viewed from a location on Earth. This can only happen during a new moon, when the Sun and Moon are in conjunction as seen from Earth. At least two, and up to five, solar eclipses occur each year.

The original picture 

The photo shop picture

The last total solar eclipse was the solar eclipse of July 11, 2010; the next will be the solar eclipse of November 13, 2012.

A total solar eclipse is a natural phenomenon. Nevertheless, in ancient times, and in some cultures today, solar eclipses have been attributed to supernatural causes or regarded as bad omens [ An omen is a phenomenon that is believed to foretell the future]. A total solar eclipse can be frightening to people who are unaware of their astronomical explanation, as the Sun seems to disappear during the day and the sky darkens in a matter of minutes. 

Types of Solar eclipse 
There are four types of solar eclipses:
  1. A total eclipse ,occurs when the dark shadow of the Moon completely obscures the  bright disk of the Sun,allowing the much fainter solar corona to be visible. [ A corona is a type of plasma "atmosphere" of the Sun , extending millions of kilometers into space .The Greek root of the word corona means crown.]
  2. An annular eclipse occurs when the Sun and Moon are exactly in line, but the apparent size of the Moon is smaller than that of the Sun. Hence the Sun appears as a very bright ring, or annulus, surrounding the outline of the Moon. 
  3. A hybrid eclipse (also called annular/total eclipse) shifts between a total and annular eclipse. At some points on the surface of the Earth it appears as a total eclipse, whereas at others it appears as annular. Hybrid eclipses are comparatively rare. 
  4. A partial eclipse occurs when the Sun and Moon are not exactly in line and the Moon only partially obscures the Sun.
Viewing the Sun during partial and annular eclipses requires special eye protection, or indirect viewing methods, to block the harmful part of the Sun's radiation to protect the eyes from being damaged.

Sunglasses do not make viewing the sun safe. Only properly designed and certified solar filters should be used for direct viewing of the Sun's disk.

The safest way to view the Sun's disk is by indirect projection. This can be done by projecting an image of the disk onto a white piece of paper or card using a pair of binoculars (with one of the lenses covered), a telescope, or another piece of cardboard with a small hole in it (about 1 mm diameter), often called a pinhole camera. 
كسوف الشمس 
ظاهرة فلكية تحدث عندما تتوضع الأرض والقمر والشمس على استقامة واحدة تقريبا ويكون القمر في المنتصف أي في وقت ولادة القمر الجديد فى  مطلع الشهر القمري بحيث يلقى القمر ظله على الأرض

أنواع الكسوف 
كسوف كلي 
كسوف جزئي
كسوف حلقي أو خاتميّ  
كسوف  خليط من نوعي نما بين الكسوف الكلي والكسوف الحلقي 

هذا الفيديو باللغه العربيه عن كسوف الشمس 


Tuesday, March 08, 2011

Thutmose III تحتمس الثالث

Thutmose III that means Thoth is born .He was the sixth Pharaoh of the Eighteenth Dynasty.

He was co-regent with his stepmother, Hatshepsut
He became the pharaoh of the kingdom after her death [ Hatshepsut was the fifth pharaoh of the eighteenth dynasty of Ancient Egypt ,and was named the pharaoh. ] He created the largest empire Egypt had ever seen,he conquered from Niya in north Syria to the fourth waterfall of the Nile in Nubia. Thutmose III ruled Egypt for almost fifty-four years, this includes the twenty-two years he was co-regent to Hatshepsut his stepmother and aunt. During the final two years of his reign, he appointed his son-and successor-Amenhotep II, as his junior co-regent. When Thutmose III died, he was buried in the Valley of the Kings as were the rest of the kings from this period in Egypt.

 His Family
Thutmose III was the son of Thutmose II by a secondary wife, Iset [ Iset or Isis she was named after goddess Isis].His father's great royal wife was Queen Hatshepsut. Her daughter Neferure was Thutmose's half-sister. 
When Thutmose II died Thutmose III was too young to rule, so Hatshepsut became his regent, soon his coregent, and shortly thereafter, she declared herself to be the pharaoh while never denying kinship to young Thutmose III.

His wives 
  • Satiah: She may have been the mother of his firstborn son, Amenemhat.
  • Merytre-Hatshepsut. His successor, the crown prince and future king Amenhotep II, was the son of Merytre-Hatshepsut.
  • Nebtu: she is depicted on a pillar in Thutmose III's tomb.
  • Menwi, Merti, Menhet three foreign wives.
Thutmose III was a great builder pharaoh and constructed over fifty temples,some of these are now lost and only mentioned in written records.

Death and burial  
He died after ruling Egypt for 53 years, 10 months, and 26 days .He was buried in the Valley of the Kings.

Thutmose III's mummy was discovered in the Deir el-Bahri Cache above the Mortuary Temple of Hatshepsut in 1881.The height of Thutmose III's mummy to be 1.615m (5 ft. 3.58in.),and the feet were absent .

