Sunday, February 13, 2011

Pharaoh of Ancient Egypt الفرعون المصرى القديم

Pharaoh is a title used in many modern discussions of the ancient Egyptian rulers of all periods.The title means ‘’great house’’ and describes the royal palace.The title of Pharaoh started being used for the king during the New Kingdom, specifically during the middle of the eighteenth dynasty. For simplification, there is a general acceptance amongst modern writers to use the term to relate to all periods.

The original picture                                                                                             The picture after fixing 


Here I had a picture of a Pharaoh  wearing the Nemes[ The nemes was the striped headcloth worn by pharaohs in ancient Egypt. It covered the whole crown and back of the head and nape of the neck (sometimes also extending a little way down the back) and had two large flaps which hung down behind the ears and in front of both shoulders] headdress, a false beard, and an ornate kilt holding the ANKH [ key of life, the key of the Nile].
يطلق لقب فرعون فى العصور الحديثه على حاكم او ملك مصر القديمه كما اطلق لقب كسرى على ملك فارس وقيصر على ملك الروم
 وكان الحاكم في مصر القديمة الموحدة يلبس تاج القطرين (تاج احمر رمز الشمال وتاج أبيض رمز الجنوب متحدين في تاج واحد دلالة على حكم القطرين وتسلطه عليهما)، أي أنه يحكم مصر العليا ومصر السفلى 
يعتقد علماء المصريات الغربيين أن لقب "فرعون" في اللغة المصرية القديمة تعني "المنزل الكبير" أو "البيت الكبير " أو ما يعني "الباب العالي "حيث انه لم يعثر على اى دليل فى اى خرطوش من الخراطيش ية التي تحمل أسماء الملوك يشير إلى ذلك اللقب
I wanted to add a background to the picture to change it.

How to add the background ? 
Please visit Arts Of Photos  

Saturday, February 12, 2011

Egypt مصر

 Egypt is more than 7,000 years old . Across the centuries there have been numerous cultures and peoples who have lived in Egypt and ruled it too. The name now is  Arab Republic of Egypt .
 Some important and lovely faces from Egypt ,old and new .I had grouped it in one picture .

Its geography and Location
is a country mainly in North Africa, with the Sinai Peninsula forming a land bridge in Southwest Asia. Egypt is thus a transcontinental country, and a major power in Africa, the Mediterranean region, the Middle East and the Islamic world. Covering an area of about 1,010,000 square kilometers (390,000 sq mi), Egypt is bordered by the Mediterranean Sea to the north, the Gaza Strip and Israel to the northeast, the Red Sea to the east, Sudan to the south and Libya to the west. 
Egypt is one of the most populous countries in Africa and the Middle East. The great majority of its estimated 85 million people live near the banks of the Nile River, in an area of about 40,000 square kilometers (15,000 sq mi), where the only arable land is found. The large areas of the Sahara Desert are sparsely inhabited. About half of Egypt's residents live in urban areas, with most spread across the densely populated centers of greater Cairo, Alexandria and other major cities in the Nile Delta.

Egypt is famous for its ancient civilization, with famous monuments such as the Giza pyramid complex and its Great Sphinx. Its ancient ruins (remaining s), such as those of Memphis, Thebes, and Karnak and the Valley of the Kings outside Luxor. 

Its Economy 
The economy of Egypt is one of the most developed and diversified in the Middle East, with sectors such as tourism, agriculture, industry and service at almost equal production levels. 

The development of its Name  
The ancient Egyptian name of the country is Kemet which means "black land", referring to the fertile black soils of the Nile flood plains, 
The English name Egypt was borrowed from Middle French Egypte, from Latin Aegyptus, from ancient Greek Aígyptos .

Egypt has many periods in its history.
  • Pre-historic Egypt.
  • Ancient Egypt.
  • Ptolemaic and Roman Egypt.
  • Arab and Ottoman Egypt.
  • Muhammad Ali dynasty.
  • Modern Egypt. 
 Its Climate 
Most of Egypt's rain falls in the winter months. Snow falls on Sinai's mountains and some of the north coastal cities such as Damietta, Baltim, Sidi Barrany, etc. and rarely in Alexandria.
Temperatures average between 80 °F (27 °C) and 90 °F (32 °C) in summer, and up to 109 °F (43 °C) on the Red Sea coast. Winter temperatures average between 55 °F (13 °C) and 70 °F (21 °C). 

