Wednesday, April 27, 2011

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Monday, April 25, 2011

Lotus Flowers with an Illustrator Card Design زنبق الماء الأزرق او زهور اللوتس

Lotus flower has often been described as the most exquisite wishes of the Mother Nature for the mankind. 

The Meaning Of The World Lotus
Lotus flowers have been influential in cultures across the world from ancient times until today,
from ancient Egypt and India to all across Asia. They have been associated with the human soul, gods and goddesses and featured in stories and legends.  
To the ancient Egyptians, a lotus bud was a symbol of rebirth and fertility. It closes in the evening and falls to the water, but in the morning it opens and is lifted above the surface.Its behavior emulates that of the sun. Because of this rising and setting, it is also a symbol of death and rebirth . 

The lotus( The blue water lily) was commonly used in art as a symbol of Upper Egypt. It was combined with  the long stems papyrus flower (the symbol of Lower Egypt) as a representation of the unification of the two lands ( Upper and Lower Egypt).It  was shown throughout Egypt in tombs and temples to symbolize the union of Upper and Lower Egypt, but the blue water lily had a much deeper significance to the Egyptian people.

The god of the blue water lily was Nefertem, a god not just linked to the sun but to beautification and healing.It was he who brought a water lily to the sun god Ra, to help ease the suffering of his aging body. The perfume of this flower was not only pleasing to the Egyptians, but they saw it as healing as well .Scenes show women holding the water lily and people being offered the flower at parties, smelling its divine fragrance. Some people today believe that the Egyptians used this plant as a narcotic both for its healing qualities and as a recreational drug when soaked in wine, though this is a hotly debated topic.

The blue water lily was possibly also a symbol of sexuality -  the flower "has a sort of Viagra effect". Women were wooed with the blue water lily.

The flower wasn't just used at parties, but it was used at funerals.Tutankhamen's innermost gold coffin had blue water lily petals scattered over it along with a few other floral tributes.The Egyptians looked forward to their souls coming to life "like a water lily reopening", thinking that the deceased died as the water lily closed awaiting opening with the morning sun. The Book of the Dead has a spell to allow the deceased to transform into one of these flowers.

As a general The Lotus flower basically symbolizes the clarity of heart as well as the mind. In other words the Lotus flower represents strength, good luck, long life as well as honor and respect. Some scholars have even talked of the lotus flower being a universal representation of the spiritual presence in human lives. 

The Appearance:
 In Egypt, two native species of lotus grew, the white lotus and the blue lotus. A third type, the pink lotus was introduced to the country from Persia during the Late period. All three species were depicted in Egyptian art the pink lotus showed up in Hellenistic artworks, however the sacred blue lotus was the flower most commonly used and the one depicted in the hieroglyph. 

طالما ما وصفت زهور اللوتس بانها رمز للامنيات الرائعه والرومانسيه الحالمه

معنى زهرة اللوتس 
كانت و مازالت زهرة اللوتس صاحبة تأثيرا في الثقافات في جميع أنحاء العالم من العصور القديمه و حتى يومنا هذا وخاصه عند المصريين القدماء و الهنود و تقريبا كل الآسيويين لارتباطهم بالروح و الآلهه و الأساطير 
عند المصريين القدماء كان برعم الزهره يرمز الى الخصوبه و الى ولادة جديده وهذا بسبب الطبيعه الخلابه للزهره ففى الليل تغلق الزهره اوراقها ونهبط الى مخدعها تحت سطح الماء فى النهر اما فى الصباح الناكر مع شروق الشمس تخرج الزهره من جديد من تحت الماء وتفتح اوراقها مستبشره باليوم الجديد و لهذا كانت رمزا للتفاؤل و العوده للحياه بعد الموت كما هو فى الاستيقاظ بعد النوم و قد شابه سلوك زهره اللوتس الشمس من حيث الزهورنهارا و الاختفاء ليلا 
زهرة اللوتس أو زنبق الماء الأزرق كان يشيع استخدامها في الفن باعتباره رمزا لمصر العليا-صعيد مصر حاليا- ولكن بعد توحيد القطرين الشمالى و الجنوبى اتحدت زهرة اللوتس مع زهرة البردى طويلة الساق لتكون رمزا موحدا لمصر القديمه ولكن كان زنبق الماء الأزرق دلالة أعمق بكثير للشعب المصرى والاقرب الى قلوبهم 

