Saturday, October 22, 2011

What is an oasis ? ما هى الواحه ؟

Oasis in the Libyan part of the desert واحه فى ليبيا 

An oasis : is an isolated area of vegetation in a desert, typically surrounding a spring or similar water source. Oases also provide habitat for animals and even humans if the area is big enough.
Oases are formed from underground rivers or aquifers such as an artesian aquifer, where water can reach the surface naturally by pressure or by man made wells.
The location of oases has been of critical importance for trade and transportation routes in desert areas.

Growing Plants
People who live in an oasis must manage land and water use carefully,fields must be irrigated to grow plants like dates, figs, olives, and apricots. The most important plant in an oasis is the date palm which forms the upper layer. These palm trees provide shade for smaller trees like peach trees, which form the middle layer. By growing plants in different layers, the farmers make best use of the soil and water. Many vegetables are also grown and some cereals, such as wheat, barley and millet are grown where there is more moisture.
Examples of oases:
Oases of Egypt like ,Siwa , Farafra, Bahariya ,Dakhla ,and Kharga and also Farafra, and Faiyum Oases .

I will write on each one later .

For summary you can visit 

Safari in Egypt

Thanks for reading


الواحه هى 
منطقة زراعيه معزوله فى وسط الصحراء الجرداء ويحيط بها عادة مصدر مياه مثل الينابيع والأبار ما شابه ذلك
توفر الواحات أيضا موطنا للحيوانات والبشر إذا كانت المساحة كبيرة بما يكفي لحياتهم 
و تتشكل الواحات من الأنهار أو المياه الجوفية تحت سطح الأرض مثل المياه الجوفية الإرتوازية حيث يمكن أن تصل المياه إلى السطح بشكل طبيعي عن بواسطة الضغط أو عمل الإنسان فى حفر الآبار

لموقع الواحات أهمية بالغة لطرق التجارة والنقل في المناطق الصحراويه
الزراعه بالواحات
يجب على الناس الذين يعيشون في الواحات إدارة استخدام الأراضي والمياه بعناية فائقه ومن النباتات التى تتم زراعتها فى الواحات التمر والتين والزيتون والمشمش
النبات الأكثر أهمية في الواحات هى النخيل وهي تشكل الطبقة العلوية للظل ويوفر النخيل الظل للأشجار الصغيرة مثل أشجار الخوخ،والتي تشكل الطبقة الوسطى للظل و التى يزرع تحتها أيضا الكثير من الخضراوات وبعض الحبوب مثل القمح والشعير والذرة، حيث توجد رطوبة أكثر.
من خلال زراعة النباتات في طبقات مختلفة استطاع المزارعين الاستفادة القصوى من التربة والمياه

من امثله الواحات الواحات المصريه مثل واحة سيوه و الفرافره و الداخله و الخارجه و كذلك واحة الفيوم 
و الواحات فى الصحراء الليبيه المجاوره لها كما فى الصوره

ارجو ان أكون قد أضفت شيئا إليكم 

شكرا لكم

Saturday, October 15, 2011

Safari in Egypt رحلات السفارى فى مصر

Recently, the meaning of the word Safari was extended to include tours and excursions away from the wildlife of the desert.

The Safari through the desert in Egypt is the best opportunity to feel the spirit of adventure.This wilderness adventure filled with exotic natural scenes.
Egypt is one of the most famous places in the Safari, where you can enjoy peace and tranquility, and experience  the natural life of the desert. .

The best places to Safari in Egypt : 

Every city in Egypt has its own cultural character. The pyramids of Giza, Cairo, museums, palaces and mosques delightful that you will leave indelible memories! Finally a trip to Egypt would not be complete without a cruise on the small King rivers.

The desert of western Egypt : is a unique and wonderful place to enjoy the safari in Egypt, due to make existing beach, in addition to the great history of the GM II  you can see the great Sea Arenal where everything was buried by the army of Cambyses the strong sand storm.

  Sinai :  You can visit the Monastery of Santa Catalina by Jeep, climb the Mountain of Moses or do a walk through the camel in the desert.  The Sinai desert has a unique landscape and nature is fascinating!
Sinai Peninsula read more 

Hurghada : is one of the ideal places for safari because of its proximity to the desert, their colorful mountains and canyons.   Hurghada read more

Sakkara : You can see stepped pyramid built for King Zoser (c. 2650 BC) you can read more

Djoser and The Step Pyramid [ Photoshop Auto - Blend]
 you can visit the Church of Abu-Sergah and St. Berbara. The hanging Church, We will also visit the old Jewish Ben Ezra Synagogue.
El Fayoum Oasis : to the Ptolemaic ruins in Kom Oshim . visit the Temple Quasar El Sagha. We then enjoy the Pharonic sunset overlooking the vast expanse of Lake Qaroon.

