Showing posts with label Egypt. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Egypt. Show all posts

Wednesday, February 01, 2012

Amenemhat III the builder of the Black Pyramid in Dashur with Photoshop lesson أمنمحات الثالث باني الهرم الأسود في دهشور

He was a pharaoh of the Twelfth Dynasty of Egypt. He ruled from c.1860 BC to c.1814 BC.He was regarded as the greatest monarch of the Middle Kingdom. He may have had a long coregency (of 20 years) with his father, Senusret III [ multiple sovereigns or kings of a single state ].
Amenemhet III was handed a peaceful reign, his father Sesostris III had given him a land on good diplomatic terms with her northern neighbours, Nubia firmly under Egypt's control and the power of the Nomarchs finally ended.
The original picture

Towards the end of his reign he instituted a coregency with his successor Amenemhet IV, as recorded in a now damaged rock inscription at Konosso in Nubia, which equates Year 1 of Amenemhet IV to either Year 46, 47 or 48 of his reign. His daughter, Sobekneferu, later succeeded Amenemhat IV, as the last ruler of the 12th Dynasty. Amenemhat III's throne name, Nimaatre, means "Belonging to the Justice of Re."

His Family :-
His father: The pharaoh Sesostris III [the builder of the Sisostris Canal].

His principle wife: was Aat.
His daughters: Neferuptah and her sister, the Pharaoh Sobekneferu (“Beauty of Sobek”).
His son: The Pharaoh Amenemhat IV .

His reign :-
- His long reign of 45 years followed the policies of his predecessors of the 12th Dynasty - economic growth in Egypt was at an all time high, agriculture increased at the Fayum (it was here that Amenemhet III completed a land reclamation scheme probably started by his father, Sesostris III, this scheme was to gain 17,000 acres of farm land from the lake).

-He built his first pyramid at Dahshur "Black Pyramid" but there were construction problems and this was abandoned. Around Year 15 of his reign the king decided to build a new pyramid at Hawara near the Fayum . The pyramid at Dahshur was used as burial ground for several royal women.
His mortuary temple at Hawara, is accompanied by a pyramid and may have been known to Herodotus who praised it as a wonder of the world.
The king's pyramid at Hawara contained some of the most complex security features of any found in Egypt and is perhaps the only one to come close to the sort of tricks Hollywood associates with such structures. Nevertheless, the king's burial was robbed in antiquity.

-Amenemhet III also built temples at the Faiyum to the god Sobek and a temple to the cobra goddess at Maadi near Cairo.

-Mining operations also were concentrated on heavily - inscriptions show that mining in either the quarries of Egypt or in the Sinai date from Year 2 right up to Year 45 of his reign.

-At the Sinai Amenemhet III enlarged the temple to Hathor.

with new background picture
with colored background and
 layer style 

How to change the  background of the picture.

with colored background and
 layer style 

  1. Select the statue of the pharaoh in the photo with the Quick Selection Tool ,then refine it .
  2. Copy the selection ( Ctrl+C).
  3. Open new document , then paste the layer to it(Ctrl+V ) .
  4. Add new layer under the pasted layer .
  5. Add the background picture that you like to the new layer or add color and a layer style .
  6. If you like add a frame in new layer.
  7. Save your work.

وكان فرعون من الأسرة الثانية عشرة في مصرالفرعونيه. حكم فيها من 1860 الى 1814 قبل الميلاد كان يعتبر أعظم ملك من ملوك الوسطى.و حكم مع ابيه مدة 20 عاما قبل ان يحكم منفردا سنوسرت الثالث .
تسلم امنمحات الثالث فترة حكمه من والده سلميه و على اسس دبلوماسيه جيده مع جيرانهم .
في نهاية عهده أقام فترة حكم مشتركه ايضا مع مع خليفته أمنمحات الرابع ، كما هو مسجل في النقوش الصخرية التالفة الموجوده في النوبة .
اعقبت ابنته ،( Sobekneferu) سوبكى نفرو، في وقت لاحق أمنمحات الرابع، و كانت آخر حاكم من سلالة الأسرة الثانية عشرة.
كان إسم عرش أمنمحات الثالث Nimaatre،و هو يعني "الانتماء الى عدالة رع "

اسرته :-
والده :الفرعون سيزوستريس (Sesostris) الثالث [باني قناة سيزوستريس].
 زوجته الرئيسيه: Aat آت
بناته : Neferuptah وشقيقتها،  الفرعون Sobekneferu ("جمال سوبك").
ابنه : إن فرعون أمنمحات الرابع.

حكمه : -- 
كان فى خلال فترة حكمه الطويلة (حوالى 45 عاما) يتبع سياسات أسلافه من سلالة الأسرة الثانية عشرة وكان النمو الاقتصادي في مصر في كافة الأوقات عالياً .

*فى الزراعه : 
زيادة الزراعة في الفيوم ( أكمل أمنمحات الثالث خطة استصلاح الأراضي التي بدأها والده  سيزوستريس  الثالث ، وكان هذا المشروع للحصول على 17000 فدان من الأراضي الزراعية من البحيرة ( بحيرة قارون).

*فى التعدين :
تركزت عمليات التعدين بشكل كبيرفي المحاجر إما في مصر أو في سيناء بدأً من السنة الثانيه و حتى 45 سنة من حكمه ,كما اوضحت النقوش الأثريه.

*فى التعمير :
بنى الهرمه الأول في دهشور "الهرم الأسود" ولكن كانت هناك مشاكل فى البناء وتم التخلي عن هذاالبناء و لم يدفن الملك به .

بعد حوالي 15 سنة من حكمه قرر الملك بناء هرما جديد في هوارة بالقرب من الفيوم. وقد استخدم الهرم في دهشور كمقبره ملكية للعديد من النساء من العائله الحاكمه.
انشأ معبده الجنائزي في هوارة و انشأ هرما مصاحبا له. وربما كان معروفا لهيرودوت الذي اثنى عليه قائلا أنه من عجائب الدنيا .
يتضمن هرم الملك في هوارة بعض الميزات الأمنية الأكثر تعقيدا من أمثالها و التى وجدت في مصر ، ومع ذلك فقد سرقت في العصور القديمة.
 كما شيد أمنمحات الثالث المعابد في الفيوم للإله سوبك، ومعبد للإلهة الكوبرا في المعادي قرب القاهرة.

وايضا فى سيناء اضاف توسعة لمعبد حتحور.

و له انشاءات أخرى كثيره اكثر من ان تقال فى مقال قصير مثل هذا.