لم يكن عطر هذه الزهره مدعاة للسرور بالنسبه للمصرى القديم فقط وانما كان سببا للشفاء كذلك 
وهناك لوحات قديمه تظهر نساء يقدمن اللوتس للناس و آخرين يشتمون عطرها 
 يعتقد بعض الناس اليوم ان المصريين القدماء قد استعملوا هذا النبات كمهدئ او مخدر بسبب قدراته العلاجيه 
لم تستعمل زهرة اللوتس فى الحفلات فقط ولكن استعملت فى الجنائز ايضا عند المصريين القدماءفقد احتوى التابوت الداخلى لتوت عنخ آمون على بتلات زنبق الماء الأزرق مع بعض الزهور الأخرى فقد اعتقد المصريون القدماء فى عودة الروح الى جسد المتوفى بعد الدفن تشابها مع زهرة اللوتس 

وبصفه عامه فان زهرة اللوتس ترمز الى الصفاء فى النفس و القلب والعقل كما ترمز الى القوة، وحسن الحظ، و طول العمر، فضلا عن الشرف والاحترام 
وكان لبعض علماء اللوتس راى اعم و اروع فهم يعتقدون انها التمثيل العالمي للوجود .
الروحي في حياة الإنسان

The Card Design
This is Illustrator design.

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Ancient Egyptian Gods and Goddesses الآلهه الفرعونيه القديمه ... مع درس فوتوشوب

The Spirits of Life
for the Ancient Egyptians 
روح الحياه عند المصرى القديم 
The Nile Valley was split up into about forty self ruling areas (later to be provinces - so called nomes) where the ruling tribes had their own deities.
From the dualism of all gods it's clear that animals were the first to get divine status and by time got human form.
Because of this all gods had two things in common - they were family members with counterparts from the opposite sex and manifested themselves on earth through animals.
 Thus the local wild fauna of birds, crocodiles, snakes, turtles, frogs, plus cattle, dogs, cats and other domesticated animals were considered to be the living images of a particular god or goddess and a natural and indestructible part of the environment in which people lived.

All parts of life were covered and there were gods for - beer, plants, digestion, the high seas, female sexuality, gardens, partying etc. Many of them had lots of duties and were with time combined with each other in a great number of ways.
Some of them could appear in an unusual forms like a goddess (curious even by Egyptian standards) having a head of a bee and body from a hippopotamus. 
Different towns struggled to have just their local gods at top of the state religion and thus we have many different religious legends over the years depending upon which town had the greatest politi-cal influence during the period. 

That was a short introduction .
Here are some important Gods and Goddesses

Amun - King of the Gods 

His other names : Amen, Ammon, Amon, Amoun 
Among the Egyptian gods and goddesses, Amun is considered the most important. He was a creator god, and generations of pharaohs adopted him as their patron deity. His name even appears in the names of pharaohs, such as Tutankhamun. 

Amun, whose name means "Hidden", was originally worshipped locally in Thebes. When Thebes conquered neighboring states, Amun grew to become a national deity throughout Egypt.

As Amun's importance grew, he was declared to be King of the Gods, and many temples were built in his name in places such as Karnak and Luxor.

At one point, he was also combined with the sun god Ra to form Amun-Ra, the almighty god of the sun and creation.

Anubis - God of the Dead
He is represented as a man with the head of a jackal.  

Bes - God of Protection,the goddess Bastet
Bes was a uniquegod. Unlike the other Egyptian gods and goddesses, who were depicted in noble positions and likenesses, Bes was usually pictured to be a dwarf with a large head, stumpy legs and a generally ugly look.
Like the goddess Bastet, Bes was also the patron god of music and dancing, and was associated with other feminine aspects such as childbirth.
Bes also had a protective aspect, and statues of him could be seen in homes, guarding the family against evil spirits and animals.

Geb - God of Earth 
Other names : Keb, Seb
His parents were Shu, god of the air, and Tefnet, goddess of the rain. His sister and wife was Nut, goddess of the sky.

Hapi - God of the Nile 
He had green-skinned and with a woman's breasts, representing the fertility and life-giving resources of the river.

Hathor - Goddess of Life  
Other names : Athyr, Het Hert.
 She is often depicted as a cow, or a woman with a cow's head, or a woman with the horns of a cow and a solar disc on her head.The majority of records describe her as the goddess of women, childbirth, happiness and anything to do with the joy of life, and also the protector of Horus [ considered the mother of Horus, and by extension the mother of the pharaoh.].
However, as the influence of the goddess Isis grew, Hathor's role as Horus' mother was absorbed by Isis, as were the roles of other Egyptian goddesses.

Horus - The Falcon God 
Other names :Heru, Hor 
Horus is one of the more important Egyptian gods. He is usually depicted as a man with the head of a falcon , or sometimes as a falcon as well. He is also depicted as a falcon encircling the head of the pharaoh with his wings.