The grand Sahara :

Siwa Oasis : visit Dead Mountain,  Siwa House Museum & the Old Fortress of Shali, then the  Oracle Temple where you will see the coronation hall of  Alexander the Great, and then the ruins of Amoun Temple.
 Have a swim in Cleopatra Pool, then Dakrour Mountain (famous for its hot sand, the best place ever for sand bath, used as an effective natural cure for rheumatism, rheumatoid…etc),
By car go to lakes of Bir Wahed (or Well No. 1) to  swim in salt & fresh water. Then the Hot Spring (37 C), stop to collect shells from the Fossils Mountain. Then enjoy watching the sunset from the highest place around Siwa, having dinner around the fire. Sleep overnight in the desert covered by the stars.Overnight Camping.

El Bahariya Oasis : (385km) from Cairo about 4 hours . There you can visit the temple of Alexander the great, tombs of the nobles and the English mountain. Join a camel caravan . Enjoy a bathe in the hot water of the spring.Stop at the Black and Crystal Mountain.Then watch the sunset at the white desert.visit the antiquities of EL Bahariya Oasis, Greek Roman mummies at the antiquities office, Greek Roman cemetery from valley of mummies temple of Alexander the Great, Pharonic Temple “Ain El Maftella” (26th Dynasty), Pharonic Thumb “Banatiu” (26th Dynasty).

Farafra : is the second biggest depression by size located in Western Egypt and the smallest by population, You can visit the White Desert (known as Sahara el Beyda, with the word sahara meaning a desert)

Heart of Sinai :  fisherman’s city of Abou Zeniema,to the area of Sarabit El Khadem. We pass by ancient mining cites, colorful mountains and heaps of sand to finally reach the mountain of Sarabit. We park our cars and start our climb to thesummit of the mountain to reach the ancient Egyptian temple of Hathor, we tour the Temple and later on visit the ancient Turquoise Mines. Upon our decent we reach the site of our Bedouin camp (area of Sarabit El Khadem)
 start crossing through the heart of  Sinai to reach The Forest of Pillarsoasis of Wadi Firan, we visit the Monastery of Nuns and proceed to St. Catherine
start our trip to Mount Moses, reaching the area, we start our climb of the 2285 m high mountain. We enjoy the sunrise from one of the highest summits of Sinai. Upon our decent we visit St. Catherine’s Monastery, head towards Nuweiba coastal village passing by Wadi Ghazala.
Driving in Wadi watir takes us to the colored canyon,


تعتبر رحلات السفارى مغامرة وتجربه جديده لمن اراد الهدوء والحياة الطبيعية في الصحراء.

ماذا تعنى كلمة سفارى
قديما كانت تعنى الرحلات و الجولات الصحراويه
مؤخرا، تم التوسيع فى معنى كلمة سفارى لتشمل رحلات السفاري جولات ورحلات بعيدا عن الحياة البرية في الصحراء
رحلات السفاري عبر الصحراء في مصر هى أفضل فرصة للشعور بروح المغامرة
فالمغامرات البرية دائما ما تكون مليئة بالمشاهد الطبيعية الغريبة و خاصة فى مصر
تعتبر مصر واحدة من الأماكن الأكثر شهرة في رحلات السفاري، حيث يمكنك التمتع بالسلام والطمأنينة و الهدوء

أفضل الأماكن لرحلات السفاري في مصر هو صحراء مصر الغربية إنه مكان فريد ورائع للاستمتاع برحلات السفاري في مصر

و يمكنك مشاهدة بحر الرمال الأعظم حيث تم دفنكل شيء من قبل جيش قمبيز فيعاصفة رملية قوية

هل قمت بزيارة الصحراء الغربيه و الواحات الداخله و الخارجه و الفرافره ؟هل زرت الفيوم و بحيرة قارون و السبع سواقى ؟ 
هل قمت بزيارة سيناء و الكنيسه المعلقه و الجبال الملونه ؟
هل زرت الجوامع و المتاحف ؟
ادعوكم لزيارة مصر سوف تستمتعون بهذه الزياره.

شكرا لكم

The Quote Of The Day.

You lie the loudest when you lie to yourself.

One thing you can give and still your word.

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