تعليقى الخاص على الموضوع :-
تستطيع ان تدرك كيف ان الفراعنه الاجداد كانوا يعملون بجد فى كل مجالات الحياة و لهذا تركوا هذه الحضاره العظيمه الخالده.
مع العلم انهم كانوا موحدين فى أغلب العصور و ما الآلهه بالنسبه لهم إلا تجسيد لصفات الإله الواحد الأحد بقدر إدراكهم فى هذه العصور و الدليل على ما أقول وجود انبياء كثر فى مصر الفرعونيه و القديمه و بالتأكيد كان هناك اتباع و مؤمنين بهؤلاء الأنبياء مثل سيدناابراهيم و يوسف و عيسى و موسى و ذا النون المصرى و ذا الكفل و ادريس عليهم السلام. 
شكرا لكم

Monday, January 23, 2012

Black Pyramid of Amenemhat III At Dashur الهرم الأسود بدهشور للملك امنمحات الثالث

Black Pyramid

King Amenemhat III built the Black pyramid during the Middle Kingdom of Egypt (2055-1650 BC). It is one of the five remaining pyramids of the original eleven pyramids at Dahshur ( Dahshur is a royal necropolis located in the desert on the west bank of the Nile approximately 40 kilometres south of Cairo. It is known chiefly for several pyramids, two of which are among the oldest, largest and best preserved in Egypt, which are Bent Pyramid and Red Pyramid built from 2613-2589 BCE. ) in Egypt.
It was named the Black pyramid for its dark, decaying appearance as a rubble mound.The Black Pyramid is not as well known as the Bent or Red Pyramids at Dashur, as it has been closed to tourists due to its collapsed condition.

The Black pyramid was the first to house both the deceased pharaoh and his queens. 

Its Structure and shape 
It was originally about 75 meters tall with a base 105 meters long and an incline of 57°.It was built  out of mudbrick and then covered the outside with white limestone[Typical for pyramids of the middle kingdom ].
Today it appears without its original glory.
The pyramidion, which is the capstone of a pyramid, was covered with inscriptions and religious symbols.
The design of the Black Pyramid was very ambitious, with several passageways and chambers for two queens in addition to the king. The pyramid has two entrances on the south end of the east and west sides, with staircases leading into the interior.

The king was not buried there. When construction of the pyramid was nearly complete, the architects of Amenemhat III became aware of structural problems. The pyramid was being crushed under its own weight– walls and ceilings were being pushed down and doorframes began to buckle, so the workers quickly reinforced it with mudbrick and cedar beams. While their quick thinking saved the pyramid from immediate collapse, it had to be abandoned as the burial place of the king. Amenemhat III chose the site of Hawara, south of Cairo in the Fayum region, as the location of his new pyramid.

بنى الملك امنمحات الثالث الهرم الأسود خلال عصر الدولة الوسطى في مصر (2055-1650 قبل الميلاد). وهو واحد من الاهرامات الخمس المتبقية من اصل إحد عشرهرما التى بنيت في دهشور(دهشور هي المقبرة الملكية التي تقع في الصحراء على الضفة الغربية لنهر النيل على بعد 40 كيلومترا تقريبا الى الجنوب من القاهرة.و قد اشتهرت بوجود العديد من الأهرامات بها ، منها اثنتان من بين أقدم وأكبر وأفضل الأهرامات المحفوظة في مصر، و هي الهرم المائل او المنحنى والهرم الأحمر بنيت من 2613-2589 قبل الميلاد في مصر. )
وقد أطلقوا عليه اسم الهرم الأسود بسبب لونه الداكن و بناءه المتحلل و المتهالك والهرم الأسود ليس فى شهرة الهرمين المائل و الاحمر بسبب انه قد تم إغلاقه أمام السياح بسبب حالته المنهارة.
وكان الهرم الأسود الأول لإيواء كلا من الفرعون الفقيد والملكات.

هيكله و شكله 
كان في الأصل حوالي 75 مترا فى الإرتفاع و ذو قاعدة 105 مترا، ويميل بزاويه 57 درجة.
وقد بنيت من الطوب اللبن ومغطاة من الخارج ثم مع الحجر الجيري الأبيض [نموذجي للأهرامات فى الدولة الوسطى]و اليوم نراعه و قد فقد بهاءه الذى كان عليه.
أما النهايه العليا لقمة الهرم فكانت مغطاه بنقوش و رموز دينيه.
ان تصميم الهرم الأسود طموحا للغاية ، فله العديد من الممرات والغرف لاثنين من الملكات بالإضافة إلى الملك.و للهرم مدخلان في الطرف الجنوبي من الجانبين الشرقي والغربي ، مع السلالم المؤدية الى المناطق الداخلية.
عندما اوشك البناء على الإكتمال ادرك مهندسو امنمحات الثالث انه يوجد مشاكل فى هيكل الهرم و بدأ الهرم يسقط من تلقاء نفسه فأسرع العمال فى تعزيز البناء بالطوب اللُبِن و حزم من شجر الأَرز

مع أن تفكيرهم السريع حفظ الهرم من الانهيار على الفور، إلا انهم هجروا المكان و فضلوا ألا يدفنو الملك هناك , و لهذا لم يدفن الملك هناك واختار أمنمحات الثالث موقع هوارة جنوب القاهرة في منطقة الفيوم، ليكون موقع هرمه الجديد. 

Tuesday, January 03, 2012

Queen Tiye The Wife of Amenhotep III&The Mother of Akhenaten الملكه الفرعونيه تى زوجة امنحوتب الثالث

Her names:
 Tiye , also spelled Taia, Tiy and Tiyi.
The Photoshop manipulated photo

The Great Royal Wife of the Egyptian Pharaoh Amenhotep III.

The original photo

Her Father :
Yuya, was a wealthy landowner from the Upper Egyptian town of Akhmin, where he served as a priest( A priest is a person authorized to perform the sacred rites of a religion ),and superintendent of oxen.

Her Mother :
Thuya, was involved in many religious cults, as her different titles attested (Singer of Hathor, Chief of the Entertainers of both Amun and Min.( Min was an Egyptian fertility god),which suggests that she was a member of the royal family.

Her Brother :
Anen, who was Second Prophet of Amun.Anen was an Ancient Egyptian official during the late Eighteenth dynasty of Egypt.

Tutankhamen and Ay :
Other egyptologists speculated that Ay, a successor of Tutankhamen as pharaoh after the latter's death, also might have been descended from Tiye. No clear date or monument can confirm the link between the two, but these Egyptologists presumed this by Ay's origins, also from Akhmin, and because he inherited most of the titles that Tiye's father, Yuya, held during his lifetime, at the court of Amenhotep III.

Her roots :
Some scientists had suggested that Tiye's father, Yuya, was of Asiatic(Asian ) or Nubian descent due to the features of his mummy and the many different spellings of his name, which might imply it was a non-Egyptian name in origin. Some suggest that the queen's strong political and unconventional religious views might have been due not just to a strong character, but to foreign descent.

Her life :
No previous queen ever figured so prominently in her husband's lifetime like Tiye.Tiyi regularly appeared besides Amenhotep III in statuary, tomb and temple reliefs, and stelae while her name is paired with his on numerous small objects, such as vessels and jewelry, not to mention the large commemorative scarabs, where her name regularly follows his in the date line.