Some describe the Egyptian god Horus as the dutiful son of Osiris and Isis. When the evil god Set murdered Osiris, Horus avenged his father and killed Set.

Isis - The Mother Goddess 
The Egyptian goddess Isis, commonly described as the sister and wife of Osiris and mother of Horus, is the most important of the Egyptian goddesses. Her cult was the biggest, spreading the farthest among all the Egyptian gods, as far as Europe and Persia.
Isis is commonly depicted as a seated queen suckling and cradling the baby Horus.Isis was considered the mother goddess, watching over the pharaoh and the throne. As her influence and following grew over the centuries, Isis' portfolio grew to include many other attributes, such as goddess of magic, queen of the underworld and goddess of agriculture.

Nut - The Sky Goddess 
Nut was the daughter of Shu, the Egyptian god of air, and Tefnut, goddess of water. She was also the sister and wife of Geb, god of the earth.
Nut's domain was the sky, and she was commonly pictured as a naked woman arching over the earth, with her hands and feet touching the ground. Her body is usually sky-colored and filled with stars. She is also sometimes depicted as a cow. Some stories tell of Nut swallowing the sun in the evening, and giving birth to it in the morning.
Nut is famous for being the mother of some of the most important egyptian gods: Osiris, Isis, Set and Nephthys. The story of Ra mentions the sun god Ra forbidding Nut to bear any children, for fear of them taking his throne from him. But Nut sought the help of the wise god Thoth, and managed to give birth to her four children.

Osiris - The Egyptian God of the Underworld
Osiris is among the most important Egyptian gods, having a cult following that grew beyond Egypt's borders. Modern-day Egypt still celebrates festivals dedicated to him. Osiris is usually depicted as a mummy wearing the Atef crown with a crook and flail in his hands.
Osiris is said to be the Egyptian god that brought civilization and agriculture to Egypt. It was he who taught the people how to farm and harvest grain. As such, he was worshipped as a god of agriculture.

Ra - The Sun God 
Other names : Re 
Another of the most important Egyptian gods, Ra represented the creative force of the sun. 
Many myths credit Ra to be the first of the gods, creating the world from a watery chaos. 

Set - God of Chaos
The Egyptian god Set is most commonly portrayed as a man with a demonic head, resembling that of an aardvark [ pig]. 

There are many Gods and Goddesses still but it will be very long for the post .
There are Thoth - God of Wisdom ,Ma'at - Goddess of Truth,Nekhebet - Goddess of Upper Egypt ,and Nephthys - Mistress of the Dead and others.

معلومه هامه 
قبل ان تقراء هذا المقال احب ان اوضح شىء مهم و هوأن المصريين القدماء لم يكونوا مشركين او كفار او عبدة اصنام فى اغلب العصور ... بدليل وجود انبياء كثيره فى وقتهم فى مصر علموهم التوحيد مثل ذا الكفل و ادريس وذا النون ويوسف و موسى وعيسى عليهم السلام ولكنهم كانوا يرمزوا بهذه اللآلهه  لصفات الله عز وجل و يعبدونها لهذا ... و لم يتركوا صفه ولا اسم للله سبحانه و تعالى الا و ذكروه وما كانت المسلات الفرعونيه الا اشاره توحيد الى السماء لله عز وجل   

كان وادى النيل ينقسم الى حوالى اربعين منطقه للحكم الذاتى قبل الوحده و التى سميت فيما بعد محافظات
وكما يبدو من ظاهره ازدواجيه الآلهه ان أن الحيوانات كانت أول من يحصل على منزلة إلهية و بمرور الوقت اخدت الشكل الآدمى ولهذا تجد بعض الآلهه لها رأس حيوان على جسم انسان كما انهم افراد اسر و لهم شركاء من الجنس الآخر وبعضهم عائلات و انها كشفت عن نفسها على وجه الأرض عن طريق الحيوانات ولهذا كانت الحيوانات البريه المحليه مثل الطيور و لتماسيح والأفاعي والسلاحف والضفادع، بالإضافة إلى الماشية والكلاب والقطط وغيرها من الحيوانات المستأنسه كانت تعتبر الصوره الحيه لاله معين عندهم وجزء طبيعي وغير قابل للتدميرللبيئة التي عاش فيها الناس و تمت تغطية جميع مناحي الحياة وكان هناك آلهه لكل شىء للبيرة، والنباتات، والهضم، وأعالي البحار ، والحياة الجنسية للأنثى، والحدائق و حتى الحفلات الى آخره وكان للعديد منهم الكثير من الواجبات و بمرور الوقت اتحدت هذه الواجبات مع بعضها ويمكن لبعض منهم ان يظهر في أشكال غير عادية حتى بالمقاييس المصريه مثل رأس حيوان او حشره مثل النحله على جسم انسان 