Egypt hosts two major religious institutions.
  •  Islam , as its state religion. Around 90% are identified as Muslim.
  •  Christianity ,There is a significant minority of Christians in Egypt, who make up between 5% and 10% of the population[  the Coptic Orthodox Church of Alexandria ].

مصر أو رسميا جمهورية مصر العربية،
هي دولة تقع في أقصى الشمال الشرقي من قارة أفريقيا، يحدها من الشمال الساحل الجنوبي الشرقي للبحر المتوسط ومن الشرق الساحل الشمالي الغربي للبحر الأحمر ومساحتها 1,002,450 كيلومتر مربع[2]. مصر دولة تقع معظم أراضيها في أفريقيا غير أن جزءا من أراضيها، وهي شبه جزيرة سيناء، يقع في قارة آسيا، فهي دولة عابرة للقارات. تشترك مصر بحدود من الغرب مع ليبيا، ومن الجنوب مع السودان، ومن الشمال الشرقي مع (إسرائيل) فلسطين  وقطاع غزة، وتطل على البحر الأحمر من الجهة الشرقية. تمر عبر أرضها قناة السويس التي تفصل الجزء الآسيوي منها عن الجزء الأفريقي.
ويتركز أغلب سكان مصر في وادي النيل، وبالذات في القاهرة الكبرى التي بها تقريبا ربع السكان، والإسكندرية؛ كما يعيش أغلب السكان الباقين في الدلتا وعلى ساحلي البحر المتوسط والبحر الأحمر ومدن قناة السويس ،وتشغل هذه الأماكن ما مساحته 40 ألف كيلومتر مربع. بينما تشكل الصحراء غالبية مساحة الجمهورية وهي غير معمورة. معظم السكان في مصر حاليا من الحضر، ربعهم في القاهرة الكبرى
تشتهر مصر بالحضارة الفرعونية وبعض المعالم الأكثر شهرة في العالم، مثل أهرام الجيزة وأبو الهول وآثارها القديمة مثل الموجودة في مدينة منف وطيبة والكرنك ووادي الملوك، وأهتمام كبير من الدراسات الأثرية، ويتم عرض أجزاء من هذه الاثار من هذه المواقع في المتاحف الكبرى في جميع أنحاء العالم. مصر تمتلك واحدة من أكثر الاقتصادات نموا وتنوعا في الشرق الأوسط، مع قطاعات مثل السياحة والزراعة والصناعة والخدمات وتأتى مستويات الإنتاج على قدم المساواة تقريبا. إن الاقتصاد المصري ينمو نموا سريعا، ويرجع ذلك إلى تشريعات تهدف إلى جذب الاستثمارات ،مع إضافة كل من الاستقرار الداخلي والسياسي، جنبا إلى جنب مع التجارة الحديثة وتحرير السوق

أصل الاسم
اسم مصر في اللغة العربية واللغات السامية الأخرى مشتق من جذر سامي قديم قد يعني البلد أو البسيطة (الممتدة)، وقد يعني أيضا الحصينة أو المكنونة.وقد عرفها العرب باسم "مصر". أما الاسم الذي عرف به الفراعنة موطنهم في اللغة هو كِمِت وتعني "الأرض السوداء"، كناية عن أرض وادي النيل السوداء تمييزا لها عن الأرض الحمراء الصحراوية المحيطة بها
 Aegyptus مشتق من الاسم الاتينى  Egypt 

توجد في مصر مؤسستان دينيتان من أقدم وأهم المؤسسات بالنسبة للدين التي تمثله كل منهما
الأزهر، الذي بناه الفاطميون لنشر المذهب الإسماعيلي في شمال أفريقيا، قبل أن يحوله صلاح الدين الأيوبي إلى جامعة سنية 
 ليصير أحد أهم أعمدة الإسلام السني في العالم. وشيخ الأزهر حاليا الشيخ الدكتور أحمد الطيب الرئيس السابق لجامعة الأزهر

ودار الإفتاء المصرية[دار الإفتاء التي تأسست عام 1895م[27] والتي يترأسها مفتي الديار المصرية، ويتولّى هذا المنصب حاليًا الشيخ علي جمعة.