Tiye was married to Amenhotep III by the second year of his reign. They had at least six children, one of whom,Akhenaten, went on to become pharaoh. Tiye's eldest daughter, Sitamun, also is likely to have married her father, Amenhotep III, and become entitled,Royal Great Wife as well. Recent works explain that it was mostly a symbolical marriage involving many religious and administrative duties, as it occurs during Tiye's lifetime and, probably, with her consent. Other than those two, Tiye also gave birth to Henuttaneb, Nebetiah, Isis, and Thutmose. A fifth daughter, Baketaten, is presumed as attributed to Tiye, but the father still is not confirmed.

Recent DNA analysis sponsored by the Secretary General of the Egyptian Supreme Council of Antiquities Zahi Hawass published in February 2010, shows that Tutankhamun, the successor of Tiye's son Akhenaten, was born of a brother-sister union.This rules out any possibility that Tutankhamun's mother was Akhenaten's secondary wife Kiya, because no known artifact accords Kiya the title or attribute "the king's daughter." Kiya was not, therefore, the daughter of a Pharaoh (and thus not a daughter of Queen Tiye) and could not have been Akhenaten's sister. An extant mummy, known as The Younger Lady and found in the same tomb (KV35) as Tiye's mummy, was identified through the same DNA testing as being Tutankhamun's mother, but it is unclear which of Akhenaten's sisters it might be; whether Henuttaneb, Nebetiah, Iset, Baketaten, or, if she was indeed Akhenaten's sister, Sitamun.

Influence at court:
Tiye wielded a great deal of power during both her husband’s and son’s reigns. Amenhotep III became a fine sportsman, a lover of outdoor life, and a great statesman. He often had to consider claims for Egypt's gold and requests for his royal daughters in marriage from foreign kings.

Tiye became her husband’s trusted adviser and confidant. Being wise, intelligent, strong, and fierce, she was able to gain the respect of foreign dignitaries. Foreign leaders were willing to deal directly through her. She continued to play an active role in foreign relations and was the first Egyptian queen to have her name recorded on official acts. She may have continued to advise her son, Akhenaten, when he took the throne.

Amenhotep III died in Year 38 or Year 39 of his reign (1353 BC/1350 BC) and was buried in the Valley of the Kings in WV22, however, Tiye is known to have outlived him for as many as twelve years. 

Tiye continued to be mentioned in the Amarna letters( are an archive of correspondence, mostly diplomatic, between the Egyptian administration and its representatives in Canaan and Amurru during the New Kingdom. ) and in inscriptions as queen and beloved of the king.

A lock of Tiye's hair was found in a nest of miniature coffins in Tutankhamun's tomb which is stated as belonging explicitly to Tiye.

Tiye is believed to have been originally buried in Akhenaten's royal tomb at Amarna alongside her son and granddaughter, Meketaten, as a fragment from the tomb not long ago was identified as being from her sarcophagus.

  الملكه تى هى الزوجه العظمى المفضله للملك امنحوتب الثالث فرعون الأسرة الثامنة عشر الشهير ،ووالدة أخناتون وربما جدة توت عنخ أمون( فى بعض المراجع التاريخية ذكر أن توت عنخ آمون ربما كان ابنا لإخناتون و ليس اخا له)..
و كانت تى سيده حكيمه و ساندت زوجها وابنها في حكم البلاد ولعبت دورا ما في إعداد توت عنخ آمون ليصبح ملكا.

من أسماءها
تايا و تاى

 و الدها و أسرتها
لم تأت من بيت ملكي، وإنما كانت فقط من أسرة منالوجهاء والأعيان . 
كان إسم والدها يايا و يعتقد بعض العلماء أنه من اصل آسيوي بسبب ملامح مومياءه ومن هجاء اسمه بطرق مختلفه، والذي قد يعني ضمنا ان اسمه في الأصل كان غير مصري.
و هناك علماء آخرون يميلون الى أن تى من اصول مصريه وذلك بسبب قوى الملكه السياسية والدينية غير التقليديه، وكان لها وجهات نظر ذات طابع قوي و يميل بعض العلماء الى انها من أصل مصرى نوبى بسبب ملامح وجهها .
كانت اسرة تى تعيش فى أخميم و كان أبوها (يايا) ضابطا بالجيش، وترقي حتي حصل علي رتبة 'قائد العجلات الحربية'­ اي سلاح الفرسان­ اما أمها فكانت كاهنة في معبد الإله 'مين' مما اتاح لتِيْيِ ان تحصل علي قدر من الثقافة.أما أخا تِيْيِ، anen، كان (النبي الثاني لآمون).

أثر تى فى الحكم
مارست الملكة تى قدرا كبيرا من السلطة خلال عهدي كل من زوجها ونجلها. كان أمنحتب الثالث رجل محب للرياضيه، محبا للحياة مفتوحة و الهواء الطلق، و كان رجل دولة عظيما. 
أصبح تيي مستشارة لزوجها المقربة له و الموثوق بها. كونها حكيمة، و ذكية، و قوية، و شديدة، قادرة على كسب احترام كبار الشخصيات الأجنبية. كان الزعماء الأجانب على استعداد للتعامل مباشرة من خلال لها.
استمرت في لعب دور فعال في العلاقات الخارجية وكان للملكة المصرية الأولى التى سجل إسمها على الأعمال الرسمية. قد استمرت في تقديم المشورة لإبنها اخناتون، عندما تولى العرش.

توفي أمنحتب الثالث في سنة 38 أو سنة 39 من حكمه (1353 ق. BC/1350) ودفن في وادي الملوك ، ومع ذلك، ومن المعروف أن تيي من عاشت بعده ما لا يقل عن اثني عشر عاما.

إستمر ذكر إسم تى في رسائل تل العمارنة (هي أرشيف المراسلات الدبلوماسية بين الإدارة المصرية وممثليها في كنعان و عامورة  خلال عصر الدولة الحديثة.) وفي النقوش كذلك كملكة حبيبة للملك.

ويعتقد أنه قد تم دفن الملكة تى أصلا في المقبرة الملكية لإخناتون في تل العمارنة جنبا إلى جنب مع ابنها وحفيدتها، Meketaten، و قد تم التعرف على جزء من المقبرة منذ وقت ليس ببعيد على أنه جزء من تابوت تها.

تم العثور على خصلة من الشعر تى فى عش توابيت مصغرة في قبر توت عنخ آمون الذي ينص صراحة على أنها تنتمي إلى تى .


Related links
Women in the era of the Pharaohs

Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Women in the era of the Pharaohs المرأه فى عصر الفراعنه

You can know the progress of peoples and nations from the status of women in society and their position and prestige and their rights compared to men and their independence from men.

In Pharaonic Egypt women had enjoyed almost full equality with men ,and great respect,Social status determined by the level of the person in social hierarchy rather than gender,Egyptian women enjoyed more freedom, rights and privileges compared to what women had known in Greeks.

Multitude of goddesses (the feminine gods) won sanctification through the history of Egypt.Was to show disrespect to a woman, according to the law (Ma'at) means the opposing the foundations of the Egyptian beliefs and ubiquity.

The Egyptians had Authorized for a woman to become the heir of the throne, but the man who she had chosen to be her husband, would become a ruler or Pharaoh. and Her mission was to preserve the royal blood and its continuity.