هناك ما يقرب من 2000 اله عند المصرى القديم ولكنى هنا سوف اذكر البعض منها و اهمها

آمون -- ملك الآلهة 
يعتبر آمون من اهم الآلهه القديمه وكان يعتبر خالق-يمثل صفه الخلق - واعتبرته اجيال من الفراعنه النصير لهم و المعبود و راعى الالوهيه مثل الفرعون توت عنخ آمون وكما نلاحظ هذا الشق فى اسم الفرعون
 اما عن معنى الاسم فهو مستور او مخفى او خافى 
وكان يعبد فى اول الامر محليا فى طيبه و عندما غزت طيبه الدول المجاورة نمت عباده آمون لتصبح العباده الرسميه  في جميع أنحاء مصر القديمه و بنيت العديد من المعابد علي اسمه في أماكن مثل الكرنك والأقصر 
وفى ناحيه ما اتحد مع اله الشمس رع ليكون آمون-رع الاله الاعظم للشمس و الخلق 

بس اله الحمايه و الوقايه والالهه بستت  
على عكس كل آلهه المصريين القدماء التى كانت تصور عظيمه وشامخه كان هذا الاله يصور عادة قزم له رأس كبير قصير الساقين وعموما يبدو قبيح 
ويشترك الالهين بس و بستت فى انهما راعيا  الموسيقى والرقص ومرتبط ايضا بنواحى انثويه مثل وضع المولود 
وكان يس له خواص حمايه ايضا و ترى تمثالا له فى المنازل لحراسة الأسرة ضد الأرواح الشريرة والحيوانات

جيب او غيب -- اله الارض
له اسماء اخرى مثل سيب او كيب 
و كان شريكيه شو اله الهواء وتفنت الهة المطر وكانت اخته و زوجته نوت الهة السماء

هناك ايضا آنوبيس -- إله الموتى  و
حابى -- اله النيل و
 حورس --الاله الصقر و 
ايزيس -- الالهة الام او ام الالهه و
اوزوريس -- اله العالم الاخر و
ست -- اله الشر والفوضى
و لايزال هناك الكثبر و الكثير من الآلهه التى لم يسعنى المكان لذكرها حتى لا تملوا القراءه 
لو اردتم ذكر عدد آخر منها اكتبوا لى فى التعليق 

I had colected some in on board in a simple way to be easy to remember . I hope you will like it.

 The new today in how to apply gradient overlay .

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Tadmur, Syria تدمر السوريه

Tadmur or Palmyra  
Tadmur or Tudmur (which means "the town that repels" in Amorite and "the indomitable town" in Aramaic.
About Palmyra some believe it was related to the palm trees in the area. 

 It is recorded in Babylonian tablets found in Mari was an ancient city in Syria. In the age of antiquity, it was an important city of central Syria, located in an oasis 215 km northeast of Damascus. It had long been a vital caravan city for travellers crossing the Syrian desert and was known as the Bride of the Desert.
Though the ancient site fell into disuse after the 16th century, it is still known as Tadmor in Arabic, and there is a newer town next to the ruins of the same name. 
The Palmyrenes constructed a series of large-scale monuments containing funerary art such as limestone slabs with human busts representing the deceased.


The Culture of Palmyra 
Palmyrans were of Arab ethnicity,they bore Arabic names, and worshipped Arabic deities such as: Hubal, Ruda, Ma'nu, Allat, Baal, and Munaf. Palmyrans were originally speakers of a North Arabian dialect; then they adopted Aramaic as an official language thus becoming bilingual, but later shifted from Aramaic into Latin. In the time of the Islamic conquests Palmyra was inhabited by several Arab tribes, primarily Qada'ah and Kalb among others.

Its History 
The history of that town path through many historical eras[ periods] Here are some notes for that periods.

Ancient period   
There had been a temple at Palmyra for 2000 years before the Romans ever saw it.
Greco-Roman periods  
Palmyra was made part of the Roman province of Syria during the reign of Tiberius (14 –37 AD). It steadily grew in importance as a trade route linking Persia, India, China, and the Roman empire. 
Islamic rule  
The city was captured by the Muslim Arabs under Khalid ibn Walid in 634. Palmyra was kept intact. After the year 800 and the civil wars which followed the fall of the Umayyad caliphs, people started abandoning the city. 