تحتمس الثالث
 الفرعون الأسطورة.. سادس فراعنة الأسرة الثامنة عشر، ويعتبر أعظم حكام مصر وأحد أقوى الاباطرة في التاريخ 

اسماء الفرعون
اسم الولادة :  دى جو تى مس
اسم التتويج :من خبر رع
اسم الحورس :  الثور القوي 
ملك الوجهين بحري وقبلي : يدوم الملك 
 الاسم الذهبي  : ذو الهيئة المقدسه

براعه تحتمس العسكرية 
كان تحتمس الثالث يتمتع بسمات شخصية خارقة وعبقرية عسكرية ليس لها مثيل تدرب تحتمس في ساحات المعارك في الاقصر.. وقد اكسبته هذه التدريبات صلابة في شخصيته وخبرات عسكرية عظيمة، وتظهر لنا تماثيل تحتمس الثالث هذا الشاب المفتول العضلات وقد امتلك ميزات جعلته ملكا محاربا أسطوريا قام بستة عشرة حملة عسكرية على آسيا (منطقة سورية وفلسطين) استطاع ان يثبت نفوذه هناك كما ثبت نفوذ مصر حتى بلاد النوبة جنوبا، وقد كان امير مدينة قادش في سوريا يتزعم حلفا من امراء البلاد الأسيوية في الشام ضد مصر وصل عددهم إلى ثلاثة وعشرين جيشا وكان من المتوقع أن يدعم تحتمس الثالث دفاعاته وقواته على الحدود المصرية قرب سيناء إلا أن تحتمس قرر الذهاب بجيوشه الضخمة لمواجهة هذه الجيوش في اراضيهم ضمن خطة توسيع الامبراطورية المصرية إلى أقصى حدود ممكنة وهزيمة هذه الجيوش مجتمعة.
درب تحتمس الجنود على أفضل التدريبات وقسم جيشه إلى قلب وجناحين واستخدم تكتيكات عسكرية ومناورات لم تكن معروفة من قبل وبنى القلاع والحصون


براعته السياسية 
استدعى تحتمس الثالث أبناء أمراء الأقاليم الأسيوية إلى طيبة عاصمة مصر في ذلك الوقت، ليتعلموا في مدارسها العادات والتقاليد المصرية ويثقفهم بالثقافة المصرية، ويغرس في نفوسهم حب مصر، حتى إذا عادوا إلى بلادهم وتولوا الحكم فيها أصبحوا من اتباعه المخلصين وبالتأكيد لا يمكن التفكير في الحرب على مصر، ويشكك بعض المؤرخين ان هذا هو فرعون خروج  بنى اسرائيل من مصر 

اعماله المعمارية 
بنى تحتمس الثالث في طيبة العديد من المعابد منها معبدين أحدهما بجانب معبد حتشبسوت في الدير البحري، كما قام ببناء البوابتان العملاقة السادسة والسابعة وقاعة الاحتفالات في معبد الكرنك وأكمل بناء معبد حابو الذي بدأته حتشبسوت وله العديد من الانشاءات فى اماكن اخرى منها ايضا ما لا يقل عن سبع مسلات معظمها موجود الآن في عدد من عواصم العالم منها المسلة الموجودة في لندن  

الفرعون الامبراطور 
أقام تحتمس الثالث أقدم امبراطورية في التاريخ وهي أقصى حدود لمصر في تاريخها حيث وصلت حدود مصر إلى نهر الفرات و سوريا شرقا وإلى ليبيا غربا وإلى سواحل فينيقيا وقبرص شمالاو إلى منابع النيل جنوبا حتى الجندل الرابع أو الشلال الرابع وكانت الإدارة في عهده قوية من ذوى الكفاءات العالية حيث اعطى تحتمس كل إقليم حكما ذاتيا تابعا للعرش نظرا لاتساع الامبراطورية واختلاف الاجناس وتباين الاعراف والقوانين من منطقة لأخرى 
موته و مقبرته 
مات تحتمس وعمره 82 سنة بعد أن حكم أربعة وخمسين عاما .ولم يعرف تاريخ مصر ملكا بكى عليه المصريون وحزنوا عليه حزنا شديدا مثل ما حدث مع تحتمس الثالث، وبعد وفاته أقيمت مراسم الحداد والدفن الملكية تبعه فيها كل المصريين وهي أضخم جنازة في التاريخ القديم ودفن في مقبرة بوادي الملوك كان قد أعدها لنفسه 

من أشهر مقولاته لوزيره الشهير رخمى رع "لا يرضى الرب بالتحيز(الفساد)، كن يقظا فمنصب الوزير عماد الأرض كلها فليس للوزير أن يستعبد الناس، استمع للشاكى من الجنوب والدلتا أو أى بقعة.. تصرف بالعدل فالمحاباة يمقتها الرب.. كن عادلا مع من تعرفه ومن لا تعرفه 

That is a very short summery of the life story of that grate king .
I had designed that background and add the photo of the king to it .That background was designed with photo shop using filters only and some other sinple tools .

Some uses of filters and how to use for designing the background.  

Sunday, March 06, 2011

Cairo - Egypt القاهره المصريه

Cairo, and the area around it are considered to be the heart of Egypt.