The women enjoyed many of the legal rights and the civil rights , such as participation in trade transactions,business dealings and ownership of land and the private real estate, management and sale.

Women had the right to arrange adoptions, and the liberation of slaves, and the formulation of legal settlements, and the conclusion of contracts. They were testify in court, and doing claims against other parties, and represent themselves in legal disputes without the presence of a relative or a representative of the men.During the Pharaonic era women won their full rights in marriage and inheritance.

They were allowed to get professional jobs such as knitting and sewing, midwife and counselor for the Pharaoh, and were able to also took over senior positions in the temple, such asdancers or High Priestessa position deep respect.

As for the social situation it was not surprising or prohibited to rise a working woman in terms of social status or position. Among the famous women( from outside the royal family), a woman named (Benet). Was married to a governor of one of the provinces during the reign of the Sixth Dynasty.That lady has got the highest position surnames, the titles of the ruler, and the judge and the Minister of the pharaoh.

It was available for women to work as writers, doctors, but their numbers were less than their male counterparts.
Stated in the Ancient records the names of doctors of the Old Kingdom. Of these doctors Mrs.(Baishest) that lived during the reign of the Fifth Dynasty, and carried the title (President of Physicians) according to the inscription on her grave.
Women's access to the title of writer made them hold the most senior ,and highest positions such as accountant in Pharaonic palace or the store directors,and manager and the work of many women in thetrade and management of stores temples.

Equality between the gender was something normal and innate in ancient Egyptian society, even in the countryside but without an exaggeration, and to preserve the woman's basic role as a mother and wife and housewife.

The graphics of the era that showed women as workers in the field helping their husband in the harvest, like a man if it was needed.

And also in education each girl child was born in the upper layer or in the Royal family should start teaching such as any of the boys in the fourth year of life .

Girls as boys were learning to read and write hieroglyphs and ancient Egyptian literature and letters in a simple form of ancient Egyptian writing of hieroglyphics,to be used in everyday life and not used in official and religious texts, as in the hieroglyphs.
Daughters of kings and princes, had the right to learn the full curriculum, which contains the principles and basics of mathematics and engineering.

There is a saying of one of the Elders of Ancient Egypt:

If you are looking for wisdom and happiness, love your wife and your partner ,take care of her and she will take care of you and treat your home and caring for your children, and with love. Take care of her as long as you are alive because she is a gift and a blessing from the God, who responded to your prayer . Enjoy this blessing because the sanctification of the gift of God is what pleases your Lord.
Feel her passion before her because she is the mother of your children .If you made her happy,she will delight your children If you look after her ,she would take care of them.She is a trust in your heart and your hands and you are responsible about her to the God because you took on yourself a promise in front of the God,that you will be a brother and a father and a partner and a friend of your wife and lover.

تستطيع أن تعرف مدى تقدم الشعوب و الأمم من مكانه المرأه فى المجتمع و وضعها ومكانتها و حقوقها مقارنه بالرجل و استقلاليتها عن الرجل.

ارى ان المرأة المصريه القديمه تمتعت بما لم نتمتع به نحن الحديثات فى ايامنا هذه.

ففى مصر الفرعونيه حظيت النساء بالمساواة التامه تقريبًا مع الرجال. وتمتعت المرأه باحترام كبير، حيث الوضع الاجتماعي يحدده مستوى الشخص في السٌلم الاجتماعي وليس نوع الجنس وتمتعت نساء مصر بقدر أكبر من الحرية والحقوق والامتيازات مقارنة بما عرفته نساء الإغريق. وحظي عدد وافر من الربات (الآلهه المؤنثه) بالتقديس عبر تاريخ مصر. وكان إظهار عدم الاحترام لامرأة، وفقًا لقانون (ماعت) يعني معارضة أسس المعتقدات المصرية والوجود المطلق. 

وأجاز المصريون للمرأة أن تصبح وريثة للعرش، إلا أن الرجل الذي تختاره زوجًا لها هو الذي يصبح حاكمًا أو فرعونًا. وتتمثل مهمتها في الحفاظ على الدم الملكي واستمراره.
الملكه الجميله نفرتيتى

وتمتعت النساء بالعديد من الحقوق القانونية و المدنيه ، مثل المشاركة في التعاملات التجارية، وامتلاك الأراضي والعقارات الخاصة، وإدارتها وبيعها.
و كان للنساء حق ترتيب عمليات التبني، وتحرير العبيد، وصياغة التسويات القانونية، وإبرام التعاقدات. وكن يشهدن في المحاكم، ويقمن الدعاوي ضد أطراف آخرين، ويمثلن أنفسهن في المنازعات القانونية من دون حضور قريب أو ممثل لها من الرجال.
و نالت المرأه فى العهود الفرعونيه حقوقها كاملة فى الزواج و الإرث

وفتح باب العديد من الوظائف المهنية أمام النساء مثل النساجة والحياكة والقابلة ومستشارة الفرعون، واستطعن أيضًا تولى مناصب عليا في المعبد، مثل الراقصات أو كبيرة الكاهنات وهو منصب بالغ الاحترام.

أما عن الوضع الإجتماعى فلم يكن مستغربًا أو محظورًا أن ترتقي امرأة عصامية من ناحية الوضع الاجتماعي أو المنصب فمن بين النساء الشهيرات من خارج الأسرة الملكية امرأة تدعى (بنِتِ) بكسر النون والباء. كانت متزوجة من حاكم أحد الأقاليم خلال عهد الأسرة السادسة، وقد حملت هذه السيده أعلى الألقاب مكانة، لقب الحاكم، والقاضي ووزير الفرعون.

واتيح للنساء العمل ككاتبات وطبيبات وأن كن بأعداد أقل من نظرائهم الرجال. وترجع السجلات التي ورد فيها أسماء طبيبات إلى الدولة القديمة. ومن هؤلاء الطبيبات السيدة (بيشيشت) التي عاشت إبان عهد الأسرة الخامسة، وحملت لقب (رئيسة الأطباء) وفقًا للنقش الموجود على شاهد قبرها.
و حصول المرأه على لقب كاتب جعلها تتقلد ارفع المناصب مثل وظيفة المحاسب في القصر الفرعوني أو مدير المخزن كما عمل العديد من نساء في التجارة و إدارة مخازن المعابد

المساواة بين الجنسين كان شيئا طبيعيا و فطريا في المجتمع المصري القديم حتى فى الريف لكن بدون مبالغة و بالحفاظ على دور المرأة الأساسي كأم و زوجة و ربة بيت و كانت الرسومات من العصر هذا تبين المرأة كعاملة في الحقل تساعد زوجها في جمع المحصول مثلها مثل الرجل إذا احتاج الأمر.