Funerary art 
Outside the ancient walls, the Palmyrenes constructed a series of large-scale funerary monuments, which now form the so-called Valley of the Tombs, a 1 km long necropolis, with a series of large structures with rich decorations. These tombs, some of which were below ground, had interior walls that were cut away or constructed to form burial compartments in which the deceased, extended at full length, were placed. Limestone slabs with human busts in high relief sealed the rectangular openings of the compartments. 
إحدى أهم المدن الأثرية عالميآ لها شهرتها ومكانتها، تقع في وسط سوريا وتتبع لمحافظة حمص، هي مدينة ذات أهمية تاريخية حيث كانت عاصمة مملكة تدمر وهي اليوم مدينة سياحية. تبعد 215 كيلومتر عن مدينة دمشق إلى الشمال الشرقي منها، وتقع على بعد 150 إلى الجنوب الغربي من نهر الفرات و160 كيلومتر شرق مدينة حمص. تعرف حاليا في سوريا باسم "عروس الصحراء 
  وتدمر هي أقدم تسمية للمدينة وقد ظهرت في المخطوطات البابلية التي وجدت في مملكة ماري السورية على الفرات وتعني "بلد المقاومين" باللغة العمورية و"البلد التي لا تقهر" باللغة الآرامية السورية القديمة، ارتفع شأن المدينة بعد أن أصبحت عاصمة لمملكة من أهم ممالك الشرق مملكة تدمر ونافست روما وبسطت نفوذها على مناطق واسعة واتصفت تدمر بغناها الكبير وكانت مركزآ تجاريآ، واليوم هذة هي تدمر تتميز بأثارها الرائعة التي تدل على عظمتها وما وصلت اليه في سالف الزمان، تنتشر أثار تدمر على مساحة واسعة وتتكون من شوارع ممتدة تحيط بها ألاعمدة وبوابات ومعابد ومسرح وحانات واكرابول وتتراتيل ومساكن وقصور وخزانات ومدافن وقلعة تاريخيه 
في المدينة متحف تدمر التي يضم اثار المدينة العريقة من تماثيل مجسمات ومخطوطات ونقوش ولقى أثرية هامة وكذلك متحف التقاليد الشعبية الذي يجسد تراث البادية والحياة لسكان تدمر، ويقام في المدينة مهرجان سياحي سنوي تتفاعل فيه الانشطة الفنية بمشاركة فنانين سوريين وعرب وفرق فنية وتقام العروض والمسابقات التراثية والفلكلورية من سباقات للهجن وعرض للخيول العربية الاصيلة وغعاليات ثقافية وادبية وسهرات سياحية 

  As I was so fond of the history of that town and  Queen Zenobia  I had manipulate the photo of thebust of a palmyral woman with photoshop ,and that is   HOW TO MANIPULATE THE PHOTO ,
please visit Arts Of Photos

Monday, April 11, 2011

... The Old Egyptian Language "Hieroglyphs" with Photoshop Video اللغه الهيروغليفيه المصريه القديمه ... مع درس فوتوشوب ... بالفيديو

Egyptian hieroglyphs were a formal writing system used by the ancient Egyptians[ Ancient Egypt was an ancient civilization of eastern North Africa, concentrated along the lower reaches of the Nile River in what is now the modern country of Egypt.] that contained a combination of logographic[ A logogram, or logograph, is a grapheme which represents a word , known also as "ideograms" which represent ideas directly rather than words ] and alphabetic elements. 
Egyptians used cursive hieroglyphs for religious literature on papyrus and wood [ such as the Book of the Dead.]. Less formal variations of the script, called hieratic and demotic, are technically not hieroglyphs.
Egyptian hieroglyphs was a hard language. I had tried to collect some symbols in one artwork designed with photo-shop to show you some letters.

Egyptian hieroglyphs
اللغة الهيروغليفيه
History of Egyptian hieroglyphs
Hieroglyphs emerged from the preliterate artistic traditions of Egypt.For many years the earliest known hieroglyphic inscription was the Narmer Palette, but on 1998 they discover at Abydos the first full sentence written in hieroglyphs so far .No definitive determination has been made as to the origin of hieroglyphics in ancient Egypt.
Hieroglyphs consist of three kinds of glyphs: phonetic glyphs, including single-consonant characters that function like an alphabet; logographs, representing morphemes; and determinatives, which narrow down the meaning of logographic or phonetic words.
As writing developed and became more widespread among the Egyptian people, simplified glyph forms developed,resulting in the hieratic (priestly) and demotic (popular) scripts.
Hieroglyphs continued to be used under Persian rule , and after Alexander the Great's conquest of Egypt, during the ensuing Macedonian and Roman periods .Some believe that hieroglyphs may have functioned as a way to distinguish 'true Egyptians' from some of the foreign conquerors.By the 4th century, few Egyptians were capable of reading hieroglyphs, and the myth of allegorical hieroglyphs was ascendant.


