Sunday, July 09, 2017

Sharm el-Sheikh "City of Peace" ... How to design a simple invitation card bu yourself with Illustrator.

 Sharm el-Sheikh is one of the most popular tourist places in the Arab world. But there are also some very good reasons to visit it if you are not the common tourist, who likes to lie on the beach all day. It is one of the finest diving spots in the world and a trip into the desert is an unforgettable adventure. 

Sharm el-Sheikh card

Sharm el-Sheikh is a city situated on the southern tip of the Sinai Peninsula, in South Sinai Governorate, Egypt, on the coastal strip along the Red Sea. Its population is approximately 35,000 (2008). It is popular with package holiday makers and divers.

Its Name 
 Sharm el-Sheikh is sometimes called the "City of Peace", referring to the large number of international peace conferences that have been held there.It is also transliterated as Sharm ash- Shaykh and popularly known simply as "Sharm".It means bay of the Sheikh.

Its History and Geography 
 Sharm el-Sheikh is on a promontory overlooking the Straits of Tiran at the mouth of the Gulf of Aqaba
About 40 years ago, Sharm el-Sheikh was nothing but a small fishing village with about 100 Bedouin citizens,but its strategic importance led to its transformation from a fishing village into a major port .
Sharm el-Sheikh city has been subdivided into five homogeneous centers, namely Nabq, Ras Nusrani, Naama Bay, Umm Sid and Sharm El Maya[ Na'ama Bay part of the city is the center of nightlife and dining: most of Sharm's clubs, cafes, restaurants and shops are here].There is also an airport in Sharm el-Sheikh. Sharm el-Sheikh Airport is the largest in the Sinai, and receives plane-loads of charter tourists daily in the winter high season. The only airline for local flights is Egypt Air .
The land plan shows that the total area of Sharm el-Sheikh is expected to be about 42 square kilometres by the year 2017.

 During the 2011 Egyptian protests, President Hosni Mubarak reportedly went to Sharm el-Sheikh and resigned there on 11 February 2011.

 The average temperatures during the winter months (November to March) range from 15 to 35 degrees Celsius (59-95°F) and during the summer months (April to October) from 20 to 45 degrees Celsius (68-113°F). The temperature of the Red Sea in this region ranges from 21 to 28 degrees Celsius (70-84°F) over the course of the year. 

Sharm el-Sheikh's invitation card

Tourism  in Sharm
Sharm el-Sheikh's major industry is foreign and domestic tourism, owing to its dramatic landscape, year-round dry and temperate climate and long stretches of natural beaches. Its waters are clear and calm for most of the year and have become popular for various watersports, particularly recreational scuba diving and snorkeling which some consider to be among the best in the world.There is great scope for scientific tourism with diversity in marine life species; 250 different coral reefs and 1000 species of fish.

 Diving is the main activity in Sharm el-Sheikh. When you dive into the warm water of the Red Sea and leave the remote desert behind, you will enter a world full of life and colors.

 After all of what I had mentioned about Sharm I decided to design an invitation card with its name .That you can fold like a book in the middle .
The card is designed with illustrator ,and the picture with photo-shop.I hope you will like both .


Lotus Flowers with Illustrator Card Design

 Lotus flower has often been described as the most exquisite wishes of the Mother Nature for the mankind. 

The Meaning Of The Word Lotus
My Illustrator  card design
 Lotus flowers have been influential in cultures across the world from ancient times until today,
from ancient Egypt and India to all across Asia. They have been associated with the human soul, gods and goddesses and featured in stories and legends.  

 To the ancient Egyptians, a lotus bud was a symbol of rebirth and fertility. It closes in the evening and falls to the water, but in the morning it opens and is lifted above the surface.Its behaviour emulates that of the sun. Because of this rising and setting, it is also a symbol of death and rebirth.

 The lotus( The blue water lily) was commonly used in art as a symbol of Upper Egypt. It was combined with  the long stems papyrus flower (the symbol of Lower Egypt) as a representation of the unification of the two lands ( Upper and Lower Egypt).It  was shown throughout Egypt in tombs and temples to symbolize the union of Upper and Lower Egypt, but the blue water lily had a much deeper significance to the Egyptian people.