و كذلك فى التعليم كل طفلة مولودة في الطبقة العليا أو في الأسرة الملكية كان من الواجب أن تبدأ تعليمها مثل الصبيان أي في السنة الرابعة من عمرها و البنات مثل الأولاد كن يتعلمن الكتابة و القراءة بالهيروغليفية و الأدب المصري القديم و الحروف الهيرية و هي شكل من أشكال الكتابة المصرية القديمة لكن ابسط من الهيروغليفية و تستعمل في الحياة اليومية و لا تستخدم في النصوص الدينية و الرسمية كما في الكتابة الهيروغليفية. بنات الملوك و الأمراء كان لديهم الحق في تعلم المنهج كاملا و الذي كان يحتوي على مبادئ و أساسيات علم الرياضيات و الهندسة . وهناك قول لأحد حكماء مصر القديمة : 

إذا كنت تبحث عن الحكمة و السعادة أحب زوجتك و شريكتك و اهتم بها و أرعاها فهي ستهتم ببيتك و ترعى أطفالك و ترويهم بحبها. اهتم بها ما دمت على قيد الحياة لأنها هدية و نعمة من ربك الذي استجاب لصلاتك و دعواتك. تمتع بهذه النعمة لان تقديس هذه العطية الالهية هو ما يرضي ربك.حس بآلامها قبلها لأنها أم لأطفالك . إذا جعلتها سعيدة ستسعد أولادك وإذا اعتنيت بها ستعتني بهم . هي وديعة في قلبك و يديك و أنت المسئول عنها أمام ربك لأنك أّخذت على نفسك عهدا أمام مزار الالهة انك ستكون أخا و أبا و شريكا و صديقا لزوجتك و عاشقتك. 

ارجو ان تكونوا قد استمتعتم بهذا المقال الذى يعرفنا كيف كانت المرأة فى مصر من آلآف السنين 
شكرا لكم
منال رأفت 

Friday, November 04, 2011

Siwa Oasis In Egypt واحة سيوه المصريه

سيوه واحة في الصحراء الغربية المصرية تبعد سيوة حوالي 300 كم. عن ساحل البحرالمتوسط إلى الجنوب الغربي من مرسى مطروح التي تتبع محافظة مرسى مطروح 
اكتشفت في واحة سيوة عام 2007 أقدم آثار لأقدام بشرية على وجه الأرض قدّر عمرها إلى 3 ملايين عام

اللغة و السكان
لغة خاصة بها و هى اللغة الامازيغية نسبا والسيوية نطقاتوجد نسبة من السكان من أصل أفريقي أسود(من غرب أفريقيا جنوب الصحراء)هم الأمازيغ او التكروروكل سكانها مسلمون من أهل السنة

أبرز المعالم

أطلال البلدة القديمة المعروفة باسم شالي*
آثار معبد أمون مقر أحد أشهر عرّافي العالم القديم، وهو الذي زاره الإسكندر الأكبر عام  333 قبل الميلاد حيث نصبه الكهنة ابنا للإله أمون وتنبؤوا له بحكم مصر والعالم القديم المعروف في ذلك الوقت
الينابيع والبحيرات الصغيرة وعيون المياه العذبة مثل عين كيفارة*
توجد في سيوة مراكز للاستشفاء الطبيعي وفنادق فاخرة بنيت بشكل يسعى لأن يكون بسيطا ومنسجما البيئة الطبيعية والثقافية للواحة، إضافة إلى فنادق أخرى عادية؛ وتستقطب المنطقة أعدادا متزايدة من السياح كل عام

شهرة الواحه
تشتهر بتمرها وزيتونها ومنتجات الزيوت والصناعات اليدوية من سجاد والمنسوجات*

It is an oasis in Egypt, located between the Qattara Depression and the Egyptian Sand Sea ( 

The sand seas contain dunes up to 110m in height ) in the Libyan Desert, nearly 50 km (30 mi) east of the Libyan border, and 560 km (348 mi) from Cairo .

Siwa Oasis is one of Egypt's most isolated settlements, with 23,000 people, mostly ethnic Berbers who speak a distinct language ( Berber Language is the language that includes all the indigenous related dialects or languages of North Africa, spoken from Siwa Oasis in Egypt to Morocco, through much of the Sahara Desert countries.) of the Berber family known as Siwi

Its fame lies primarily in its ancient role as the home to an oracle of Amon, the ruins of which are a popular tourist attraction which gave the oasis its ancient name Ammonium. 

Attractions for tourists ( Please watch the video ) 
  • In Siwa there is an ancient fortress, built on natural rock, made of salt, mud-brick and palm logs and known as the Shali Ghadi ("Shali" being the name of the town, and "Ghadi" meaning remote or far ).
  • The remains of the oracle temple . 
  •  The Mountain of the Dead ( the Gebel al Mawta ). 
    • A Roman-era necropolis featuring dozens of rock-cut tombs.
    • Cleopatra's Bath an antique natural spring. 
    • Fatnas Island , which became a palm-fringed peninsula located on the edge of a saltwater lake 

    Activities in Siwa 

    Agriculture : is the main activity of modern Siwi, particularly the cultivation of dates and olives. Siwa is popular for its palm and olive trees, producing huge volumes of dates and olives. Extra virgin olive oil is one of Siwa's popular products used in Egypt and exported to Europe. Mulukhiyah is also a reputable Siwa product in Egypt.

    Handicrafts : like basketry are also of regional importance.

    Tourism : has in recent decades become a vital source of income. Much attention has been given to creating hotels that use local materials and play on local styles.


    Saturday, October 15, 2011

    Safari in Egypt رحلات السفارى فى مصر

    Recently, the meaning of the word Safari was extended to include tours and excursions away from the wildlife of the desert.

    The Safari through the desert in Egypt is the best opportunity to feel the spirit of adventure.This wilderness adventure filled with exotic natural scenes.
    Egypt is one of the most famous places in the Safari, where you can enjoy peace and tranquility, and experience  the natural life of the desert. .

    The best places to Safari in Egypt : 

    Every city in Egypt has its own cultural character. The pyramids of Giza, Cairo, museums, palaces and mosques delightful that you will leave indelible memories! Finally a trip to Egypt would not be complete without a cruise on the small King rivers.

    The desert of western Egypt : is a unique and wonderful place to enjoy the safari in Egypt, due to make existing beach, in addition to the great history of the GM II  you can see the great Sea Arenal where everything was buried by the army of Cambyses the strong sand storm.

      Sinai :  You can visit the Monastery of Santa Catalina by Jeep, climb the Mountain of Moses or do a walk through the camel in the desert.  The Sinai desert has a unique landscape and nature is fascinating!
    Sinai Peninsula read more 

    Hurghada : is one of the ideal places for safari because of its proximity to the desert, their colorful mountains and canyons.   Hurghada read more

    Sakkara : You can see stepped pyramid built for King Zoser (c. 2650 BC) you can read more

    Djoser and The Step Pyramid [ Photoshop Auto - Blend]
     you can visit the Church of Abu-Sergah and St. Berbara. The hanging Church, We will also visit the old Jewish Ben Ezra Synagogue.
    El Fayoum Oasis : to the Ptolemaic ruins in Kom Oshim . visit the Temple Quasar El Sagha. We then enjoy the Pharonic sunset overlooking the vast expanse of Lake Qaroon.