Writing System 
Visually hieroglyphs are all more or less figurative: they represent real or illusional elements.However, the same sign can, according to context, be interpreted in diverse ways: as a phonogram (phonetic reading), as a logo-gram, or as an ideogram (semagram; "determinative") (semantic reading). 

Doubling The doubling of a sign indicates its dual; the tripling of a sign indicates its plural.

Grammatical signs The vertical stroke, indicating the sign is an ideogram;
The two strokes of the "dual" and the three strokes of the "plural";
The direct notation of flexional endings.

  الهيرغليفية المصرية 
تعني النقش المقدس وهو من نظم الكتابة التصويريه   
استعملت الهيرغليفية كنمط كتابة رسمي لتسجيل الأحداث على المعالم والنصوص الدينية علي جدران المعابد والمقابر وأسطح التماثيل والألوح الحجرية المنقوشة والألواح الخشبية الملونة، وبسبب طبيعتها كانت تعد منذ القدم نظامًا للكتابة وفنًا زخرفيًا جميلاً في آن واحد، مثلها في ذلك مثل الخط العربي. ومن أهم الكتابات عند المصريين القدماء كتابة أسمائهم، وأسماء الأب والأم والأخوات، لأنهم كانوا يعتقدون أنه للبعث في الحياة الآخرة لا بد من المحافظة على اسم الشخص إلى جانب المحافظة على جثمانه، وضياع الاسم يعتبر الفناء الكامل. وكانوا يكتبون كذلك وظائفهم بحانب أسمائهن، مثل رئيس الكتاب أمنمحعت (امير-شس امنمحعت)، وإذا توفي رئيس الكتاب أمنمحعت مثلا، فكانوا يكتبون اسمه ووظيفته كالآتي : "امير-شس أمنمحعت، ماع خرو " أي رئيس الكتاب أمنمحعت ،الصادق في كلامه (أمام الآلهة يوم الحساب) بمعنى المغفور له
يعد الخط الهيرغلفي الأب الأول لكل نظم الكتابة اللاحقة إذ بنى قوم ساميون على بعض رموزه نظامًا أبجديًا لتسجيل أصوات لغتهم هو الخط السيناوي الأولي الذي استُنبطت منه لاحقا كل نظم الكتابة الأبجدية المعروفة في العالم تقريبًا، البائدة منها والباقية، وعلى رأسها الكتابة اليونانية القديمة والقبطية ثم الرومانية، ومنها كتابة اللغات الأوروبية
بعد اندثار المعرفة بقراءة الهيرغليفية في العصور المتأخرة انشغل عديدون بمسألة حل رموزها، وتذكر مصادر أن ذا النون المصري وابن وحشية كانا قادرين على قراءتها، ولو جزئيًا 
ذو النون المصري هو ثوبان بن إبراهيم، كنيته "أبو الفيض" ولقبه "ذو النون"، أحد أعلام التصوف في القرن الثالث الهجري وهو ممن روى الحديث عن مالك بن أنس والليث بن سعد 

خطوط أخرى
 إلى جانب النظام الهيرغليفي وجد نظام كتابة أخر أكثر انسيابا واختزالا وأيسر في الكتابة اليدوية هو الخط الهيراطيقي الذي استخدم لكتابة الوثائق الدينية والطبية والإدارية والعلمية والأدبية، يعد تطوره مواكبا لتطور الخط الهيرغيفية وليس منحدرا منه ولا مبنيا عليه. بينما استنبط الخط الديموطيقي من الهيراطيقي في عصور لاحقة. وبعد الاستعمار اليوناني لمصر واختلاط الثقافتين المصرية واليونانية استُنبط نظام كتابة آخر لكتابة اللغة القبطية - وهي النمط الذي وصلن إليه اللغة المصرية في تلك الفترة التاريخية - هو الخط القبطي المبني على رموز الأبجدية اليونانية

تم فك رموز الكتابه المصريه القديمه بعد اكتشاف حجر رشيد 

There are more items to write about Egyptian hieroglyphs , but it will be so long ,so I tried to simplify it . I hope it was useful 

HOW TO DESIGN? [The new item today is the use of the Line Tool]

Friday, April 08, 2011

Smoke. How to make with Photoshop الدخان وكيفيه تنفيذه بالفوتوشوب

Smoke is a colloid and comprises a collection of airborne solid and liquid particulates and gases emitted when a material undergoes combustion [ the process of burning] or pyrolysis [ is a thermo-chemical decomposition of organic material at elevated temperatures in the absence of oxygen ,occurs under pressure and high temperature] ,together with the quantity of air.