الكنيسة القبطية الأرثوذكسية، وهي إحدى أقدم الكنائس المسيحية في العالم وواحدة من الكنائس الخمس الأول، وكنيسة الإسكندرية هي مقر الجالس على كرسي مار مرقس وهو بابا الإسكندرية وبطريارك الكرازة المرقسية، والبابا الحالي هو الأنبا شنودة الثالث

وبناء على هذا فان الديانه الرسميه للبلاد هى الاسلام ويدين به نحو 90% من السكان
الدياته الثانيه هى المسيحيه الارسوذكسيه   
 العاصمه و اكير المدن :القاهره
تعداد السكان :85 مليون
العمله الرسميه الجنيه المصرى 

Valentine's Day يوم الحب

It is an annual commemoration held on February 14 celebrating love,and affection between intimate companions,and friends.

Love You

Valentines Day is a day to express your love, and to celebrate the spirit of love.lovers express their love for each other by presenting flowers,gifts,sweets and also sending greeting cards .The day first became associated with romantic love.
Modern Valentine's Day symbols that have been used over a long period of time, include:
  •  The heart-shaped outline,because it was believed that the heart was the seat of all human emotions .
  • Roses ,and its red color .The color red is associated with strong emotions .
  • Ribbons,scarf or handkerchief.
  • Traditional symbols like Cupid,and birds.
 I designed that card to send for everybody in that occasion .
That card is designed with both illustrator and photo shop.
I got the flowers from illustrator and open it in photo shop ,then with the layer style and Type tool option I wrote the word  .

I wish for you all happy valentine's day and happy life . Please accept my card as a gift for you in that occasion,
you can find more in Arts Of Photos 

يوم الحب هو مناسبه سنوية عالميه هو يوم 14 فبراير فى هذا اليوم تقدم الهدايا و الورود كتعبير عن المحبه الصادقه 
بدا هذا اليوم للمتحابين ثم اصبح لكل الناس للاصدقاء والاقارب المقربين 
تستطيع تقديم ورود او ورود او هديه رقيقه تعبيرا عن المحبه الصادقه والمشاعر الرقيقه
وبصفة عامه الهديه ليست بقيمتها وانما بما ترمز اليه
ارجو ان تتقبلوا هذا الكرت هديه منى اليكم تعبيرا عن حبي للجميع 

Manal Raafat

Monday, February 07, 2011

Tahrir Square- Cairo- Egypt ميدان التحرير قلب القاهرة و شاهد على حضارة مصر و تاريخها العريق - القاهرة - مصر

Some characteristic items in the square and its branches.
صور لبعض الأماكن الموجوده بميدان التحرير 

Tahrir Square is the main Square in the heart of Cairo the capital of Egypt.

Today I want to give you an idea about Tahrir Square [ Midan Al-Tahrir , Liberation Square] 
It is a major public town square in Downtown Cairo, Egypt.The heart of Cairo. The houses there are combination of old and modern styles In addition it is the public transport center almost for all Cairo places and extensions ,so the square is one of the most important and busiest areas in the city.

Its History  
No body can forget the rule of Khedive Ismael and his dream to create a ‘Paris on the Nile’ .He chose some of the best engineers in Egypt at that time like Ali Mubarak that had been graduated in France to help him to achieve his dream.The engineers designed the square to have wide,wide roads,and public gardens and royal palaces. He started his series of palaces or ‘Kasr’ such as Kasr al-Aini, Kasr al-Nil among many others.By that time its name was Midan al-Ismaileyya[ Ismaileyya square], and likewise the district was called al-Kahira al-Ismaileyya afterthe Khedive.
One of the first constructions on the site was Al-Nil Palace which housed the army of the khedive and was later theheadquarters of the British Army of Occupation in the late 1880s.
It was renamed Midan al-Tahrir or Liberation Square in 1954 .

Its Features 
At the centre of Tahrir Square is a large and busy traffic circle. On the north-east side is a plaza with a statue of  Omar Makram [ in the picture], and beyond it the Omar Makram Mosque.The area around Tahrir Square includes the Egyptian Museum, the Mogamma government building, the Headquarters of the Arab League building, the Nile Hotel, and the original downtown campus of the American University in Cairo.