    The grand Sahara :

    Siwa Oasis : visit Dead Mountain,  Siwa House Museum & the Old Fortress of Shali, then the  Oracle Temple where you will see the coronation hall of  Alexander the Great, and then the ruins of Amoun Temple.
     Have a swim in Cleopatra Pool, then Dakrour Mountain (famous for its hot sand, the best place ever for sand bath, used as an effective natural cure for rheumatism, rheumatoid…etc),
    By car go to lakes of Bir Wahed (or Well No. 1) to  swim in salt & fresh water. Then the Hot Spring (37 C), stop to collect shells from the Fossils Mountain. Then enjoy watching the sunset from the highest place around Siwa, having dinner around the fire. Sleep overnight in the desert covered by the stars.Overnight Camping.

    El Bahariya Oasis : (385km) from Cairo about 4 hours . There you can visit the temple of Alexander the great, tombs of the nobles and the English mountain. Join a camel caravan . Enjoy a bathe in the hot water of the spring.Stop at the Black and Crystal Mountain.Then watch the sunset at the white desert.visit the antiquities of EL Bahariya Oasis, Greek Roman mummies at the antiquities office, Greek Roman cemetery from valley of mummies temple of Alexander the Great, Pharonic Temple “Ain El Maftella” (26th Dynasty), Pharonic Thumb “Banatiu” (26th Dynasty).

    Farafra : is the second biggest depression by size located in Western Egypt and the smallest by population, You can visit the White Desert (known as Sahara el Beyda, with the word sahara meaning a desert)

    Heart of Sinai :  fisherman’s city of Abou Zeniema,to the area of Sarabit El Khadem. We pass by ancient mining cites, colorful mountains and heaps of sand to finally reach the mountain of Sarabit. We park our cars and start our climb to thesummit of the mountain to reach the ancient Egyptian temple of Hathor, we tour the Temple and later on visit the ancient Turquoise Mines. Upon our decent we reach the site of our Bedouin camp (area of Sarabit El Khadem)
     start crossing through the heart of  Sinai to reach The Forest of Pillarsoasis of Wadi Firan, we visit the Monastery of Nuns and proceed to St. Catherine
    start our trip to Mount Moses, reaching the area, we start our climb of the 2285 m high mountain. We enjoy the sunrise from one of the highest summits of Sinai. Upon our decent we visit St. Catherine’s Monastery, head towards Nuweiba coastal village passing by Wadi Ghazala.
    Driving in Wadi watir takes us to the colored canyon,


    تعتبر رحلات السفارى مغامرة وتجربه جديده لمن اراد الهدوء والحياة الطبيعية في الصحراء.

    ماذا تعنى كلمة سفارى
    قديما كانت تعنى الرحلات و الجولات الصحراويه
    مؤخرا، تم التوسيع فى معنى كلمة سفارى لتشمل رحلات السفاري جولات ورحلات بعيدا عن الحياة البرية في الصحراء
    رحلات السفاري عبر الصحراء في مصر هى أفضل فرصة للشعور بروح المغامرة
    فالمغامرات البرية دائما ما تكون مليئة بالمشاهد الطبيعية الغريبة و خاصة فى مصر
    تعتبر مصر واحدة من الأماكن الأكثر شهرة في رحلات السفاري، حيث يمكنك التمتع بالسلام والطمأنينة و الهدوء

    أفضل الأماكن لرحلات السفاري في مصر هو صحراء مصر الغربية إنه مكان فريد ورائع للاستمتاع برحلات السفاري في مصر

    و يمكنك مشاهدة بحر الرمال الأعظم حيث تم دفنكل شيء من قبل جيش قمبيز فيعاصفة رملية قوية

    هل قمت بزيارة الصحراء الغربيه و الواحات الداخله و الخارجه و الفرافره ؟هل زرت الفيوم و بحيرة قارون و السبع سواقى ؟ 
    هل قمت بزيارة سيناء و الكنيسه المعلقه و الجبال الملونه ؟
    هل زرت الجوامع و المتاحف ؟
    ادعوكم لزيارة مصر سوف تستمتعون بهذه الزياره.

    شكرا لكم

    Sunday, August 14, 2011

    Menes The Ancient Egyptian Pharaoh مينا موحد القطرين ... مع درس فوتوشوب

     تاريخ الملك العظيم مينا موحد القطرين مع درس فى الفوتو شوب

    The history of Menes with a Photoshop lesson

    The original picture of Menes 

    The Photoshop manipulated picture 

    King Menes is traditionally believed to have begun Egyptian history.Ancient tradition ascribed to Menes the honour of having united Upper and Lower Egypt into in a single kingdom and becoming the first pharaoh of Dynasty I 

     Actually, Menes is the Greek form of the name provided by the third century BC Egyptian historian, Manetho.The name, Menes, means "He who endures" ,denoting a semi-legendary hero .

    Menes was the founding king of the 1st Dynasty, and was the first king to unify Upper and Lower Egypt into one kingdom. Ancient Egypt's most predominant form of civilization began with his crowning, and did not end permanently until the beginning of the  Roman era, which started with Augustus Caeser. Menes founded the city of Memphis, and chose as its location an island in the Nile, so that it would be easy to defend. He was also the founder of Crocodopolis. During his time, the Egyptian army performed raids against the Nubians in the south and expanded his sphere of influence as far as the First Cataract.

    However, his name does not appear on extant pieces of the Royal Annals (Cairo Stone and Palermo Stone), which is a now-fragmentary king's list that was carved onto a stela during the Fifth dynasty. He typically appears in later sources as the first human ruler of Egypt, directly inheriting the throne from the god Horus. He also appears in other, much later, king's lists, always as the first human pharaoh of Egypt. Menes also appears in demotic novels of the Graeco-Roman Period, demonstrating that, even that late, he was regarded as important figure.

    Who is Menes ?
    Menes and Narmer 
    The almost complete absence of any mention of Menes in the archaeological record, and the comparative wealth of evidence of Narmer, a protodynastic figure credited by posterity and in the archaeological record with a firm claim to the unification of Upper and Lower Egypt, has given rise to a theory identifying Menes with Narmer.

    Aha (the pharaoh Hor-Aha)
    The relationship between Hor-Aha and Menes (as one person or as successive pharaohs) have arisen.

    The Palermo stone, inscribed on both sides of a black basalt slab, dates from the  Fifth Dynasty and records names of the kings of the 1-5th Dynasties. The first three dynasties consist almost exclusively of events that give the years their names.
    The King-list on this stone mentions several pre-dynastic kings as well as the name of Narmer, Menes, and Aha.

    Some states that "Menes is Narmer and the First Dynasty begins with him". However,some others states that it is "a fairly safe inference" that Menes was Hor-Aha.

    His Family :
    His chief wife was Queen Berenib, though she was not the mother of his heir, King Djer, and his mother was probably Neithotepe, if that lady was not also his wife. His death is a mystery, for, according to legend he was attacked by wild dogs and  Nile crocodiles in the  Faiyum . Aha's tomb resides at Saqqara, the famed necropolis of Memphis.