 It is commonly an unwanted by-product of fires (including stoves, candles, oil lamps, and fireplaces).It is also caused by smoking, and ,cooking. Smoke is sometimes used as a flavoring agent, and preservative for various foodstuffs.

 Smoke inhalation is the primary cause of death in victims of indoor fires. The smoke kills by a combination of thermal damage, poisoning and pulmonary irritation caused by carbon monoxide, hydrogen cyanide and other combustion products.

Smoke particles are an aerosol of solid particles and liquid droplets ,a smoke cloud does not obstruct an image, but thoroughly scrambles it.

The composition of smoke depends on the nature of the burning fuel and the conditions of combustion.

Visible and invisible particles of combustion 
Depending on particle size, smoke can be visible or invisible to the naked eye.Smoke from a typical house fire contains hundreds of different chemicals and fumes. As a result, the damage caused by the smoke can often exceed that caused by the actual heat of the fire.

Dangers of smoke   
Many compounds of smoke from fires are highly toxic and/or irritating. The most dangerous is carbon monoxide leading to carbon monoxide poisoning. 
Cigarette smoke is a major modifiable risk factor for lung disease, heart disease, and many cancers.


 هو عبارة عن جزيئات صغيرة جداً تنتقل عبر الهواء، وتكون إما صلبة أو سائلة أو غازية. وتخرج عند تعرض المادة لعملية احتراق أو تبخر او تفاعلات اخرى ولونه يكون رمادي أو أبيض أو اسود أو بلا لون وهو من الرغويات وأحيانا قد يسبب شم الدخان الاختناق 
     الدخان هو من نواتج الاحتراق الغير مرغوب بها 
وينتج الدخان من الحرائق التى تحدث فى اماكن عديده ومن المصانع وهناك الدخان الذى ينتج عن التفاعلات الكيميائيه و الادويه والتدخين و كذلك الطهى واسباب اخرى عديده 
وتكمن خطوره الدخان فى انه يسبب الاختناق فى كثير من الاحيان وكذلك التسمم فى احيان اخرى بسبب بعض نواتج الاحتراق مثل اول و ثانى اكسيد الكربون 
ويسبب الدخان عدم وضوح الرؤيه وليس انعدامها تماما و يعتمد هذا على حجم الجزيئات الناتجه عن الاحتراق و عددها 
وقانا الله جميعا شر الحرائق و الدخان 
I had tried to draw smoke with photo-shop to use different tools and ways which is new today in
that post. I had selected two different colors for the smoke .
Please continue reading to know  HOW TO DESIGN THE SMOKE with illustrations

Sunday, April 03, 2011

Tourism in Egypt with a Photoshop lesson السياحه فى مصر مع درس فوتوشوب

Tourism is one of the most important sectors in Egypt's economy. Million of tourists are visiting Egypt yearly.Egypt has been an important destination for people in the Middle East, Africa and Europe from ancient times. The Beginning was in the early 19th century with Napoleon's invasion of Egypt .
This picture shows hieroglyphs board at the back and some nice places to visit in Egypt.

Egypt enjoys a deep-rooted civilization which began when the ancient Egyptians established on the bank of the River Nile the first central state. Throughout centuries, the Egyptians interacted with other civilizations and peoples.

Egypt today transfer from tradition to modernity, Egypt is a country which has succeeded in creating a present that is as fascinating as its past .

Egypt has been always a country of tourism where Europeans used to ‎visit and see its antiquities dating back to the various eras and ‎civilizations. In the recreational tourism domain, there are scores of ‎unique tourist destinations such as Sharm -el-Sheikh, Hurghada, Safaga ‎and others. Moreover, Egypt is renowned for therapeutical and ‎environmental tourism as well as other kinds such as Safari, conferences ‎and sports.‎

Egypt [ The Arab Republic of Egypt] occupies a very important and nice location in the north-eastern corner of Africa and south-western Asia ,so Egypt enjoys a distinguished geographical location at the juncture of the ancient world continents of Africa, Asia and Europe. It has always been a place of inter-civilization reactivation between the East and the West as well as the North and the South. Egypt was also the crossing road of the heavenly religions of the world.
Cairo is the glorious capital of Egypt .

The Egyptian society is one of the oldest of mankind societies. Egyptians discovered agriculture five thousand years ago. With this discovery they came up with the necessity of discipline in a cooperative society.