Cairo is the Egyptian capital.The meaning of the name is" The Vanquisher" or "The Conqueror".
It is the capital of Egypt, the largest city in Africa and the 16th most populous metropolitan area in the world[ The first city is Tokyo of Japan ]. 

Cairo is also ranked as one of the most densely populated cities in the world. Nicknamed "The City of a Thousand Minarets"[ Minarets are distinctive architectural features of Islamic mosques- generally tall spires with onion-shaped or conical crowns, usually either free standing or taller than any associated support structure; the basic form includes a base, shaft, and gallery. Styles vary regionally and by period. They provide a visual focal point and are used for the call to prayer ] for its preponderance of Islamic architecture, Cairo has long been a centre of the region's political and cultural life.  
The city's original name in Arabic is "Al-Qahira", which became "Cairo" after Europeans corrupted the name. Egyptians today often refer to Cairo as Maṣr, the Arabic pronunciation of the name for Egypt itself.

Cairo has the oldest and largest film and music industries in the Arab World, as well as the world's second-oldest institution of higher learning, al-Azhar University[ is an educational institute in Cairo, Egypt. Founded in 970~972 as a madrasa, it is the chief centre of Arabic literature and Sunni Islamic learning in the world. It is the oldest degree-granting university in Egypt after Cairo University. In 1961 non-religious subjects were added to its curriculum.]. Many international media, businesses, and organizations have regional headquarters in the city, and the Arab League has had its headquarters in Cairo for most of its existence.Cairo is by far the largest city in Egypt.

Its Geography and location
Cairo is located in northern Egypt, known as Lower Egypt, 165 kilometers (100 mi) south of the Mediterranean Sea and 120 kilometers (75 mi) west of the Gulf of Suez and Suez Canal.The city is along the Nile River, immediately south of the point where the river leaves its desert-bound valley and branches into the low-lying Nile Delta region. Although the Cairo metropolis extends away from the Nile in all directions, the city of Cairo resides only on the east bank of the river and two islands within it on a total area of 453 square kilometers .

Famous places in Cairo

  • Tahrir Square: The middle picture in the collection  
  • The Egyptian Museum
  • Khan El-Khalili
  • Old Cairo
  • Cairo Tower :The Cairo Tower is a free-standing concrete TV tower in Cairo. It stands in the Zamalek district on Gezira Island in the Nile River, in the city centre. At 187 meters, it is 43 meters higher than the Great Pyramid of Giza, which stands some 15 km to the southwest. The upper right picture in the collection. 
  • Gates to the Ancient City of Cairo: Cairo was called the citadel or tabia or forte, i.e. stronghold. It looked like a square; 1200m2 in length and 1100m2 in width. It was surrounded with El Bahr El Azeim (the great sea) from the east, the gulf from the west, from the north gardens extended to Mataria and the mount Gabal El Guishi from the south.

    When the Fatimid reign (969-1171) settled in Cairo under the leadership of El Moez Li-Dinellah it was called "Cairo of El Moez" because they decorated its four suburbs with luxurious buildings, delightful spots and gardens. This increased its delightfulness and beauty. It was the settlement of rulers and princes.

    El Fostat city was big and important due to plenty of buildings, many people and much of livelihood means, that is why Gawhar El Sakaly was so keen on it. He established the fortified gates (bab) and installed them around it in the four-sided wall. He built El Kantara at Bab El Shairia Street. He also built a wall to quickly surround the Palace. But this was destroyed completely.

    Purposes of the gates
Those gates did not only defend the country against enemies, but were built also for management and administrative purposes. No one was allowed to enter Cairo or stay there except for its residents, or those who go in for certain reasonsand in daytime only. 
There are many gates like , Bab El Barkia 1st gate ,Bab El Barkia 2nd gate ,El Bab El Gadid, Bab Zuweila,Bab El Wazir,Bab El Nasr, and many other gates[ Bab mean gate in Arabic ]

If I will write every thing about Cairo Egypt It will be very long post you might get tired of reading.
I had collected some pictures in a collection in the upper left side the picture of the Nile River ,the lower left side is Salah El Deen Citadel .The middle picture for Tahrir Square ,the upper right picture for Cairo Tower .The last picture is the lower right picture ,which is the picture of Baron Empain Palace who was the designer of one of the most important places of Cairo.

 القاهرة الساحره قاهرة المعز هي عاصمة جمهورية مصر العربية وأهم مدنها علي الإطلاق، يبلغ عدد سكان مدينة القاهرة حوالى   9,000,000 مليون نسمه تقريبا يمثلون حوالى 10 % من إجمالي سكان مصر، في حين يبلغ عدد سكان القاهرة الكبرى 20 مليونًا ونصف مليون نسمة. يسكنها أكثر من ربع سكان مصر البالغ تعدادهم بالداخل والخارج مايقرب من 88 مليون نسمه
تشمل القاهره الكبرى القاهرة، الجيزة، محافظة 6 أكتوبر ومدينة حلوان. و أجزاء من محافظة القليوبية في مصر و هي امتداد عمراني طبيعي للقاهرة