    Manetho associates the city of Thinis with the first dynasties (Dynasty I and Dynasty II) and, in particular, Menes, a "Thinite" or native of Thinis. Herodotus contradicts Manetho in stating that Menes founded the city of Memphis as his capital after diverting the course of the River Nile through the construction of a dyke. Manetho ascribes the building of Memphis to Menes' son, Athothis, and calls no pharaohs earlier than Dynasty III "Memphite".

    His Death
    Menes, we are told ruled for about 62 years, led the army across the frontier and won great glory. He was killed by a crocodile.

    الملك مينا صاحب التاجين و موحد القطرين
    سمى هذا العصر بالعصر العتيق وهو يشمل الأسرتين الأولى والثانية من تاريخ مصر القديم 
    الملك مينا موحد القطرين فرعون من الأسرة المصرية الأولى مدينة طيبة (الأقصر
     حاليا)، استطاع أن يوحد القطرين(المملكتين الشمال والجنوب) حوالي عام 3200 ق.م ولقب لهذا الفضل العظيم بعدة ألقاب مثل ملك الأرضين، صاحب التاجين، نسر الجنوب، ثعبان الشمال
     أصبح الملك "مينا" مؤسس أول أسرة حاكمة فى تاريخ مصر الفرعونية، بل فى تاريخ العالم كله، ولبس التاج المزدوج لمملكتي الشمال والجنوب

    أصل اسم مينا
    يذكر اسم مينا في بعض الكتابات المصرية القديمة باسم (ميني)، ومن ثم حرف المصريون الاسم إلى مينا و كلمة (ميني) تعنى باللغة المصرية القديمة "يؤسس" أو "يشيد"، فكأن المصريين أرادوا أن يبجلوا عمله في اسمه  وبعض المؤرخين يؤكدون أن (ميني) فعل أو لقب وليس اسما. أما في اللغه القبطية(المصرية القديمه) فاسم مينا له مرادفات كثيرة منها  ثابت أو راسخ أو مكين أو دائم أو باق

     انشاء قلعة الجدار الأبيض و العاصمه الموحده
    أدرك الملك "مينا" ضرورة بناء مدينة متوسطة الموقع، يستطيع منها الإشراف على الوجهين القبلى والبحري، فقام بتأسيس مدينة جديدة على الشاطئ الغربي للنيل مكان قرية "ميت رهينة" الحالية بمحافظة الجيزة، وقد كانت في أول الأمر قلعة حربية محاطة بسور أبيض، أراد بها صاحبها أن يحصن ويحمى المملكة من غارات أصحاب الشمال، وكان "مينا" قد أسماها "نفر" أى الميناء الجميل، وفيما بعد سميت باسم "ممفيس" عصراليونان، ثم اطلق عليها العرب "منف" عند فتح مصر، وقد أصبحت مدينة "منف" عاصمة لمصر كلها فى عهد الدولة القديمة حتى نهاية الأسرة السادسة

    لوحة نارمر
    تم تسجيل انتصارات الملك مينا على مملكة الشمال وتوحيده البلاد على هذه اللوحه   ويرجح المؤرخون أن نارمر هو مينا

    How to manipulate the picture ?

    Wednesday, July 13, 2011

    Life in Ancient Egypt in the Time of the Pharaohs{Part Two}

    Welcome again to my second post about Life in Ancient Egypt to continue the story .I had divided it because it is long ,and I do not like you to get tired of me .
    Thanks for your time .

    The ancient Egyptians had a rich fertile soil resulting from annual inundations of the Nile River,so Egyptians were able to produce an abundance of food .Farming in Egypt was dependent on the cycle of the Nile River.
    The Egyptians recognized three seasons: Akhet (flooding from June to September ), Peret (planting  from October to February ), and Shemu (harvesting from March to May ) .Farmers used sickles to harvest their crops.
    The ancient Egyptians cultivated emmer wheat, and barley, and several other cereal grains, all of which were used to make the two main food staples of bread and beer.
    Papyrus growing on the banks of the Nile River was used to make paper. Vegetables and fruits were grown in garden plots .
    They cultivate also flax plants ,which was used to weave sheets of linen and to make clothing.

    The Egyptians believed that a balanced relationship between people and animals was an essential element of the cosmic order; thus humans, animals and plants were believed to be members of a single whole.
    They use the animal's symbols to refer to their gods . the worship of the gods in their animal form was extremely popular, such as the cat goddess Bastet and the ibis god Thoth, and these animals were bred in large numbers on farms for the purpose of ritual sacrifice.

    Daily life
    *** Housing : Most ancient Egyptians were farmers tied to the land. Their houses were restricted to immediate family members, and were constructed of mud-brick designed to remain cool in the heat of the day. Each home had a kitchen with an open roof, which contained a grindstone for milling flour and a small oven for baking bread. Walls were painted white and could be covered with dyed linen wall hangings. Floors were covered with reed mats, while wooden stools, beds raised from the floor and individual tables comprised the furniture .
    *** Hygiene and appearance : Most bathed in the Nile and used a pasty soap made from animal fat and chalk. Men shaved their entire bodies for cleanliness, and aromatic perfumes and ointments covered bad odors and soothed skin.
    - Clothing was made from simple linen sheets that were bleached white, and both men and women of the upper classes wore wigs, jewelry, and cosmetics. Children went without clothing until maturity, at about age 12, and at this age males were circumcised and had their heads shaved. Mothers were responsible for taking care of the children, while the father provided the family's income.
    - Clothing materials were mainly linen and in Roman times occasionally cotton, an import from India . Wool was used to a lesser extent .    Animal skins, above all leopard skins, were sometimes worn by priests and by pharaohs in their role as first servants of the god. Such outfits were found in Tutankhamen's tomb and were depicted quite frequently on the walls of tombs.
    - Fashion    The clothes were generally made of linen and kept simple: a short loincloth resembling a kilt for men, a dress with straps for women.
    - Laundering :  Cleanliness was apparently next to godliness in ancient Egypt.
    Manually washing clothes was hard work. Soap was unknown to the ancient Egyptians, so lye, made of castor-oil and saltpetre or some such substances, or detergents made of soap wort or asphodel  were used. The laundry was beaten, rinsed and wrung by pairs of workers. By 1200 BCE there were fire-proof boilers in the wash-houses, and the hot water lightened the workload.
    The poorer people had no access to facilities and had to do their laundry under at times difficult conditions. Washing on the shore of the river or the bank of a canal, which had the advantage of not having to carry a lot of water in heavy earthen pots.
    - Headdresses : ordinary Egyptians did not wear any headdress as a rule , but it was better if you will put wigs like the Africans,perhaps on special occasions.
    The pharaohs are always wearing crowns.
    Footwear : Egyptians went barefoot much of the time, but wore sandals on special occasions or when their feet were likely to get hurt. The sandals were tied with two thongs and, if they had a pointed tip this was often turned upwards. They were made of leather or rush woven or stitched together, and often had leather soles and straps.Early Middle Kingdom shoes were little more than sandals with straps between the toes and joined to the sides at the heel with the upper leather just covering the foot without being fastened to the foot itself.