ميدان التحرير 
الواقع بقلب العاصمة المصريه القاهرة.
يتميز الميدان بالصبغة التاريخية للمكان فالعمارات تحمل عبق التاريخ و الشورارع المتفرعه منه و كذلك التماثيل الموجوده هناك انشئت فى فترة القاهرة الخديويه.
و نجد بالصورة السباع (الأسود) التى اتى بها الخديوى إسماعيل ووضعها على مداخل كوبرى قصر النيل ز من هنا جاء إسم ابو السباع الذى يطلق حاليا على كل من يحمل إسم إسماعيل.
و يوجد بمحيط ميدان التحرير ايضا المتحف المصرى و الذى يعتبر من اعظم متاحف العالم, و يحتوى على المقتنيات الأثريه الرائعة.
و يوجد أيضا مبنى الجامعة الأمريكية و التى أنشئت من قبل كمبنى لأول جامعة مصريه و أنشأها قاسم أمين مع رفاقه. و عندما زاد عدد طلاب الجامعة نقلت الى المبنى الحالى فى الجيزة.
و هناك ايضا العديد من الفنادق العالمية الكبيرة مثل الهيلتون و الشيراتون و الفور سيزونز.
و يوجد ايضا جامع عمر مكرم و هو من اهم جوامع مصر. و أماكن اخرى عديدة مثل مجمع التحرير .

ميدان التحرير قلب القاهرة و شاهد على حضارة مصر و تاريخها العريق على مر العصور    

شكرا لكم
منال رأفت

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Cleopatra The Seventh كليوباترا السابعه

Cleopatra VII Philopator was an ancient Greek queen and the last pharaoh of Ancient Egypt.


She was a member of the Ptolemaic dynasty, a Greek royal family which ruled Egypt after Alexander the Great 's death during the Hellenistic period. The Ptolemies, throughout their dynasty, spoke Greek and refused to learn Egyptian, which is the reason that Greek as well as Egyptian languages were used on official court documents like the Rosetta Stone. By contrast, Cleopatra did learn Egyptian and represented herself as the reincarnation of an Egyptian goddess Isis.

Cleopatra originally ruled jointly with her father Ptolemy XII [12th]and later with her brothers, Ptolemy XIII[13th] and Ptolemy XIV[14th] she had married as per Egyptian custom, but eventually she became sole ruler. As pharaoh, she  contacted Julius Caesar that solidified her grip on the throne. She later elevated her son with Caesar, Caesarion, to co-ruler in name.

After Caesar's assassination in 44 BC, she aligned with Mark Antony in opposition to Caesar's legal heir, Gaius Julius Caesar Octavianus (later known as Augustus). With Antony, she bore the twins Cleopatra Selene II and Alexander Helios,  and another son, Ptolemy Philadelphus.
After losing the Battle of Actium to Octavian's forces, Antony committed suicide.Cleopatra followed him, and killed herself by means of an Egyptian cobra bite on August 12, 30 BC.Cleopatra's son by Caesar, Caesarion, was proclaimed pharaoh by the Egyptians, after Alexandria fell to Octavian Caesarion was captured and killed.After short time Egypt became the Roman province of Aegyptus. 

To this day, Cleopatra remains a popular figure in Western culture. Cleopatra is put forward as a great beauty and her successive conquests of the world's most powerful men are taken to be proof of her aesthetic and sexual appeal.

Her Death
There are two stories: that she applied a toxic ointment ,or drink a mix of poisons she had prepared by her self [she was a chemist ] or that she was bitten by an Egyptian cobra on her arm or breast. 