سميت تاريخيا باسم مدينة الألف مئذنة لكثرة مساجدها 

أسّسها من عدة مدن ولتكون عاصمة، القائد المعز لدين الله لفتح القاهرة بعد أن أسس الدولة الفاطمية، وقد قام جوهر الصقلي سنة 358 هـ (969 م) ببناء سور حول ثلاث مدن وقام بتسمية المدن الثلاث القاهرة، وتضمّ القاهرة مدينة الفسطاط التي أسسها عمرو بن العاص سنة 20هـ، ومدينة العسكر التي أسسها صالح بن علي العباسى سنة 132هـ، ومدينة القطائع التي أسّسها أحمد بن طولون سنة 256هـ، بالإضافة إلى الأحياء التي طرأت عليها بعد عهد صلاح الدين وحتى الآن.

القاهرة هي أكبر مدينة أفريقية والأكثر سكاناً في أفريقيا والشرق الأوسط. وهي محافظة مدينة، أي أنها محافظة تشغل كامل مساحتها مدينة واحدة 
هناك العديد من الاماكن الجميله و الاثريه التى يمكن لك ان تزورها فى القاهره متل المتحف المصرى وبعض المتاحف الاخرى مثل المتحف الزراعى و متحف الفن الاسلامى و القبطى و السكه الحديد ومتاحف اخرى ويمكنك ايضا زياره القاهره القديمه و ابوابها مثل باب زويله و باب النصر وباب الفتوح و العديد من الابواب التى انشئت لحمايه المقيمين فى المدينه حيث انه لا يمكن لاحد غير قاطنيها الدخول من هذه الابواب 
يمكنك ايضا زياره خان الخليلى وبرج القاهره  

The new thing in that post is the 3D text in the middle of the picture.

There is another simple 3D text in Arts Of Photos .


Friday, February 18, 2011

Red Sea البحر الاحمر

The Red Sea is a seawater inlet of the Indian Ocean, lying between Africa and Asia.The connection to the ocean is in the south through the Bab el Mandeb strait and the Gulf of Aden. In the north, there is the Sinai Peninsula, the Gulf of Aqaba, and the Gulf of Suez leading to the Suez Canal .
Illustrator design for the red sea

The Name
Red Sea is a direct translation of the Greek Erythra Thalassa . Arabic Al-Baḥr Al-Aḥmar or Baḥr Al-Qalzam.The name of the sea may signify the seasonal blooms of the red-coloured Trichodesmium erythraeum[ is a type of filamentous cyanobacteria] near the water's surface.
Another hypothesis is that the name comes from the Himyarite, a local group whose own name means red.
It is theorized that it was named so because it borders the Egyptian Desert, which the ancient Egyptians called the Dashret or "red land"; therefore it would have been the sea of the red land.The mountains surrounding the red sea [ Red Sea Mountains]is high and reddish in color.
The Red Sea is one of four seas named in English with color terms [ the Black Sea, the White Sea and the Yellow Sea].

Its History
The earliest known exploration of the Red Sea was conducted by Ancient Egyptians, as they attempted to establish commercial routes to Punt [type of boats]. One such expedition took place around 2500 BC, and another around 1500 BC. Both involved long voyages down the Red Sea.
Along the history there were many attempts to connect The Red Sea with The White Sea ,that ends with The Suez Canal ,that was opened in November 1869.

The Tourism
The sea is known for its spectacular sport diving sites, such as Ras Mohammed ,and Rocky Island in Egypt and less known sites in Sudan such as Sanganeb, Abington, Angarosh and Shaab Rumi .Popular tourist resorts include El Gouna, Hurghada, Safaga, Marsa Alam, on the western shore of the Red Sea, and Sharm-El-Sheikh, Dahab, and Taba on the Egyptian side of Sinaï, as well as Aqaba in Jordan and Eilat in Israel in an area known as the Red Sea Riviera.
Tourism in the South of the Red Sea is presently considered risky because of the presence of pirates originating from uncontrolled zones of Somalia. Large vessels such as cargoes are sometimes attacked by heavily armed high-speed boats. The situation is even worse in the Gulf of Aden between Somalia and Yemen.

Under the red sea you can see different colors and shapes of fish. I had never dive under the red sea but I had tried to imagine what is there and I designed that picture .

 I designed it with Illustrator ,using the Symbol Panel ,Free Transform to adjust the size[ scale] direction . 

فى اعماق البحر الاحمر تعيش الكائنات البحريه المختلفة الالوان والاحجام والاشكال

لم اتمكن يوما من الذهاب هناك ولم اتمكن من ممارسة رياضه الغطس ابدا ولكننى حاولت تخيل ماذا يمكن ان اراه هناك

حاولت تدوين ورسم ما تخيلته بطريقه مبسطه ارجو ان تنال اعجابكم .

نبذة عن البحر الحمر
البحر الأحمر هو مدخل مياه البحر من المحيط الهندي، الواقع بين أفريقيا وآسيا. يتصل بالمحيطالهندي من الجنوب من خلال باب المندب وخليج عدن. 
وفي الشمال يتفرع إلى خليج العقبة، وخليج السويس و المؤدى إلى قناة السويس و تقع شبه جزيرة سيناء بين الخليجين .