 The god of the blue water lily was Nefertem, a god not just linked to the sun but to beautification and healing.It was he who brought a water lily to the sun god Ra, to help ease the suffering of his aging body. The perfume of this flower was not only pleasing to the Egyptians, but they saw it as healing as well .Scenes show women holding the water lily and people being offered the flower at parties, smelling its divine fragrance. Some people today believe that the Egyptians used this plant as a narcotic both for its healing qualities and as a recreational drug when soaked in wine, though this is a hotly debated topic.

 The blue water lily was possibly also a symbol of sexuality -  the flower "has a sort of Viagra effect". Women were wooed with the blue water lily.
 The flower wasn't just used at parties, but it was used at funerals.Tutankhamen's innermost gold coffin had blue water lily petals scattered over it along with a few other floral tributes.The Egyptians looked forward to their souls coming to life "like a water lily reopening", thinking that the deceased died as the water lily closed awaiting opening with the morning sun. The Book of the Dead has a spell to allow the deceased to transform into one of these flowers.  
 As a general The Lotus flower basically symbolizes the clarity of heart as well as the mind. In other words the Lotus flower represents strength, good luck, long life as well as honor and respect. Some scholars have even talked of the lotus flower being a universal representation of the spiritual presence in human lives. 

The Appearance:
 In Egypt, two native species of lotus grew, the white lotus and the blue lotus. A third type, the pink lotus was introduced to the country from Persia during the Late period. All three species were depicted in Egyptian art the pink lotus showed up in Hellenistic artworks, however the sacred blue lotus was the flower most commonly used and the one depicted in the hieroglyph. 

The Card Design. 
This is Illustrator design.

Sunday, July 26, 2015

The Arab Association of Civilization and Islamic Arts' Goals & Activities of the Society.

The Arab Association of Civilization and Islamic Arts
Definition of Arabian Civilization & defending it through the following:

1. Determining the concept of Arabian Civilization, its features, the Islamic Arts and stating the civil and enlightenment roles of Arabian Civilization and its effect on the Western Civilization through the bestowal in the different fields.

2. Demonstrating  the civil values of the architectural buildings and their arts in everywhere in the world (through studying Architecture and Islamic Arts and confirming its enlightened creation).

3. Highlighting the civil role of Moslem Scientists in all civil fields: scientific, intellectual and artistic fields, by defining their participations to enrich the humanistic role in the contemporary global scientific awakening.

4. Organize symposiums, establishing fairs and conferences confirming the conversation among civilizations and to confirm the enlightenment role of the Islamic Civilization, its science and arts, and establishing International Conference for the Society every two years at least concerning on the relevant subjects with the Society's goals.

5. To interest with the readable, audible and visual mass media activity, and to publish and writing books, magazines and newspapers, and radio and television programs that confirming the uphold of the values of the Islamic cultures and civilization and the continuation among generations.

6. Authenticate the relations to connect with the Arab and Islamic countries' scientists and artists, exchanging the cognition experiences among Arab countries that interesting with the Arab and Islamic Civilization in all of its civil aspects in cooperation with the Ministries of Culture and Arab League (the Cultural Department).

7. Conserve our Arabian and Islamic patrimony, maintaining it against damage, tampering or the try forge the fixed self-facts of it. This can be made through an active participation by defining the patrimony and the awareness of its importance and maintaining the civil patrimony of the nation in the cooperation with the concerned organizations, regionally and internationally inside and outside the country.   

8. The awareness of the importance of the patrimonial industries and crafts by focus on them, and how to conserving them as a source of the cognitive prosperity, national income and to employ the youth in patrimonial crafts on scientific, artistic and technical principals by habilitating them scientifically and practically.
 9. To invite to conserve Arabic Language, rising and spreading and learning it through an international level, and also the Arabic Handwriting and its importance by establishing educational workshops and artistic fairs offering artistic and handwriting works inspired from the Arabian Civilization Spirit, to be participated by the concerned persons in the world.

10. To recognize the concerned persons of the Arabian Civilization and Islamic Art in the world, then to support the contact among them and to talk with them permanently, and also the civilization departments in universities and the concerned cultural institutions of civilizations and arts to make countries progressing in a way fits with the present technological and scientific time of the world and to be participated in common events.