 كانت كليوباترا السابعة المحببه لأبيها والملكة اليونانية القديمة وآخر فرعون لمصر القديمة
وكانت عضوا في أسرة البطالمة، والعائلة المالكة اليونانية التي حكمت مصر بعد وفاة الإسكندر الأكبر 'خلال الفترة الهلنستية. 
كان البطالمه طوال هذه الفتره يتكلمون اليونانيه لغتهم الاصليه و رفضوا تعلم اللغه المصريه القديمه و كان هذا هو السبب فى استخدام اللغه اليونانيه فى الدواوين والمحاكم المصريه وكذلك حجر رشيد الا ان كليوباترا تعلمتها و مثلت نفسها بانها تمثيل للالهه ايزيس المصريه .
كليوباترا حكمت أصلا بصورة مشتركة مع والدها بطليموس الثاني عشر وفي وقت لاحق مع أشقائها، بطليموس الثالث عشر وبطليموس الرابع عشر وقد تزوجت حسب العرف المصري،واصبحت الحاكم الوحيد للبلاد و كان اتصالها كفرعون لمصر محكما لقبضتها على عرش البلاد بعد اغتيال قيصر في 44 قبل الميلاد  اتحدت مع مارك انطونيو ضد  اوكتافيوس الوريث الشرعى ليوليوس قيصر و الذى عرف فيما بعد باسم اوغسطس اى المقدس  
انجبت كليوباترا من انطونيو توأم هما كليوباترا سيلين الثاني وألكسندر هليوس، وابن آخر،هو بطليموس فيلادلفوس 
قد اقدم انطونيو على الانتحار بعد خسارته فى معركة اكتيوم وتبعته كليوباترا بقتل نفسها 
وتوج ابن كليوباترا من القيصر فرعونا لمصر الا انه قتل بعد سقوط الاسكندرية لقيصر أوكتافيان 
وبعد وقت قصير أصبحت مصر مقاطعة رومانية 
وحتى يومنا هذا تتمتع كليوباترا بشعبيه كبيره لدى الغرب و المصريين لما كان لها من ذكاء وعلم وثقافه بالاضافه الى جاذبيتها الشديده .

هناك قصتان لوفاتها 
الاولى انها اتت بأفعى وجعلتها تلدغها فى ذراعها او ثديها 
الثانيه انها تجرعت السم اللذى اعدته بنفسها لانها كانت عالمه كيمياء او انها وضعت السم على شكل مرهم اوكريم للجلد 

ارجو ان اكون قد ساهمت فى ايضاح بعض النقاط عن حياة هذه الملكه الرائعه  

The first photo is the original . I felt it is not good enough and pale. I loved Cleopatra very much so i found myself manipulating her picture in many ways , I will explain one for you and I think you can think for the others . 

Please read more.

Monday, January 24, 2011

Designing New Birthday Card with Photoshop

The day of birth is an important day in our life,specially if it was related to a special persons ,like parents and children ,husbands and wifes,friends,and ,colleagues, and so on.
 We are feeling very happy if someone remember that special day for us and show that with even a flower or a simple card .I like to design cards for private and special occasions ,and celebrations 
That is a new birthday card . A very simple card designed with photoshop .
That card is simple ,easy to make and had bright colors.You can add it to the group of cards in this blog I hope you will like it .
You can find some more cards and wallpapers in Arts Of Photos 
To design that card , please read more.


Saturday, January 22, 2011

Queen Khamerernebty II,Khafra 'daughter and,Menkaure 'wife الملكة كاميريربتى الثانية ابنة الملك خفرع

Khamerernebty II was an ancient Egyptian queen of the 4th dynasty. She was a daughter of Pharaoh Khafra and Queen Khamerernebty I. She married her brother Menkaure and she was a mother of Prince Khuenre.

Here Names 
 Daughter of the King of Upper and Lower Egypt,King's Daughter of his body,One who sits with Horus, She who is united with the one beloved of the Two Ladies, Greatly loved Wife of the King, King's Daughter of his body, revered mistress, honored by her father,

Here Family 
Khamerernebty II was the daughter of King Khafra and Queen Khamerernebty I.Khamerernebty II was the mother of the King's Son Khuenre, who is thought to be the son of King Menkaure. This suggests that Khamerernebty II must have married her brother Menkaure.

Here Burial
Khamerernebty II is mentioned in texts and on a statue found in the Galarza tomb in Giza. This tomb is located in the Central Field which is part of the Giza Necropolis. 
The tomb may have originally been built for Khamerernebty I, but was finished for her daughter Khamerernebty II.
The lintel above the entrance to the chapel included an inscription mentioning both KhamerernebtyII, and here mother  Khamerernebty I.                                                                                                 

The original picture is not clear .I wanted for the face to be more clear and good size.
I made crop for the picture with the Crop Tool .Then I fix the color and brightness from the Adjustment Panel .
I always prefer to duplicate the layer of the blur pictures then merge the layers .
Add layer style to the picture to give bevel and theckness to the it. 
If you like add frame  you can use the Custom Shape Tool .

I added also the picture of Menkaure with no frame so you can compare which one you prefer .