ويسمية العرب بـ (بحر القُلْزُم) بضم القاف وسكون اللام وضم الزاي

سبب تسميته
*** البحر الأحمر هي ترجمة مباشرة للكلمة اليونانية إريثرا ثالاسا
*** وهناك فرضيات أخرى هي 
--- أن الاسم قد أتي من قبيلة حمير التي كانت تقطن فى اليمن.
--- وأيضا أيد بعض العلماء العصريين نظرية أن الأحمر هو اسم يشير إلى اتجاه الجنوب، كما البحر الاسود قد يشير إلى الشمال. وعلى أساس هذه النظرية بعض اللغات الآسيوية تستخدم أسماء الألوان للإشارة إلى الاتجاهات السماوية . وقد كان هيرودوت في المناسبة الواحدة يستخدم كلمة البحر الأحمر وبحر الجنوب بشكل متبادل.
---  ونظرية أخرى للتسمية لأن حدود البحر الأحمر على الصحراء المصرية ، والتي كان القدماء المصريين يسمونها Dashret أو "الأرض الحمراء"

البحر الأحمر أحد الأربعة بحار المسماة بأسماء الألوان والأخرى هى البحر الأسود، البحر الأبيض والبحر الاصفر(يقع فى كوريا الشماليه و الجنوبية).

الموارد الحية

** يوجد أكثر من 1200 نوع من الأسماك التي سجلت في البحر الأحمر، و حوالي 10 ٪ منها لاتوجد في الأماكن الأخرى. وهذا يشمل أيضا 42 نوعا من أسماك المياه العميقة. 
** يوجد به 2000 كيلومتر (1240 ميل) من الشعاب المرجانية على امتداد الساحل، وعمر هذه الشعاب المتاخمة يتراوح ما بين 5000-7000 سنة .

و من أهم مدن البحر الأحمر الغردقة و سفاجا و شرم الشيخ و دهب و طابا و رأس محمد و السويس و العين السخنه و غيرهم

ارجو ان اكون قد وفقت فى هذة النبذة عن البحر الأحمر 

شكرا لكم 

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Colossi of Memnon of Pharaoh Amenhotep III.العملاق ممنون امنحتب الثالث

 The Colossi of Memnon are two massive stone statues of Pharaoh Amenhotep III. For the past 3400 years (since 1350 BC) they have stood in the Theban necropolis [ Thebes is the Greek name for a city in Ancient Egypt located about 800 km south of the Mediterranean, on the east bank of the river Nile. The Valley of the Kings is located also in Thebes.], across the River Nile from the modern city of Luxor.

The original picture   

The twin statues show Amenhotep III  in a seated position, his hands resting on his knees and he is looking eastwards towards the river. Two shorter figures are carved into the front throne alongside his legs: these are his wife Tiy and mother Mutemwiya. The side panels depict the Nile god Hapy.
 The statues are made from blocks of quartzite sandstone which was stone quarried at el-Gabal el-Ahmar (is located today within the boundaries of modern-day Cairo, in the area of Nasr City . The name means "The Red Hill".) and transported 675 km (420 miles) overland to Thebes. (They are too heavy to have been transported upstream on the Nile.) 
The blocks used by later Roman engineers to reconstruct the eastern colossus may have come from Edfu (north of Aswan). Including the stone platforms on which they stand (about 4 metres (13 ft) themselves), the colossi reach a towering 18 metres (approx. 60 ft) in height and weigh an estimated 700 tons each. The two figures are about 15 metres (50 ft) apart. 
Both statues are quite damaged, with the features above the waist virtually unrecognizable. The western (or southern) statue is a single piece of stone, but the eastern (or northern) figure has a large extentive crack in the lower half and above the waist consists of 5 tiers of stone. These upper levels consist of a different type of sandstone, and are the result of a later (Roman Empire) reconstruction attempt. It is believed that originally the two statues were identical to each other, although inscriptions and minor art may have varied.

The original function of the Colossi was to stand guard at the entrance to Amenhotep's memorial temple[ The Mortuary Temple of Amenhotep III (known in modern times as Kom el-Hettan, ) is located in the Theban necropolis, on the west bank of the Nile, opposite Luxor in Egypt. It was built for the Pharaoh Amenhotep III. When constructed it was the largest of the mortuary temples in the Theban area, larger than the complex at Karnak, and covered an area of 350,000 square metres.] 
Amassive cult centre built during the pharaoh's lifetime, where he was worshipped as a god-on-earth both before and after his departure from this world. In its day, this temple complex was the largest and most rich in Egypt.  
With the exception of the Colossi, very little remains today of Amenhotep's temple.

The Name
Memnon was a hero of the Trojan War[ Greek mythology],The name Memnon means "Ruler of the Dawn", and was probably applied to the colossi because of the reported cry at dawn of one of the statues .Eventually, the entire Theban Necropolis became generally referred to as the Memnonium.  

