Saturday, March 03, 2012

Graph Tool Gallery , and Slicing and Cutting Tool Gallery In Illustrator.

Graph tool gallery .

 Illustrator have nine graph tools. For creating a different types of graph,depending on the information you want to communicate .

  1. The Column Graph tool (J) .
  2. The Stacked Column Graph tool.
  3. The Bar Graph tool .
  4. The Stacked Bar Graph tool .
  5. The Line Graph tool .
  6. The Area Graph tool .
  7. The Scatter Graph tool .
  8. The Pie Graph tool .
  9. The Radar Graph tool .

Slicing and cutting tool gallery .

Slicing and cutting tool gallery .

  1. The Slice tool divides photo into separate web images. 
  2. The Slice Selection tool (Shift-K) selects web slices .
  3. The Eraser tool (Shift-E) erases any area of the object over which you drag.
  4. The Scissors tool (C) cuts paths at specified points.
  5. The Knife tool cuts objects and paths.
Manal Raafat

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You lie the loudest when you lie to yourself.

One thing you can give and still your word.

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