Her names:
Tiye , also spelled Taia, Tiy and Tiyi.
The Great Royal Wife of the Egyptian Pharaoh Amenhotep III.
Her Father :
Yuya, was a wealthy landowner from the Upper Egyptian town of Akhmin, where he served as a priest( A priest is a person authorized to perform the sacred rites of a religion ),and superintendent of oxen.
Her roots :
Some scientists had suggested that Tiye's father, Yuya, was of Asiatic(Asian ) or Nubian descent due to the features of his mummy and the many different spellings of his name, which might imply it was a non-Egyptian name in origin. Some suggest that the queen's strong political and unconventional religious views might have been due not just to a strong character, but to foreign descent.
Her life :
No previous queen ever figured so prominently in her husband's lifetime like Tiye.Tiyi regularly appeared besides Amenhotep III in statuary, tomb and temple reliefs, and stelae while her name is paired with his on numerous small objects, such as vessels and jewelry, not to mention the large commemorative scarabs, where her name regularly follows his in the date line.
Tiye was married to Amenhotep III by the second year of his reign. They had at least six children, one of whom,Akhenaten, went on to become pharaoh. Tiye's eldest daughter, Sitamun, also is likely to have married her father, Amenhotep III, and become entitled,Royal Great Wife as well. Recent works explain that it was mostly a symbolical marriage involving many religious and administrative duties, as it occurs during Tiye's lifetime and, probably, with her consent. Other than those two, Tiye also gave birth to Henuttaneb, Nebetiah, Isis, and Thutmose. A fifth daughter, Baketaten, is presumed as attributed to Tiye, but the father still is not confirmed.
Recent DNA analysis sponsored by the Secretary General of the Egyptian Supreme Council of Antiquities Zahi Hawass published in February 2010, shows that Tutankhamun, the successor of Tiye's son Akhenaten, was born of a brother-sister union.This rules out any possibility that Tutankhamun's mother was Akhenaten's secondary wife Kiya, because no known artifact accords Kiya the title or attribute "the king's daughter." Kiya was not, therefore, the daughter of a Pharaoh (and thus not a daughter of Queen Tiye) and could not have been Akhenaten's sister. An extant mummy, known as The Younger Lady and found in the same tomb (KV35) as Tiye's mummy, was identified through the same DNA testing as being Tutankhamun's mother, but it is unclear which of Akhenaten's sisters it might be; whether Henuttaneb, Nebetiah, Iset, Baketaten, or, if she was indeed Akhenaten's sister, Sitamun.
Influence at court:
Tiye continued to be mentioned in the Amarna letters( are an archive of correspondence, mostly diplomatic, between the Egyptian administration and its representatives in Canaan and Amurru during the New Kingdom. ) and in inscriptions as queen and beloved of the king.
A lock of Tiye's hair was found in a nest of miniature coffins in Tutankhamun's tomb which is stated as belonging explicitly to Tiye.
Tiye is believed to have been originally buried in Akhenaten's royal tomb at Amarna alongside her son and granddaughter, Meketaten, as a fragment from the tomb not long ago was identified as being from her sarcophagus.
من أسماءها
تايا و تاى
تم العثور على خصلة من الشعر تى فى عش توابيت مصغرة في قبر توت عنخ آمون الذي ينص صراحة على أنها تنتمي إلى تى .
Tiye , also spelled Taia, Tiy and Tiyi.
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The Photoshop manipulated photo |
The Great Royal Wife of the Egyptian Pharaoh Amenhotep III.
The original photo |
Her Father :
Yuya, was a wealthy landowner from the Upper Egyptian town of Akhmin, where he served as a priest( A priest is a person authorized to perform the sacred rites of a religion ),and superintendent of oxen.
Her Mother :
Thuya, was involved in many religious cults, as her different titles attested (Singer of Hathor, Chief of the Entertainers of both Amun and Min.( Min was an Egyptian fertility god),which suggests that she was a member of the royal family.
Her Brother :
Anen, who was Second Prophet of Amun.Anen was an Ancient Egyptian official during the late Eighteenth dynasty of Egypt.
Tutankhamen and Ay :
Other egyptologists speculated that Ay, a successor of Tutankhamen as pharaoh after the latter's death, also might have been descended from Tiye. No clear date or monument can confirm the link between the two, but these Egyptologists presumed this by Ay's origins, also from Akhmin, and because he inherited most of the titles that Tiye's father, Yuya, held during his lifetime, at the court of Amenhotep III.
Thuya, was involved in many religious cults, as her different titles attested (Singer of Hathor, Chief of the Entertainers of both Amun and Min.( Min was an Egyptian fertility god),which suggests that she was a member of the royal family.
Her Brother :
Anen, who was Second Prophet of Amun.Anen was an Ancient Egyptian official during the late Eighteenth dynasty of Egypt.
Tutankhamen and Ay :
Other egyptologists speculated that Ay, a successor of Tutankhamen as pharaoh after the latter's death, also might have been descended from Tiye. No clear date or monument can confirm the link between the two, but these Egyptologists presumed this by Ay's origins, also from Akhmin, and because he inherited most of the titles that Tiye's father, Yuya, held during his lifetime, at the court of Amenhotep III.
Her roots :
Her life :
No previous queen ever figured so prominently in her husband's lifetime like Tiye.Tiyi regularly appeared besides Amenhotep III in statuary, tomb and temple reliefs, and stelae while her name is paired with his on numerous small objects, such as vessels and jewelry, not to mention the large commemorative scarabs, where her name regularly follows his in the date line.