In 27 BC, a large earthquake had destroyed the eastern colossus,collapsing it from the waist up and cracking the lower half. Following its rupture, the remaining lower half of this statue was then reputed to "sing" on various occasions- always within an hour or two of sunrise, usually right at dawn. The sound was most often reported in February or March . The description varied;some said it sounded "like a blow",others  compared it to "the string of a lyre[ The lyre is a stringed musical instrument]" breaking,it also was described as the striking of brass[ Brass is an alloy of copper and zinc; the proportions of zinc and copper can be varied to create a range of brasses with varying properties] or whistling.

ضخامة ممنون او ممنون العملاق وهما من التماثيل الحجرية الضخمة للفرعون أمنحتب الثالث
   وصف التمثال 
  التمثالين التوأم تصور أمنحتب الثالث في وضع الجلوس ، تستريح  يديه على ركبتيه وبصره متوجه شرقا باتجاه النهرعلى الجانب لوحات تصور اله النيل حابى اما من الجهه الاماميه للعرش حفرشكلين لكل من الملكه تى و الام
التماثيل مصنوعة من كتل من الحجر الرملي الكوارتزالتى جلبت من الجبل الاحمر بالقرب من القاهره 

 ممنون كان بطل حرب طروادة ، ملك إثيوبيا الذي قاد جيوشه من أفريقيا إلى آسيا الصغرى للمساعدة في الدفاع عن المدينة المحاصرة ولكن في نهاية المطاف قتل أخيل و يعنى اسم ممنون ايضا حاكم الفجر نظرا للاصوات التى تصدر منه وقت الفجر وخاصه فى شهرى فبراير و مارس وقدمت تفسيرات مختلفة لهذه الظاهرة ، وهذه هي من نوعين : طبيعية أو من صنع الإنسان.

For that Colossi statue,and great king Amenhotep III ,I wanted to make some thing different .I found myself fixing the photo and designing many things .I will show and explain ,hoping that you will like it .

 The first design.I found it nice as invitation card .I designed it with both illustrator and photo shop.

 The second design.I draw a frame with the Brush Tool ,manually. 
The third design ,with dissolve frame.

The fourth ,with black marbled glossy frame .


Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Cleopatra The Seventh كليوباترا السابعه

Cleopatra VII Philopator was an ancient Greek queen and the last pharaoh of Ancient Egypt.


She was a member of the Ptolemaic dynasty, a Greek royal family which ruled Egypt after Alexander the Great 's death during the Hellenistic period. The Ptolemies, throughout their dynasty, spoke Greek and refused to learn Egyptian, which is the reason that Greek as well as Egyptian languages were used on official court documents like the Rosetta Stone. By contrast, Cleopatra did learn Egyptian and represented herself as the reincarnation of an Egyptian goddess Isis.

Cleopatra originally ruled jointly with her father Ptolemy XII [12th]and later with her brothers, Ptolemy XIII[13th] and Ptolemy XIV[14th] she had married as per Egyptian custom, but eventually she became sole ruler. As pharaoh, she  contacted Julius Caesar that solidified her grip on the throne. She later elevated her son with Caesar, Caesarion, to co-ruler in name.

After Caesar's assassination in 44 BC, she aligned with Mark Antony in opposition to Caesar's legal heir, Gaius Julius Caesar Octavianus (later known as Augustus). With Antony, she bore the twins Cleopatra Selene II and Alexander Helios,  and another son, Ptolemy Philadelphus.
After losing the Battle of Actium to Octavian's forces, Antony committed suicide.Cleopatra followed him, and killed herself by means of an Egyptian cobra bite on August 12, 30 BC.Cleopatra's son by Caesar, Caesarion, was proclaimed pharaoh by the Egyptians, after Alexandria fell to Octavian Caesarion was captured and killed.After short time Egypt became the Roman province of Aegyptus. 

To this day, Cleopatra remains a popular figure in Western culture. Cleopatra is put forward as a great beauty and her successive conquests of the world's most powerful men are taken to be proof of her aesthetic and sexual appeal.

Her Death
There are two stories: that she applied a toxic ointment ,or drink a mix of poisons she had prepared by her self [she was a chemist ] or that she was bitten by an Egyptian cobra on her arm or breast. 