11. Trying to establish specialized committees in all civilization's branches to at least participate in the contacting with the public and to spread the awareness of the importance of each committee, such as (Arabic language, Handwriting, Islamic Architecture, Islamic design, decoration and its arts, legislation, physical sciences …etc).

12. Making agreements and cooperation among the Society, the concerned organizations and authorities with the Islamic Civilization's field through (Arab League, ISISCO, UNISCO, the specialized faculties, ACROME Organization for Museums and Specialized Research Institutes, IRISCA – the International Organization for Science, Arts, Literature and History that following Islamic World Organization & Ministries of Culture) and establishing common events and activities with such bodies.

13. Creating contact points to talk with the concerned different creeds, cultures and religions to realize peace and welfare, then to refer to the positive role of the others' culture through the scientific talks that aiming to define Islam's lenience and to live with the others.

14. Organizing cultural missions for the Society's members in the cultural houses through the Republic to aware the youth with the importance of the civil role of Islamic Arts and Civilization.

15. Supporting the relation between the Society, Arab Leagues federations, the International Federation of Islamic World and Islamic World Association to be participated in common events with such institutions, and to try to create a curriculum for the students in the different stages to define the Islamic Civilization, its arts and role in making the contemporary civilization.  

16. Encourage researchers and authors to write and prepare the Master and PhD thesis in Arabian Civilization and Islamic Arts, and in different writings in such field.

17. Issue firm scientific magazine for Society to encourage researches writing and preparation in this civil field.

 The Society is honored to receive the opinions and notes of all the concerned persons of the Arabian Civilization and Islamic Arts in all of their scientific and artistic aspects.

As we'd like to submit any useful suggestion for the Society to perform its task.

Society General Secretary

Fathy El Mula

Prof. Dr. Mohamed Aly Zenhom
Prof. in Faculty of Applied Arts
Helwan University

Friday, July 10, 2015

مصر تدعوكم .. المؤتمر الدولى الأول للحضارة العربيه و الفنون الإسلامية .. بشرم الشيخ

مصر تدعوكم للمشاركة فى:

المؤتمر الدولى الأول للحضارة العربيه و الفنون الإسلامية .. بشرم الشيخ
لكل محبى الحضارة العربيه و الفنون الإسلامية .. تستطيع ان تساهم بأبحاثك و دراساتك فى هذا المؤتمر الرائع.

برعايه الجمعية الدولية للحضارة والفنون الإسلامية بمصر.

تمتع بزيارة مدينة السلام .. شرم الشيخ و قدم بحثك و مشاركتك.

تعرف على معالم الحضارة الإسلاميه و الفن الإسلامى فى مصر أم الدنيا.

إستمتع و شارك ..
نحن فى إنتظارك.

المؤتمر الدولى الأول للحضارة العربيه و الفنون الإسلامية .. بشرم الشيخ

محاور المؤتمرالأول و الثانى

باقى المحاور و قواعد قبول الأبحاث

نحن فى إنتظار مشاركاتكم 
مرحبا بكم فى ارض الكنانة .. مصر أم الدنيا

منال رأفت

Monday, June 22, 2015

ديستريكت مصر

ديستريكت مصر
District Shopping Mall

 يوجد ديستريكت مول فى منطقة شيراتون مصر الجديدة ... امام صن سيتى مول 
كما يوجد بالديستريكت مطاعم و كافيهات على أعلى مستوى بين الخضرة و المياة.
تناول طعامك فى جو من الهدوء والروعة
مفتوح طوال اليوم 


ديستريكت مصر
ديستريكت مصر
District Shopping Mall

صورة أخرى من داخل الديستريكت

صورته لكم و نقلته
منال رأفت

Friday, April 10, 2015

Good Night Wishes

Hi Moon! Dim your light Hello Wind! Breeze soft Hi Flower! Blossom slowly Hello Earth!Spin gently Because my friend is going to sleep. Good Night Sweet Dreams.

Darkness is everywhere. The birds are back there home. Road are quiet everybody is sleeping, but i m not u know y? just wanted 2 say u Good night.