الملكة كاميريربتى الثانية ابنة الملك خفرع و الملكة كاميريربتى  الأولى و تزوجت من أخيها منكاورع (منقرع)

شكرا لكم

Friday, January 21, 2011


The original picture                                                                         

                     After adjustments 

 Statue of Menkaure with his Queen

Menkaure or Men-Kau-Ra was a pharaoh of the Fourth dynasty of Egypt ( 2620 BC–2480 BC) who ordered the construction of the third and smallest of the Pyramids of Giza. His name means "Eternal like the Souls of Re" meaning he will stay alive forever . He was the successor of Khafra. 
Several of his statues were unfinished upon his death—suggesting the shorter reign—while his pyramid is the smallest of all the three royal pyramids at Giza.

His Family 
  • Parents 
Menkaure was the son of Khafra and the grandson on Khufu.Some evidences showed that the king's mother was Khamerernebty I [Khufu ' Queen].
  • wifes 
Menkaure is thought to have had at least two wives.
  • Queen Khamerernebty II is the daughter of Khamerernebti I and the mother of a king's son Khuenre. The location of Khuenre's tomb suggests that he was a son of Menkaure, making his mother the wife of this king.
  • Queen Rekhetre is known to have been a daughter of Khafra and as such the most likely identity of her husband is Menkaure.
  • Children  
Not many children are attested for him.
  • Khuenre .
  • Shepseskaf was the successor to Menkaure.
  • Sekhemre.
Pyramid complex 
Menkaure's pyramid at Giza was called Netjer-er-Menkaure which means "Menkaure is Divine". This pyramid is the smallest of the three pyramids at Giza. There are three subsidiary pyramids associated with Menkaure's pyramid. It is possible that these pyramids were meant for the Queens of Khafra. It may be that Khamerernebti II was buried in one of the pyramids.

The Valley temple was a mainly brick built structure which was enlarged in the 5th or 6th dynasty. From this temple come the famous statues of Menkaure with his Queen .[ The statue in the picture] 

You can notice the difference between the original and the adjusted picture .


Thursday, January 20, 2011

Birthday Cards For Kids

A birthday is a day or anniversary of the particular month and day on which a person was born. 
A person's birthday is usually recorded according to the time zone of the place of birth.

Birthdays are celebrated in numerous cultures, often with a gift, and party . 
The gift like Birthstones, flowers ,gold and jewelry It depends upon the person and the type and depth of the relationship ,like if mother or father and children ,hasped and wife ,  lovers or friends .It will differs also according to the economic state . 

A birthstone is a gift of a precious material (jewelry, mainly gemstones; themselves traditionally associated with various qualities) that symbolizes the month of birth in the Gregorian calendar.

Birth flowers 
Just as there are alternatives with birthstones .It is noted as being rose or camellia.

It is better to give the birthday gift with a card .Simple card with nice deep words will say what you like to say ,just select it suitable for the person ' age , and relation to you .
   I designed some  birthday cards for different persons ,and ages  .

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Children Everywhere are the same Fix the photo of your child with Photoshop

 Children Everywhere are almost the same."A child is any human being below the age of eighteen years .
The child must have 
  • Freedom of speech
  • Freedom of thought
  • Freedom from fear 
  • Freedom of choice and the right to make decisions
You know they likes to play all the time ,and you can not stop that ,and I like to much that kind of pictures that record all the nice memories of young kids.  
I got a picture for my granddaughters really the picture was very bad in every thing I  do not like its hue and color cast .  
 The girl was playing and her hair was coming up and the light was not enough ,and I think the resolution of the camera was law [ mobile camera]  .I  thought that what I was looking for to adjust .

That is the original picture that I do not like .
I liked her innocent face and calm smile

That is the fixed picture  . 
The look of the picture differs very much. 
I removed the color cast and I gave it different look with the frame .I wanted the frame to be simple like her.I chose the colors to match her closes and to give the happy feel of childhood . 

 How to fix that picture? 

 Please read more .

Monday, January 17, 2011

Tarut Island and Tarut Castle in Saudia قلعه تاروت بالسعوديه


It is the second longest island in the Persian Gulf after Qeshm Island which is the biggest island in the Gulf,in the Eastern Province of Saudi Arabia.It extends from Ras Tanura in the north to Qatif in the west.The island includes many smaller towns and villages such as Tarut town


The Island's climate is unlike other Saudi Arabian cities, Tarut retains its warm temperature throughout winter, during which it gets around 0c (32F) at midnight to +25c (77F) in the afternoon.Since the island is near the Arabian coast, the humidity is very high; sometimes reaching 96% humidity. Rainfall on the island is rare, but when it does rain, it is usually in December and January.