 كانت كليوباترا السابعة المحببه لأبيها والملكة اليونانية القديمة وآخر فرعون لمصر القديمة
وكانت عضوا في أسرة البطالمة، والعائلة المالكة اليونانية التي حكمت مصر بعد وفاة الإسكندر الأكبر 'خلال الفترة الهلنستية. 
كان البطالمه طوال هذه الفتره يتكلمون اليونانيه لغتهم الاصليه و رفضوا تعلم اللغه المصريه القديمه و كان هذا هو السبب فى استخدام اللغه اليونانيه فى الدواوين والمحاكم المصريه وكذلك حجر رشيد الا ان كليوباترا تعلمتها و مثلت نفسها بانها تمثيل للالهه ايزيس المصريه .
كليوباترا حكمت أصلا بصورة مشتركة مع والدها بطليموس الثاني عشر وفي وقت لاحق مع أشقائها، بطليموس الثالث عشر وبطليموس الرابع عشر وقد تزوجت حسب العرف المصري،واصبحت الحاكم الوحيد للبلاد و كان اتصالها كفرعون لمصر محكما لقبضتها على عرش البلاد بعد اغتيال قيصر في 44 قبل الميلاد  اتحدت مع مارك انطونيو ضد  اوكتافيوس الوريث الشرعى ليوليوس قيصر و الذى عرف فيما بعد باسم اوغسطس اى المقدس  
انجبت كليوباترا من انطونيو توأم هما كليوباترا سيلين الثاني وألكسندر هليوس، وابن آخر،هو بطليموس فيلادلفوس 
قد اقدم انطونيو على الانتحار بعد خسارته فى معركة اكتيوم وتبعته كليوباترا بقتل نفسها 
وتوج ابن كليوباترا من القيصر فرعونا لمصر الا انه قتل بعد سقوط الاسكندرية لقيصر أوكتافيان 
وبعد وقت قصير أصبحت مصر مقاطعة رومانية 
وحتى يومنا هذا تتمتع كليوباترا بشعبيه كبيره لدى الغرب و المصريين لما كان لها من ذكاء وعلم وثقافه بالاضافه الى جاذبيتها الشديده .

هناك قصتان لوفاتها 
الاولى انها اتت بأفعى وجعلتها تلدغها فى ذراعها او ثديها 
الثانيه انها تجرعت السم اللذى اعدته بنفسها لانها كانت عالمه كيمياء او انها وضعت السم على شكل مرهم اوكريم للجلد 

ارجو ان اكون قد ساهمت فى ايضاح بعض النقاط عن حياة هذه الملكه الرائعه  

The first photo is the original . I felt it is not good enough and pale. I loved Cleopatra very much so i found myself manipulating her picture in many ways , I will explain one for you and I think you can think for the others . 

Please read more.

Monday, January 24, 2011

Designing New Birthday Card with Photoshop

The day of birth is an important day in our life,specially if it was related to a special persons ,like parents and children ,husbands and wifes,friends,and ,colleagues, and so on.
 We are feeling very happy if someone remember that special day for us and show that with even a flower or a simple card .I like to design cards for private and special occasions ,and celebrations 
That is a new birthday card . A very simple card designed with photoshop .
That card is simple ,easy to make and had bright colors.You can add it to the group of cards in this blog I hope you will like it .
You can find some more cards and wallpapers in Arts Of Photos 
To design that card , please read more.


Friday, January 21, 2011


The original picture                                                                         

                     After adjustments 

 Statue of Menkaure with his Queen

Menkaure or Men-Kau-Ra was a pharaoh of the Fourth dynasty of Egypt ( 2620 BC–2480 BC) who ordered the construction of the third and smallest of the Pyramids of Giza. His name means "Eternal like the Souls of Re" meaning he will stay alive forever . He was the successor of Khafra. 
Several of his statues were unfinished upon his death—suggesting the shorter reign—while his pyramid is the smallest of all the three royal pyramids at Giza.

His Family 
  • Parents 
Menkaure was the son of Khafra and the grandson on Khufu.Some evidences showed that the king's mother was Khamerernebty I [Khufu ' Queen].
  • wifes 
Menkaure is thought to have had at least two wives.
  • Queen Khamerernebty II is the daughter of Khamerernebti I and the mother of a king's son Khuenre. The location of Khuenre's tomb suggests that he was a son of Menkaure, making his mother the wife of this king.
  • Queen Rekhetre is known to have been a daughter of Khafra and as such the most likely identity of her husband is Menkaure.
  • Children  
Not many children are attested for him.
  • Khuenre .
  • Shepseskaf was the successor to Menkaure.
  • Sekhemre.
Pyramid complex 
Menkaure's pyramid at Giza was called Netjer-er-Menkaure which means "Menkaure is Divine". This pyramid is the smallest of the three pyramids at Giza. There are three subsidiary pyramids associated with Menkaure's pyramid. It is possible that these pyramids were meant for the Queens of Khafra. It may be that Khamerernebti II was buried in one of the pyramids.

The Valley temple was a mainly brick built structure which was enlarged in the 5th or 6th dynasty. From this temple come the famous statues of Menkaure with his Queen .[ The statue in the picture] 

You can notice the difference between the original and the adjusted picture .


Thursday, January 20, 2011

Birthday Cards For Kids

A birthday is a day or anniversary of the particular month and day on which a person was born. 
A person's birthday is usually recorded according to the time zone of the place of birth.

Birthdays are celebrated in numerous cultures, often with a gift, and party . 
The gift like Birthstones, flowers ,gold and jewelry It depends upon the person and the type and depth of the relationship ,like if mother or father and children ,hasped and wife ,  lovers or friends .It will differs also according to the economic state . 

A birthstone is a gift of a precious material (jewelry, mainly gemstones; themselves traditionally associated with various qualities) that symbolizes the month of birth in the Gregorian calendar.

Birth flowers 
Just as there are alternatives with birthstones .It is noted as being rose or camellia.

