Showing posts with label Syria. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Syria. Show all posts

Thursday, January 12, 2012

What Do You Know About The History Of Syria ?Part 2

Let us continue the last topic of the history of Syria .

Roman Syria
Syria was Roman (Byzantine) province from 64 BC to 636 AD.In the Roman period, the great city of Antioch (called "the Athens of the east" at that time) was the capital of Syria.It was one of the largest cities in the ancient world, with a total estimated population of 500,000, as well as one of the largest centers of trade and industry.It was also one of the wealthiest and more populous provinces of the Roman Empire.
Middle aged Syrian dress

Middle aged
Omayyad Caliphate:
From 616 until 628 Syria was subjugated under the Persian Khosrau II; from 628 to 637 it was Byzantine, when the province was opened by the Muslims (after the battle of the Yarmuk in 636)  the first Omayyad caliph, chose Damascus for his residence. Syria formed the central part of the Umayyad empire.

Syria was divided into the following military districts:
  • Filistin (Palestine) :consisting of Judaea, Samaria and a portion of the territory east of Jordan; its capital was Ramleh, Jerusalem ranking next.
  • Urdunn (Jordan) :with capital in Tiberias, it consisted of the rest of Palestine as far as Tyre.
  • Damascus :which included Damascus, Baalbek, Tripoli and Beirut.
  • Hims (Homs): including Hama.
  • Kinnesrin :corresponding to northern Syria
  • Al-'Awasim :bordering upon the Byzantine dominions in Asia Minor.
During the struggles of the Islamic dynasties for the possession of Syria the country still enjoyed a considerable degree of prosperity.


كما ترون فإن سوريه كانت ممتده تقريبا من حدود تركيا شمالا و حتى حدود البحر الأحمر جنوبا و كانت تشمل الأردن و فلسطين .
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Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Tadmur, Syria تدمر السوريه

Tadmur or Palmyra  
Tadmur or Tudmur (which means "the town that repels" in Amorite and "the indomitable town" in Aramaic.
About Palmyra some believe it was related to the palm trees in the area. 

 It is recorded in Babylonian tablets found in Mari was an ancient city in Syria. In the age of antiquity, it was an important city of central Syria, located in an oasis 215 km northeast of Damascus. It had long been a vital caravan city for travellers crossing the Syrian desert and was known as the Bride of the Desert.
Though the ancient site fell into disuse after the 16th century, it is still known as Tadmor in Arabic, and there is a newer town next to the ruins of the same name. 
The Palmyrenes constructed a series of large-scale monuments containing funerary art such as limestone slabs with human busts representing the deceased.


The Culture of Palmyra 
Palmyrans were of Arab ethnicity,they bore Arabic names, and worshipped Arabic deities such as: Hubal, Ruda, Ma'nu, Allat, Baal, and Munaf. Palmyrans were originally speakers of a North Arabian dialect; then they adopted Aramaic as an official language thus becoming bilingual, but later shifted from Aramaic into Latin. In the time of the Islamic conquests Palmyra was inhabited by several Arab tribes, primarily Qada'ah and Kalb among others.

Its History 
The history of that town path through many historical eras[ periods] Here are some notes for that periods.

Ancient period   
There had been a temple at Palmyra for 2000 years before the Romans ever saw it.
Greco-Roman periods  
Palmyra was made part of the Roman province of Syria during the reign of Tiberius (14 –37 AD). It steadily grew in importance as a trade route linking Persia, India, China, and the Roman empire. 
Islamic rule  
The city was captured by the Muslim Arabs under Khalid ibn Walid in 634. Palmyra was kept intact. After the year 800 and the civil wars which followed the fall of the Umayyad caliphs, people started abandoning the city. 

Funerary art 
Outside the ancient walls, the Palmyrenes constructed a series of large-scale funerary monuments, which now form the so-called Valley of the Tombs, a 1 km long necropolis, with a series of large structures with rich decorations. These tombs, some of which were below ground, had interior walls that were cut away or constructed to form burial compartments in which the deceased, extended at full length, were placed. Limestone slabs with human busts in high relief sealed the rectangular openings of the compartments. 
إحدى أهم المدن الأثرية عالميآ لها شهرتها ومكانتها، تقع في وسط سوريا وتتبع لمحافظة حمص، هي مدينة ذات أهمية تاريخية حيث كانت عاصمة مملكة تدمر وهي اليوم مدينة سياحية. تبعد 215 كيلومتر عن مدينة دمشق إلى الشمال الشرقي منها، وتقع على بعد 150 إلى الجنوب الغربي من نهر الفرات و160 كيلومتر شرق مدينة حمص. تعرف حاليا في سوريا باسم "عروس الصحراء 
  وتدمر هي أقدم تسمية للمدينة وقد ظهرت في المخطوطات البابلية التي وجدت في مملكة ماري السورية على الفرات وتعني "بلد المقاومين" باللغة العمورية و"البلد التي لا تقهر" باللغة الآرامية السورية القديمة، ارتفع شأن المدينة بعد أن أصبحت عاصمة لمملكة من أهم ممالك الشرق مملكة تدمر ونافست روما وبسطت نفوذها على مناطق واسعة واتصفت تدمر بغناها الكبير وكانت مركزآ تجاريآ، واليوم هذة هي تدمر تتميز بأثارها الرائعة التي تدل على عظمتها وما وصلت اليه في سالف الزمان، تنتشر أثار تدمر على مساحة واسعة وتتكون من شوارع ممتدة تحيط بها ألاعمدة وبوابات ومعابد ومسرح وحانات واكرابول وتتراتيل ومساكن وقصور وخزانات ومدافن وقلعة تاريخيه 
في المدينة متحف تدمر التي يضم اثار المدينة العريقة من تماثيل مجسمات ومخطوطات ونقوش ولقى أثرية هامة وكذلك متحف التقاليد الشعبية الذي يجسد تراث البادية والحياة لسكان تدمر، ويقام في المدينة مهرجان سياحي سنوي تتفاعل فيه الانشطة الفنية بمشاركة فنانين سوريين وعرب وفرق فنية وتقام العروض والمسابقات التراثية والفلكلورية من سباقات للهجن وعرض للخيول العربية الاصيلة وغعاليات ثقافية وادبية وسهرات سياحية 

  As I was so fond of the history of that town and  Queen Zenobia  I had manipulate the photo of thebust of a palmyral woman with photoshop ,and that is   HOW TO MANIPULATE THE PHOTO ,
please visit Arts Of Photos

The Quote Of The Day.

You lie the loudest when you lie to yourself.

One thing you can give and still your word.

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