    - Music and dance : were popular entertainments for those who could afford them. Early instruments included flutes and harps, while instruments similar to trumpets, oboes, and pipes developed later and became popular. In the New Kingdom, the Egyptians played on bells, cymbals, tambourines, and drums and imported lutes and lyres from Asia.[128] The sistrum was a rattle-like musical instrument that was especially important in religious ceremonies.

    The ancient Egyptians maintained a rich cultural heritage complete with feasts and festivals accompanied by music and dance.

    Thanks for your time .I hope it was easy and useful .

    Life in Ancient Egypt in the Time of the Pharaohs{Part One}حياة المصريين القدماء

    Introduction to Ancient Egypt

    Ancient Egypt was an ancient civilization of eastern North Africa, concentrated along the lower reaches of the Nile River in what is now the modern country of Egypt.
    Egyptian civilization coalesced around 3150 BC with the political unification of Upper and Lower Egypt under the first pharaoh.
    The history of ancient Egypt occurred in a series of stable Kingdoms, separated by periods of relative instability known as Intermediate Periods. The Old Kingdom of the Early Bronze Age, the Middle Kingdom of the Middle Bronze Age and the New Kingdom of the Late Bronze Age.
    Egypt reached the top of its power during the New Kingdom { Egyptian Empire }, in the Ramesside period { after the eleven pharaohs that took the name of Ramesses }, after which it entered a period of slow decline. Egypt was conquered by a succession of foreign powers in this late period.Egypt was conquered by a succession of foreign powers in this late period.
    The success of ancient Egyptian civilization came partly from its ability to adapt to the conditions of the Nile River Valley.Life in ancient Egypt was centered largely on agriculture. The predictable flooding and controlled irrigation of the fertile valley produced surplus crops, which fueled social development and culture .

    The many achievements of the ancient Egyptians include the quarrying, surveying and construction techniques that facilitated the building of monumental pyramids, temples, and obelisks; a system of mathematics, a practical and effective system of medicine, irrigation systems and agricultural production techniques, the first known ships, Egyptian faience and glass technology, new forms of literature, and the earliest known peace treaty .
    Egypt left a lasting legacy. Its art and architecture were widely copied, and its antiquities carried off to far corners of the world.

    Administration and commerce
    The pharaoh was the absolute monarch of the country and, wielded complete control of the land and its resources.The king was the supreme military commander and head of the government,who relied on a bureaucracy of officials to manage his affairs .
    The vizier, who acted as the king's representative .
    Ancient Egyptians did not use coinage until the Late period , they were using a type of money-barter system.
    During the 5th century BC coined money was introduced into Egypt from abroad. At first the coins were used as standardized pieces of precious metal rather than true money, but in the following centuries international traders came to rely on coinage.
    Grain could be traded for other goods, according to the fixed price list.

    Social status

    Egyptian society was highly stratified, and social status was expressly displayed .
    **Farmers made up the bulk of the population,but agricultural produce was owned directly by the state, temple, or noble family that owned the land.Farmers were also subject to a labor tax and were required to work on irrigation or construction projects in a corvée system.
    **Artists and craftsmen were of higher status than farmers, but they were also under state control, working in the shops attached to the temples and paid directly from the state treasury.
    **Scribes and officials formed the upper class in ancient Egypt .
    **The so-called "white kilt class" in reference to the bleached linen garments that served as a mark of their rank.
    **The upper class prominently displayed their social status in art and literature. Below the nobility were the priests, physicians, and engineers with specialized training in their field.
    **Slavery was known in ancient Egypt , but the extent is not clear .

    The ancient Egyptians viewed men and women, including people from all social classes except slaves, as essentially equal under the law.

    Both men and women had the right to own and sell property, make contracts, marry and divorce, receive inheritance, and pursue legal disputes in court.
    Compared with their counterparts in ancient Greece, Rome, and even more modern places around the world, ancient Egyptian women had a greater range of personal choices and opportunities for achievement. Women such as Hatshepsut and Cleopatra even became pharaohs.
    Despite these freedoms,Egyptian women were not as likely to be as educated as men.

    Please read also
    Ancient Egyptian Gods and Goddesses
    Ancient Egyptian symbols and Definitions
    Egyptian hieroglyphs

    مقدمه لحضارة مصر القديمه
    تواجدت حضاره مصر القديمه فى الشمال الشرقى لأفريفيا تركزت هذه الحضاره على   نهر النيل و هى الآن دوله مصر الحديثه 
    و فى حوالى 3150 قبل الميلاد التأمت الحضارة المصرية  مع الوحدة السياسية لمصر العليا والسفلى تحت الفرعون الأول

    و قد كان تاريخ مصر عباره عن سلسله من الممالك المستقره بينها فترات من الضعف   عرف بالفترات الانتقاليه عصر الدولة القديمة من العصر البرونزي المبكر ، المملكة الوسطى من العصر البرونزي الوسيط وعصر الدولة الحديثة من العصر البرونزي المتأخر
    وصلت مصر الي قمة قوتها خلال عصر الدولة الحديثة  وهو ما عرف بالإمبراطورية  المصرية فى فترة الرعامسة  وسميت بهذا الأسم بعد الأحد عشر فرعون الذين كانوا يسموا باسم رمسيس بعدها شهدت البلاد تراجعا بطيئاو احتلت مصر بسلسله متعاقبه من القوى الاجنبيه 
    اعتمد المصريون القدماء فى حضارتهم الخالده على نهر النيل و لهذا قامت حضارتهم على الزراعه  

    حققت الحضاره المصريه القديمه انجازات كثيرة تشمل المحاجر و المسح وتقنيات التشييد و البناء سهلت بناء الأهرامات الضخمة والمعابد، و المسلات؛ و كذلك نظام للرياضيات و نظام عملي وفعال في الطب ونظم الري وتقنيات الانتاج الزراعي ، وأول سفن عرفها التاريخ  القيشاني المصري وتكنولوجيا الزجاج ، بالأضافه الى أشكال جديدة من الأدب وأول معاهدة سلام عرفها التاريخ 
    تركت مصر إرثا دائما فقد تم نسخ و تقليد الفن و العماره المصريه القديمه على نطاق واسع 
    كان المصريون القدماء رجالا و نساء متساوون امام القضاء ماعدا العبيد
    كان الرجال و النساء متساون فى كل الحقوق فى البيع و الشراء و العقود و الزواج و الطلاق و قد سبقوا الممالك القديمه فى ذلك 
    و كانت المرأة تتمتع بحريه كبيره فى المعاملات حتى انهن كن من اعظم ملكات التاريخ مثل حتشبسوت و نفرتيتى  
    مع انهم مجتمع طبقى الأغلبيه من الفلاحين  وكان الفنانين و النحاتين اعلى شئنا من الفلاحين اما الاطباء و المهندسين فكانوا فى اعلى القائمه و يعتبروا من النبلاء

    هذه نبذه بسيطه لان الموضوع طويل جدا 

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    You lie the loudest when you lie to yourself.

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