Manal Raafat
Hi Moon! Dim your light Hello Wind! Breeze soft Hi Flower! Blossom slowly Hello Earth!Spin gently Because my friend is going to sleep. Good Night Sweet Dreams. -Good Night SMS & Images (

Monday, March 16, 2015

وصيه رمسيس التانى لولده ... مصر .. لا تموت

مصر ... لا تموت

قالها ملك مصر العظيم رمسيس الثاني 
في وصيته لابنه مرنبتاح ملك مصر القادم 
قبل ان يموت 

قال رمسيس الثاني 

" انت يا ملك كيميت القادم 
اعرف انك ورثت عن أجدادك مملكة عظيمة
لا تغيب عنها الشمس أبداً 
فهي أرض الإله المقدسة 
التي جعلها نوراً للعالم 
ولا يرضي الإله ان تموت أرضه أبداَ
حافظ عليها من أعدائها 
كما حافظ عليها أجدادك من قبل "

مصر .......أرض لا تموت

وشعب ...لا يندثر

ونور ... قد يخفت ولكنه لا يظلم أبداً

نقلتها لكم 
منال رأفت

Thursday, January 08, 2015

عودة لدروس تعليم برنامج اليوستريتور

بشرى سارة لكل محبى الرسم و برنامج اليوستريتور ..
عوده الى دروس تعليم اليوستريتور.

تصميم مبسط ببرنامج اليوستريتور

سوف تجدوا الكثير عن برنامج اليوستريتور تحت التبويبات الخاصة بالبرنامج فى هذه المدونة.

لتعليم برنامج اليوستريتور فى نقاط مبسطة إضغط هنا

لتعلم بعض التصميمات البسيطة لبرنامج اليوستريتور إضغط هنا

لمشاهدة بعض فيديوهات تعليم برنامج اليوستريتور إضغط هنا

أرجو ان تستمتعوا معنا بهذا البرنامج التعليمى المبسط.

شكرا لكم 
منال رأفت

Thursday, October 30, 2014

Sunday, June 08, 2014

ماذا تعرف عن السيسى رئيس مصر الجديد ؟ ... What do you know about Sisi the New President of Egypt?

الإسم : 
عبد الفتاح سعيد حسين خليل السيسي

تاريخ الميلاد :
(19 نوفمبر 1954)

معلومات عنه :
* المرشح الفائز بانتخابات الرئاسة لعام 2014 والمنتظر أن يؤدي اليمين الدستورية في 7 يونيو 2014.
* القائد العام السابق للقوات المسلحة المصرية
*وزير الدفاع الرابع والأربعين منذ 12 أغسطس 2012 حتى استقالته في 26 مارس 2014 للترشح للرئاسة
* تخرج في الكلية الحربية عام 1977
* عمل في سلاح المشاة، وعين قائدًا للمنطقة الشمالية العسكرية، وتولى منصب مدير إدارة المخابرات الحربية والاستطلاع.
شارة الجيش المصري -المشير

Egyptian Army Insignia-Field Marshal

في 3 يوليو 2013 ثار الشعب المصرى ضد الرئيس محمد مرسى المنتمى لجماعة الإخوان المسلمين (أول رئيس مدني منتخب بعد ثورة 25 يناير) و استمرت المظاهرات التى طالبت برحيل مرسى لعدة ايام حتى اوشكت البلاد على الدخول فى حرب اهليه، وطالب الشعب الجيش بالتدخل لحمايته من ميليشيات جماعة الإخوان المسلمين التى اطلق لها مرسى العنان فى الشارع المصرى.
ساند الجيش الشعب وأعلن عدة إجراءات صحبت ذلك عُرِفت بخارطة الطريق أيدها غالبية الشعب والمتظاهرون والمعارضون لمرسي، واعتبروا ذلك تأييداً لمطالب شعبية. بينما اتهمه جزء آخر من المُجتمع المصري والعربي والدولي بالقيام بانقلاب عسكري.

التأهيل العسكري
* بدأ حياته العسكرية عام 1970 كطالب في المدرسة الثانوية الجوية. 
* تخرج من الكلية الحربية المصرية عام 1977 حاصلا على درجة البكالوريوس.
* حصل على درجة الماجستير من كلية القادة والأركان عام 1987.
* حصل على درجة الماجستير من كلية القادة والأركان البريطانية عام 1992 بنفس التخصص.
* حصل على زمالة كلية الحرب العليا من أكاديمية ناصر العسكرية العليا عام 2003.
* حصل على زمالة كلية الحرب العليا الأمريكية عام 2006.