Tiye was married to Amenhotep III by the second year of his reign. They had at least six children, one of whom,Akhenaten, went on to become pharaoh. Tiye's eldest daughter, Sitamun, also is likely to have married her father, Amenhotep III, and become entitled,Royal Great Wife as well. Recent works explain that it was mostly a symbolical marriage involving many religious and administrative duties, as it occurs during Tiye's lifetime and, probably, with her consent. Other than those two, Tiye also gave birth to Henuttaneb, Nebetiah, Isis, and Thutmose. A fifth daughter, Baketaten, is presumed as attributed to Tiye, but the father still is not confirmed.
Influence at court:
Tiye wielded a great deal of power during both her husband’s and son’s reigns. Amenhotep III became a fine sportsman, a lover of outdoor life, and a great statesman. He often had to consider claims for Egypt's gold and requests for his royal daughters in marriage from foreign kings.
Tiye became her husband’s trusted adviser and confidant. Being wise, intelligent, strong, and fierce, she was able to gain the respect of foreign dignitaries. Foreign leaders were willing to deal directly through her. She continued to play an active role in foreign relations and was the first Egyptian queen to have her name recorded on official acts. She may have continued to advise her son, Akhenaten, when he took the throne.
Amenhotep III died in Year 38 or Year 39 of his reign (1353 BC/1350 BC) and was buried in the Valley of the Kings in WV22, however, Tiye is known to have outlived him for as many as twelve years. Tiye continued to be mentioned in the Amarna letters( are an archive of correspondence, mostly diplomatic, between the Egyptian administration and its representatives in Canaan and Amurru during the New Kingdom. ) and in inscriptions as queen and beloved of the king.
A lock of Tiye's hair was found in a nest of miniature coffins in Tutankhamun's tomb which is stated as belonging explicitly to Tiye.
الملكه تى هى الزوجه العظمى المفضله للملك امنحوتب الثالث فرعون الأسرة الثامنة عشر الشهير ،ووالدة أخناتون وربما جدة توت عنخ أمون( فى بعض المراجع التاريخية ذكر أن توت عنخ آمون ربما كان ابنا لإخناتون و ليس اخا له)..
و كانت تى سيده حكيمه و ساندت زوجها وابنها في حكم البلاد ولعبت دورا ما في إعداد توت عنخ آمون ليصبح ملكا.
و كانت تى سيده حكيمه و ساندت زوجها وابنها في حكم البلاد ولعبت دورا ما في إعداد توت عنخ آمون ليصبح ملكا.
من أسماءها
تايا و تاى
و الدها و أسرتها
لم تأت من بيت ملكي، وإنما كانت فقط من أسرة منالوجهاء والأعيان .
كان إسم والدها يايا و يعتقد بعض العلماء أنه من اصل آسيوي بسبب ملامح مومياءه ومن هجاء اسمه بطرق مختلفه، والذي قد يعني ضمنا ان اسمه في الأصل كان غير مصري.
و هناك علماء آخرون يميلون الى أن تى من اصول مصريه وذلك بسبب قوى الملكه السياسية والدينية غير التقليديه، وكان لها وجهات نظر ذات طابع قوي و يميل بعض العلماء الى انها من أصل مصرى نوبى بسبب ملامح وجهها .
كانت اسرة تى تعيش فى أخميم و كان أبوها (يايا) ضابطا بالجيش، وترقي حتي حصل علي رتبة 'قائد العجلات الحربية' اي سلاح الفرسان اما أمها فكانت كاهنة في معبد الإله 'مين' مما اتاح لتِيْيِ ان تحصل علي قدر من الثقافة.أما أخا تِيْيِ، anen، كان (النبي الثاني لآمون).
أثر تى فى الحكم
مارست الملكة تى قدرا كبيرا من السلطة خلال عهدي كل من زوجها ونجلها. كان أمنحتب الثالث رجل محب للرياضيه، محبا للحياة مفتوحة و الهواء الطلق، و كان رجل دولة عظيما.
أصبح تيي مستشارة لزوجها المقربة له و الموثوق بها. كونها حكيمة، و ذكية، و قوية، و شديدة، قادرة على كسب احترام كبار الشخصيات الأجنبية. كان الزعماء الأجانب على استعداد للتعامل مباشرة من خلال لها.
استمرت في لعب دور فعال في العلاقات الخارجية وكان للملكة المصرية الأولى التى سجل إسمها على الأعمال الرسمية. قد استمرت في تقديم المشورة لإبنها اخناتون، عندما تولى العرش.
توفي أمنحتب الثالث في سنة 38 أو سنة 39 من حكمه (1353 ق. BC/1350) ودفن في وادي الملوك ، ومع ذلك، ومن المعروف أن تيي من عاشت بعده ما لا يقل عن اثني عشر عاما.
إستمر ذكر إسم تى في رسائل تل العمارنة (هي أرشيف المراسلات الدبلوماسية بين الإدارة المصرية وممثليها في كنعان و عامورة خلال عصر الدولة الحديثة.) وفي النقوش كذلك كملكة حبيبة للملك.
ويعتقد أنه قد تم دفن الملكة تى أصلا في المقبرة الملكية لإخناتون في تل العمارنة جنبا إلى جنب مع ابنها وحفيدتها، Meketaten، و قد تم التعرف على جزء من المقبرة منذ وقت ليس ببعيد على أنه جزء من تابوت تها.
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Women in the era of the Pharaohs
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