The Language :Arabic is the official language spoken by all Egyptians. When Arabic is spoken in the streets, it's like a dialect and differs a great deal from classical Arabic.

The Religion : Though the majority of Egyptians are Muslims, there are over 12 million Egyptian Christians .The over all population of the Egyptians almost 85 millions.

What to visit in Egypt?
You can find many things to visit one visit will not be enough .

Major attractions
The celebrated tourist attractions of Egypt are the millennia-old monuments for which the Nile Valley is world famous. Principal among them are

Giza : to visit the Great Sphinx, the Great Pyramid of Giza, and a number of other large pyramids and temples.
Saqqara : to visit ancient burial ground which served as the necropolis for the Ancient Egyptian capital of Memphis. It features numerous pyramids, including the world's oldest standing step pyramid, as well as a number of mastabas.
Luxor : is the site of the ancient city of Thebes and has sometimes been called "the world's greatest open air museum". It includes the ruins of the temple complexes at Karnak and Luxor, which stand within the modern city. On the opposite side of the Nile River lie the monuments, temples and tombs on the West Bank Necropolis, which include the Valley of the Kings and Valley of the Queens.
Abu Simbel : is an archaeological site comprising two massive rock temples originally carved out of a mountainside during the reign of Pharaoh Ramesses II .
Alexandria : is a main summer resort, due to its beaches, ancient history and Museums.
Sinai Peninsula : Sinai has become a tourist destination due to its natural setting, rich coral reefs, and biblical history. Most popular tourist destination in Sinai are Mount Sinai (Jabal Musa) and St. Catherine's Monastery, which is considered to be the oldest working christian monastery in the world, and the beach resorts of Sharm el-Sheikh, Dahab, Nuweiba and Taba.
El-Sokhna : has a number of beach resorts as Stella , Hijaz , Porto El-Sokhna .

السياحه فى مصر
كانت ومازالت مصر من اهم الواجهات التى يتوجه اليها العالم شرقا و غربا   
السباحه فى مصر من اهم مصادر الدخل القومى ويعمل بها عدد غير قليل من قطاع الشباب المدرب 
يزور مصر سنويا العديد من السائحين من مختلف الدول العربيه و الاوروبيه و الاسيويه 
    وقد بدأت انظار العالم تتجه الى مصر مع الحمله الفرنسيه على مصر فى القرن الثامن عشر بقياده نابوليون بونابرت و اكتشاف حجر رشيد و فك شفره اللغه الهيروغليفيه 
 تحولت مصر فى وقت سريع من القدم الى الحداثه وواكبت العصر و التكنولوجيا الحديثه
قبل ان تزور مصر يجب ان تسأل نفسك ماذاتريد ان ترى و تفعل فى مصر 
هل تحب التاريخ القديم ؟ فتقوم بزياره الاماكن السياحيه القديمه وما اكثرها م مصر من اكبر المتاحف المفتوحه فى العالم فهناك الاهرامات التى يزيدعددها عن المئه اشهرها الثلاثه اهرامات و الهرم المدرج فى سقاره 
هناك ايضا المعابد الفرعونيه القديمه و الاثار المفتوحه بالاقصر و اماكن اخرى وهناك ايضا المتاحف مثل المتحف المصرى و الزراعى و الصناعى و الاسلامى والقيطى وغيرها 
اما ان كنت من هواة الحضاره الحديثه و الفنون فهناك الاوبرا و المسارح و السينيمات و الحدائق القديمه مثل الحديقه اليابانيه وهى من اجمل الحدائق التى تعرض تماثيل يابانيه  وهناك ايضا حديقه الحيوان يالجيزه وهى من اكبر حدائق الحيوان بالعالم وكذلك يمكنك زياره الكثير من الجوامع و الكنائس  وكذلك قلعه صلاح الدين وقصر الجوهره و القاهره الفاطميه و المملوكيه وكثير من الاماكن
اما اذا كنت من الذين يحبون الشمس و اليحر فهناك البحر المتوسط الذى يمكنك ان تستمتع يه فى الصيف ويتمثل فى الاسكندريه و الساحل الشمالى و مدن ساحليه شماليه اخرى
اما فى الشتاء فيمكنك الاستمتاع بالبحر الاحمر وشمسه الدافئه وشواطئه الممتده وكذلك الغطس تحت مائه و ممارسه الرياضات البحريه 
هذه هى نبذه عن مايمكنك رؤيته وزيارته فى مصر  غير الشعب المضياف الصديق  

The Quote Of The Day.

You lie the loudest when you lie to yourself.

One thing you can give and still your word.

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