 If you would like to look at the deep past of Eastern Saudi Arabia, your mind will go to a small island in the Persian Gulf. Present time has forgotten it and its treasures and it needs to be dusted off. When you are walking in its old villages, you will see adjoining houses that are built from mud and stone with narrow alleyways, too. Their presence is in the distant past. When looking at the houses, you draw memories from generation after generation that have long passed. This island is Tarut. Tarut or Tarout means goodness and beauty in the Semitic languages. Additionally, the town’s name is recorded as "TARU" in historical Chinese texts and "Ashtarut" in Arabic history. Today, however, most of the new researchers argue that the correct name is "Ashtarut" because the Canaanites and Phoenicians, who originally lived there, idolized the beauty of the town and called it Ashtarut. The term Ashtarut is also very similar to the new name Tarut , if we delete the first syllable.

Tarut Castle 
It is the most famous castle in the Eastern Province of Saudi Arabia and the oldest castle in the Persian Gulf. It was built by the Portuguese in the 16th century, It is located in the center of Tarut Island .On the towers of the castle, the viewer can see most of the island.

Donkeys Bath

Donkeys Bath was located in Aldeerah Town at the end of the Ein Al-aoudeh channel. Tourists would wash their donkeys since donkeys were the main transportation on Tarut Island before cars. It was destroyed in 1996 and there are no remains.

Mohammed Abdelwahab Castle in Dareen 

Sheikh Mohammed Abdelwahab, who is one of the famous pearl traders in the Persian Gulf built a castle in 1885. The castle was a place for meeting, hospitality, and trading. Today, ruins are the only evidence of the castle’s former existence.

قلعة تاروت هي قلعة آثرية عريقة واقعة في جزيرة تاروت شرق المملكة العربية السعودية وتحديدا شرق مدينة القطيف في الخليج العربي. يرجع تاريخ القلعة إلى خمسة آلاف ...سنة قبل الميلاد وكانت هيكلا لألهة الفينيقيين عشتاروت وقد سميت الجزيرة باسمها (عش تاروت). تم اعادة إنشاء القلعة في القرن السادس عشر الميلادي من قبل الغزاة البرتغاليي
تاريخ القلعة/القصر

تاريخ القلعة

في جزيرة تاروت بـمحافظة القطيف أو مدينة القطيف ويرجح أن القلعة بنيت بين عامي 1521 و 1525 تل مرتفع عثر فيه على آثار قديمة جدا من ضمنها تمثال الملكة السومرية عشتار. ويُعتقد أن هذا التل يقع تحته معبد الملكة عشتار حيث قامت ببنائه بعدما طردها الملك جلجامش من بلاد ما بين النهرين ويقال أيضا انها بنيت على أنقاض هيكل عشتاروت من آلهة الفينيقيين بجوار عين ماء اشتهرت باسم (عين العودة) وذلك في القرن السادس عشر الميلادي على أنقاض سابقة تعود إلى حوالي خمسة آلاف سنة.

I found the picture black and white so I add some colors for it for HOW TO ADD COLORS TO THE PHOTO ?  please visit  Arts Of Photos. 

Sunday, January 16, 2011


You can use filters to clean up or retouch your photos, apply special art effects that give your image the appearance you like.You can give your photos also different look like sketch or distortions and lighting effects .
Using a smart Filters let you use filters non-destructively the same as smart objects.
Smart Filters are stored as layer effects in the Layers panel and can be readjusted at any time.

That is the original picture .

You can see the different looks with the different filters in Photo-shop with the same image. I had prepared some for that purpose.

Simple way to apply filters ?
  • Open the picture in photo-shop.
  • Go to Filter menu and choose convert to smart filter so all the adjustments you will apply will not be destructive to the image.[ Smart Filters, applied to Smart Objects, let you use filters non-destructively. Smart Filters are stored as layer effects in the Layers panel and can be readjusted at any time]
  • After that try the filters you like and apply to your image.
  • Save your work 
You can find some more in Arts Of Photos .

The Quote Of The Day.

You lie the loudest when you lie to yourself.

One thing you can give and still your word.

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