حياته المهنية :
* رئيس فرع المعلومات والأمن بالأمانة العامة لوزارة الدفاع.
* قائد كتيبة مشاة ميكانيكية.
* ملحق دفاع بالمملكة العربية السعودية.
* قائد لواء مشاة ميكانيكية.
* قائد فرقة مشاة ميكانيكية (الفرقة الثانية).
* رئيس أركان المنطقة الشمالية العسكرية.
* قائد المنطقة الشمالية العسكرية.
* مدير المخابرات الحربية والاستطلاع.
* القائد العام للقوات المسلحة وزير الدفاع.
* رئيس جمهورية مصر العربية.

حياته الشخصية
متزوج وله أبناء.

الأوسمة والأنواط والميداليات :
* ميدالية الخدمة الطويلة والقدوة الحسنة 1998.
* نوط الواجب العسكري من الطبقة الثانية 2005.
* نوط الخدمة الممتازة 2007.
* ميدالية 25 يناير 2012.
* نوط الواجب العسكري من الطبقة الأولي 2012.

Saeed Abdel Fattah Hussein Khalil al-Sisi

Date of Birth:
(November 19, 1954)

Information about: 
* The winning candidate for the presidential election in 2014 and is expected to be sworn in on June 7, 2014. 
* Former Commander in Chief of the Egyptian Armed Forces 
*Forty-fourth Defence Minister  since August 12, 2012 until his resignation in March 26, 2014 to run for president.
* He graduated from the Military Academy in 1977 
* Work in the infantry, and was appointed commander of the northern military region, and took over as director of military intelligence and reconnaissance.

On July 3, 2013 revolted the Egyptian people against President Mohamed Morsi that belongs to the Muslim Brotherhood (the first civilian president elected after the January 25 revolution) and continued demonstrations demanding the departure of Morsi for several days until nearing the country  in a civil war.The people have demanded the army to intervene to protect them from militias of the Muslim Brotherhood, that Morsi supported it,and unleashed it in the Egyptian street.

The army supported the people and announced several measures associated defined that the roadmap was endorsed by the majority of the people, and the protesters opposed to the Morsi, and considered it to the demands of popular support. While accusing another part of the Egyptian society and the some Arabs  and international conduct a military coup.

Military Qualification 
* Began his military career in 1970 as a student in high school flights.
* He graduated from the Egyptian Military Academy in 1977, a bachelor's degree.
* Received a master's degree from the Command and Staff College in 1987.
* Received a master's degree from the Command and Staff College in 1992, the British in the same speciality.
* Received a fellowship from the Higher War College Nasser Higher Military Academy in 2003.
* Received a Fellowship of the United States Supreme Army War College in 2006.

His career:
* Chief of the branch of Information and Security of the Secretariat of the Ministry of Defence.
* Commander of a mechanized infantry battalion.
* Accessory defence of Saudi Arabia.
* Commander mechanized infantry brigade.
* Commander mechanized infantry division (Division II).
* Chief of Staff of the northern military.
* Military commander of the northern region.
* Director of military intelligence and reconnaissance.
* General Commander of the Armed Forces and Minister of Defence.
* President of the Arab Republic of Egypt.

His personal life
Married with children.

Medals :
* Long Service Medal and the good example 1998.
* Order of Military Duty of the second layer 2005.
* Order of excellent service in 2007.
* Medal January 25, 2012.
* Order of Military Duty of the initial class of 2012.

 Manal Raafat

رابط قناتنا على اليوتيوب لتعليم الفوتوشوب و اليوستريتور باللغتين العربيه و الانجليزيه

هذا هو رابط قناتنا على اليوتيوب لتعليم الفوتوشوب و اليوستريتور باللغتين العربيه و الانجليزيه من هنا

That is our channel on you tube for learning Photoshop and illustrator in both Arabic and English  HERE

شكرا لكم 
منال رأفت

The Quote Of The Day.

You lie the loudest when you lie to yourself.

One thing you can give and still your word.

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