It is better to give the birthday gift with a card .Simple card with nice deep words will say what you like to say ,just select it suitable for the person ' age , and relation to you .
   I designed some  birthday cards for different persons ,and ages  .

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Children Everywhere are the same Fix the photo of your child with Photoshop

 Children Everywhere are almost the same."A child is any human being below the age of eighteen years .
The child must have 
  • Freedom of speech
  • Freedom of thought
  • Freedom from fear 
  • Freedom of choice and the right to make decisions
You know they likes to play all the time ,and you can not stop that ,and I like to much that kind of pictures that record all the nice memories of young kids.  
I got a picture for my granddaughters really the picture was very bad in every thing I  do not like its hue and color cast .  
 The girl was playing and her hair was coming up and the light was not enough ,and I think the resolution of the camera was law [ mobile camera]  .I  thought that what I was looking for to adjust .

That is the original picture that I do not like .
I liked her innocent face and calm smile

That is the fixed picture  . 
The look of the picture differs very much. 
I removed the color cast and I gave it different look with the frame .I wanted the frame to be simple like her.I chose the colors to match her closes and to give the happy feel of childhood . 

 How to fix that picture? 

 Please read more .

Monday, January 17, 2011

Tarut Island and Tarut Castle in Saudia قلعه تاروت بالسعوديه


It is the second longest island in the Persian Gulf after Qeshm Island which is the biggest island in the Gulf,in the Eastern Province of Saudi Arabia.It extends from Ras Tanura in the north to Qatif in the west.The island includes many smaller towns and villages such as Tarut town


The Island's climate is unlike other Saudi Arabian cities, Tarut retains its warm temperature throughout winter, during which it gets around 0c (32F) at midnight to +25c (77F) in the afternoon.Since the island is near the Arabian coast, the humidity is very high; sometimes reaching 96% humidity. Rainfall on the island is rare, but when it does rain, it is usually in December and January.


 If you would like to look at the deep past of Eastern Saudi Arabia, your mind will go to a small island in the Persian Gulf. Present time has forgotten it and its treasures and it needs to be dusted off. When you are walking in its old villages, you will see adjoining houses that are built from mud and stone with narrow alleyways, too. Their presence is in the distant past. When looking at the houses, you draw memories from generation after generation that have long passed. This island is Tarut. Tarut or Tarout means goodness and beauty in the Semitic languages. Additionally, the town’s name is recorded as "TARU" in historical Chinese texts and "Ashtarut" in Arabic history. Today, however, most of the new researchers argue that the correct name is "Ashtarut" because the Canaanites and Phoenicians, who originally lived there, idolized the beauty of the town and called it Ashtarut. The term Ashtarut is also very similar to the new name Tarut , if we delete the first syllable.

Tarut Castle 
It is the most famous castle in the Eastern Province of Saudi Arabia and the oldest castle in the Persian Gulf. It was built by the Portuguese in the 16th century, It is located in the center of Tarut Island .On the towers of the castle, the viewer can see most of the island.

Donkeys Bath

Donkeys Bath was located in Aldeerah Town at the end of the Ein Al-aoudeh channel. Tourists would wash their donkeys since donkeys were the main transportation on Tarut Island before cars. It was destroyed in 1996 and there are no remains.

Mohammed Abdelwahab Castle in Dareen 

Sheikh Mohammed Abdelwahab, who is one of the famous pearl traders in the Persian Gulf built a castle in 1885. The castle was a place for meeting, hospitality, and trading. Today, ruins are the only evidence of the castle’s former existence.

قلعة تاروت هي قلعة آثرية عريقة واقعة في جزيرة تاروت شرق المملكة العربية السعودية وتحديدا شرق مدينة القطيف في الخليج العربي. يرجع تاريخ القلعة إلى خمسة آلاف ...سنة قبل الميلاد وكانت هيكلا لألهة الفينيقيين عشتاروت وقد سميت الجزيرة باسمها (عش تاروت). تم اعادة إنشاء القلعة في القرن السادس عشر الميلادي من قبل الغزاة البرتغاليي
تاريخ القلعة/القصر

تاريخ القلعة

في جزيرة تاروت بـمحافظة القطيف أو مدينة القطيف ويرجح أن القلعة بنيت بين عامي 1521 و 1525 تل مرتفع عثر فيه على آثار قديمة جدا من ضمنها تمثال الملكة السومرية عشتار. ويُعتقد أن هذا التل يقع تحته معبد الملكة عشتار حيث قامت ببنائه بعدما طردها الملك جلجامش من بلاد ما بين النهرين ويقال أيضا انها بنيت على أنقاض هيكل عشتاروت من آلهة الفينيقيين بجوار عين ماء اشتهرت باسم (عين العودة) وذلك في القرن السادس عشر الميلادي على أنقاض سابقة تعود إلى حوالي خمسة آلاف سنة.

I found the picture black and white so I add some colors for it for HOW TO ADD COLORS TO THE PHOTO ?  please visit  Arts Of Photos. 

The Quote Of The Day.

You lie the loudest when you lie to yourself.

One thing you can give and still your word.

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